behold Bootlicking-Black's baedecker, beloving, baculum's bacterially bigoted Biden:

Ethos Logos Pathos

Senior Member
Dec 16, 2019
Check out Biden, as he basically blames Black parents for the racism which consumes America's ghettos ---when the ghettos yield children who are burden on the system: Joe Biden Doubles Down On A Racist Myth About Black Parents | HuffPost

Clearly, our society's White racism/White Privilege is not the blame, in the eyes of Joe Biden. Are you Black and supporting Biden, by bootlicking his bigotry?


Here's more from baculum's Biden ... as he tells lie about Obama Admin helping negros ---but conveniently leaves out, how Obama Admin placed White HISP over negros citizens, who fought for those Rights which HISP now enjoy in the USA:

Former vice president Joe Biden, who has been leading the polls in South Carolina by a large margin, spoke of the racial progress that occurred when he served under Obama, the first black president. He told the crowd that, with this election, “we have a chance to rip out the roots of systemic racism in this country.”

“The Bull Connors of today don’t stand in the street with fire hoses and dogs,” he said, referring to the infamous segregationist. “They wear nice suits. They wield their power rolling back rights, punishing the poor, denying access to health care and quality education and turning away refugees and asylum seekers.”

Biden added: “It’s not snarling dogs that’s part of this inflection point — it’s Donald Trump’s poisonous, divisionist politic

The problem is that the Bull Connors of Bull Connor’s day also wore suits. Bull Connor wore suits. The suit-wearers and the snarling dogs were and remain part of the same system of racial apartheid. Biden prefers a fairy-tale version of history in which racism was once solely the province of the oafish bad guys because in those days he was throwing his lot in with the suit-wearers. The “poisonous, divisionist politics” espoused by President Donald Trump are grounded in the same racism of those who decried busing during the pursuit of school integration and played nice with segregationists in the spirit of “civility” and supported measures that resulted in mass incarceration and ravaged Black and Brown communities for decades. The racial order Trump has promised to defend, Biden helped to build.

The most racist thing I saw this week was a bunch of stuff Joe Biden said.
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