Behind Trump’s Trade Deficit Obsession: Deficient Analysis


Gold Member
Apr 12, 2011


In the world according to President Trump, trade deficits are among the clearest indication that Americans have become habitual chumps in the global marketplace. The United States sells fewer goods and services than it buys from the rest of the planet, and this is supposedly evidence that Americans are getting rolled...

...Trump’s portrayal of trade deficits entails crucial departures from economic reality.

In his accounting, international trade is a zero-sum affair, as if every country were jockeying for a share of forever limited amounts of business...

...Trade is not zero-sum. Expanded trade has historically tended to support economic growth, which generates more spoils to be divvied up for all.

American factories have increased production over the years...

...China’s trade surplus with the United States, which reached $347 billion last year...

...China remains a relatively low-income country, home to hundreds of millions of people who cannot afford the more sophisticated fruits of the American economy. Though wages have risen in recent years, China’s fundamental advantage still involves making goods cheaply.


The Trump administration faces the problem that China’s high trade barriers are allowed by the World Trade Organization, because China entered the group as a developing country and insists it still is one...

...Liberalized trade has proved punishing for lower-skilled factory laborers... has proved a boon to bankers, executives and multinational corporations that harness low-wage labor in distant lands...

...American consumers have grown accustomed to low prices for clothing, shoes and other goods.

None of this action gets captured in narrow obsessions over trade deficits...

... “We have U.S. companies that are hugely profiting by having access to low-cost labor in China. Portraying that China won and we lost is 180 degrees wrong. Factory laborers are the losers.”
Portraying that China won and we lost is 180 degrees wrong. Factory laborers are the losers.”
China obviously won given that their economy has been growing 8% a year for 30 years.
Actually over the past 30 years China's GDP's grown from $0.3T to $11T (13% growth per year) while ours went from $5T to $19T --only 5% average. So going by GDP growth alone they're better than us.

imho there are other things more important than GDP growth, like maybe having twice the GDP w/ just 1/4 the population...
imho there are other things more important than GDP growth, like maybe having twice the GDP w/ just 1/4 the population...
1) I like a huge population with a million scientists looking for a cure for cancer
2) GDP is critical when you have 60 million starving to death and remainder living at subsistence
Factory laborers are the losers.”
Yes, American factory workers who were a huge part of American culture and our middle class. Liberals destroyed them with their taxes and regulations.
That's what everyone says. Actual manufacturing payroll records show about a 10% factory job increase over the past six years while audited receipts show the value of shipments have increased by a third.
Factory laborers are the losers.”
Yes, American factory workers who were a huge part of American culture and our middle class. Liberals destroyed them with their taxes and regulations.
That's what everyone says. Actual manufacturing payroll records show about a 10% factory job increase over the past six years while audited receipts show the value of shipments have increased by a third.
So???? who's talking about the last six years??
Portraying that China won and we lost is 180 degrees wrong. Factory laborers are the losers.”
China obviously won given that their economy has been growing 8% a year for 30 years.
Actually over the past 30 years China's GDP's grown from $0.3T to $11T (13% growth per year) while ours went from $5T to $19T --only 5% average. So going by GDP growth alone they're better than us.

imho there are other things more important than GDP growth, like maybe having twice the GDP w/ just 1/4 the population...
When we grow at 2% and they grow hair 8% it's a huge huge problem. Do you understand?

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