Bears emerge from hibernation asking, "Where is the global warming?"


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Like every spring, bears emerge from their long slumber to find a "WTF?" situation.:eek-52::eek-52: The snow pack is so deep in Sierra Mountains that these bears must climb tree's to spot bare area's where they can find food!!

Consensus is, the bear population are coming around to the thinking of the Trump administration that more funding is needed for skeptic scientists on college campuses to perhaps avert a coming ice age. The bears agree that would be ghey.:gay:
Like every spring, bears emerge from their long slumber to find a "WTF?" situation.:eek-52::eek-52: The snow pack is so deep in Sierra Mountains that these bears must climb tree's to spot bare area's where they can find food!!

Consensus is, the bear population are coming around to the thinking of the Trump administration that more funding is needed for skeptic scientists on college campuses to perhaps avert a coming ice age. The bears agree that would be ghey.:gay:
There are areas in the Sierra where for the first time ever they can't even record how deep the snow is. Sugar Bowl has 751" so far, and it is still coming in.
I can't wait to see my Black Bear.....he / she should be showing up any day now!

Every April she makes a pass by my house....I have no idea where she is all winter or where she goes the rest of the Spring and summer, I only know she comes by here, every single April, like clock work!

Such a Beautiful Creature!
So help me goodness, I am going to get pictures of her this year come hell or high water! I have my camera loaded, new batteries in it, and the disc card in it, waiting by the kitchen sink window, hoping to get a good shot of her!
I can't wait to see my Black Bear.....he / she should be showing up any day now!

Every April she makes a pass by my house....I have no idea where she is all winter or where she goes the rest of the Spring and summer, I only know she comes by here, every single April, like clock work!

Such a Beautiful Creature!

I have 2-3 bears that cross my backyard during the summer, but too late for me to see them.

My camera, on the other hand, does see them.
Warm winter means an early awakening for Alaska bears
  • Author: Chris Klint
  • Updated: September 28, 2016
  • Published April 8, 2016
As bears across Alaska begin to emerge from winter hibernation, Gov. Bill Walker has declared April Bear Awareness Month -- and state officials are urging residents to help keep the animals out of urban areas.

According to a Thursday statement from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, a grizzly was seen recently along Nordale Road in Fairbanks. More bear sightings farther south come amid unusually warm weather that can uncover moose carcasses during the spring thaw.

"Reports in Kodiak have included sightings of brown bear sows and yearling cubs which normally don't appear until later in the season," state officials wrote. "And in Southeast, recent warm days have skunk cabbage and other wild greens blooming, setting the stage for bears there to start moving any day."

Anchorage-based Fish and Game biologist Dave Battle said this spring's local sightings -- primarily of black bears -- have taken place in Kincaid Park, along Campbell Airstrip Road and in the Rabbit Creek area. He said Fish and Game hasn't heard of more reported sightings than in previous years but they're starting earlier this year.

"It's all been so far in greenbelt-type areas; we haven't seen any in neighborhoods or trash yet," Battle said. "Usually we'll hear one or two calls around mid-April and then it'll go silent for a little while, and then it'll get crazy in May."
Warm winter means an early awakening for Alaska bears

And, in some years, the winters are warmer than normal, and the bears come out early.

Remember, one of the primary predictions of global warming is that the weather swings will be wider and wilder, with an overall warming. And that is exactly what we are seeing.
Warm winter means an early awakening for Alaska bears
  • Author: Chris Klint
  • Updated: September 28, 2016
  • Published April 8, 2016
As bears across Alaska begin to emerge from winter hibernation, Gov. Bill Walker has declared April Bear Awareness Month -- and state officials are urging residents to help keep the animals out of urban areas.

According to a Thursday statement from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, a grizzly was seen recently along Nordale Road in Fairbanks. More bear sightings farther south come amid unusually warm weather that can uncover moose carcasses during the spring thaw.

"Reports in Kodiak have included sightings of brown bear sows and yearling cubs which normally don't appear until later in the season," state officials wrote. "And in Southeast, recent warm days have skunk cabbage and other wild greens blooming, setting the stage for bears there to start moving any day."

Anchorage-based Fish and Game biologist Dave Battle said this spring's local sightings -- primarily of black bears -- have taken place in Kincaid Park, along Campbell Airstrip Road and in the Rabbit Creek area. He said Fish and Game hasn't heard of more reported sightings than in previous years but they're starting earlier this year.

"It's all been so far in greenbelt-type areas; we haven't seen any in neighborhoods or trash yet," Battle said. "Usually we'll hear one or two calls around mid-April and then it'll go silent for a little while, and then it'll get crazy in May."
Warm winter means an early awakening for Alaska bears

And, in some years, the winters are warmer than normal, and the bears come out early.

Remember, one of the primary predictions of global warming is that the weather swings will be wider and wilder, with an overall warming. And that is exactly what we are seeing.

Well that's been the spin for years now but it has been established that there is zero link between climate change and extreme weather...........established by the NOAA as matter of fact.:bye1:

NOAA Report Destroys Global Warming Link To Extreme Weather

751 inches of snow on the ground........lets face it..........only the most radical elements of the global warming alarmist community want to go public that this is a clear sign of global warming. It is exactly stuff like this that has caused the public to completely tune out climate change as a concern in their lives.( ie: people with real responsibilities in life )
So many animal species may be destroyed by global warming but I don't think humanity will be ended like that. Because, due to irregular human population increasing, humanity may be ended poorly. Remember! If we don't find solution for that situation there'll be poverty, lack of food-resources, massacre..

If you wonder about that topic you can read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications
So many animal species may be destroyed by global warming but I don't think humanity will be ended like that. Because, due to irregular human population increasing, humanity may be ended poorly. Remember! If we don't find solution for that situation there'll be poverty, lack of food-resources, massacre..

If you wonder about that topic you can read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications

HOLY OTHER OF GOD :ack-1::ack-1:

Our end will come from one of about 4 billion reasons, none of which have to do with what that goofball Malthus theorized.:2up:
Did you click on that link he leads you straight into tin foil hat territory.
Humanity spreads all over the world just like a cancer, causes other species to go extinct, and changes the face of the earth.
And they tag that at the bottom with Google hit words like "alarming rates" and Category = science
Which trolls for exactly the right kind of freaks they target with this crap.
Humanity is a cancer on this planet and they would prefer a planet inhabited by sheep or one of these extinct species...not realizing if we would leave the retards who subscribe to this garbage to their own devices they would be the next "species" to be extinct
I`m beginning to wonder if idiots like that have the same DNA as the rest of us do or was it the dope of the sixties that produced this hippie fornication offspring which is so utterly retarded
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You must own or be promoting think and because all but a couple of your posts have included links to articles from there. Are you promoting that website?
So many animal species may be destroyed by global warming but I don't think humanity will be ended like that. Because, due to irregular human population increasing, humanity may be ended poorly. Remember! If we don't find solution for that situation there'll be poverty, lack of food-resources, massacre..

If you wonder about that topic you can read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications

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