Beck: a vote for Newt is only about race


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
I'm no Beck fan, in fact it has been years since I have even heard/watched him (not that I ever listened) but this is a pretty big hit against Newt... Rush/Beck not liking you hurts, believe me as a Ron Paul fan I know what it's like to have talking heads trash your candidate... Right or wrong some people opinions carry more weight than others for many people. Sad but true.
amusing thought.........he just called the tea party racists

No, for that to happen "the tea party" would have to support Newt... Newt has some of the TP on his side and I doubt most of them are in love with Newt as much as it's just Newt just popped up in the polls because the Media wanted it...

For instance, in the ABC debate the talking heads said it's a 2 man race in Iowa over and over... Newt and Mit.... To bad Mitt polls third... meaning it would at least have to be a 3 person race in Iowa to get Mitt in.
Judge Napolitano agreed, adding that he believed Gingrich was “so polarizing… the Democrats may succeed in turning the campaign away from the President’s miserable three years in Washington.” Beck agreed, citing “the establishment in Washington clawing for power” as the reason for his rise, and adding that “he makes Mitt Romney look like a small government guy.”

This is the second time Napolitano and I agree, first on the constitutionality of the 1070 laws, and now that few, if any, democrats will vote for Gingrich – a republican still needs a good number of democratic votes to be elected president.
amusing thought.........he just called the tea party racists

No, for that to happen "the tea party" would have to support Newt... Newt has some of the TP on his side and I doubt most of them are in love with Newt as much as it's just Newt just popped up in the polls because the Media wanted it...

For instance, in the ABC debate the talking heads said it's a 2 man race in Iowa over and over... Newt and Mit.... To bad Mitt polls third... meaning it would at least have to be a 3 person race in Iowa to get Mitt in.

You're being rational. Leftwingers like Sythia and ButtBall prefer hysteria and bullshit.
If he really thinks the Tea Party people are racist, he's in BIG trouble. Hopefully he'll realize it was a mistake and apologize. Maybe someone should ask Glen Beck if he has a problem with Newt's religion? Beck is a mormon like Romney.

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