BE HONEST: Nobody needs to eat meat and nobody needs to have a computer


VIP Member
Oct 31, 2012
or a car
or cigarettes
or alcohol
or Range Rovers
or more than 3 meals a day
or a billiards table
or guns
or etc etc etc etc etc
Your points are useless to the gun grabbers. I see your VALID point, but they wont
Just don't be surprised at what they say you shouldn't be allowed to own next. They can also tell you that you have to own something. Don't like it, put you in a cage, like a rabid animal.
oh, the drama

it must suck going through life like a scared rabbit

You are the one who votes for people that take your freedoms to grant you security, not me. What do you need security for if you're not afraid of something?

Del you are of the Jake Starkey mold, pointless to talk to.
Just don't be surprised at what they say you shouldn't be allowed to own next. They can also tell you that you have to own something. Don't like it, put you in a cage, like a rabid animal.

Yep ! They can take away certain guns. They can take anything away that they want.
They have already forced us to own Health Care Insurance and Social Security.
You can always start your own country..or move to Somalia..

Either are much more free then in the US.
You can always start your own country..or move to Somalia..

Either are much more free then in the US.

You see, I can't, not without paying a hefty government tribute. Otherwise I may get locked in the cage.

I'll have you know that nowhere is the USA ranked #1 in freedom.
or a car
or cigarettes
or alcohol
or Range Rovers
or more than 3 meals a day
or a billiards table
or guns
or etc etc etc etc etc

I can eat, or own, anything I can damned well afford to buy. If you cannot afford meat, tough. If you cannot afford technology, or wheels, or cable service...get a job and you can have that stuff, too.

Yeah but you don't need them and they can cause death. Society is better off without them bro.
or a car
or cigarettes
or alcohol
or Range Rovers
or more than 3 meals a day
or a billiards table
or guns
or etc etc etc etc etc

I can eat, or own, anything I can damned well afford to buy. If you cannot afford meat, tough. If you cannot afford technology, or wheels, or cable service...get a job and you can have that stuff, too.

Yeah but you don't need them and they can cause death. Society is better off without them bro.

And anyone who thinks the way you do is most welcome to forgo any or all of those things on your list. Fact is, you do not have the right to tell anyone else what they can, or cannot, eat or long as they can afford to do so. Society would be better off without a lot of things, many not on your list, like smug, self-important, elitist, arrogant, know-it-all, pretentious asshats who insist on telling everyone else what to do.
I can eat, or own, anything I can damned well afford to buy. If you cannot afford meat, tough. If you cannot afford technology, or wheels, or cable service...get a job and you can have that stuff, too.

Yeah but you don't need them and they can cause death. Society is better off without them bro.

And anyone who thinks the way you do is most welcome to forgo any or all of those things on your list. Fact is, you do not have the right to tell anyone else what they can, or cannot, eat or long as they can afford to do so. Society would be better off without a lot of things, many not on your list, like smug, self-important, elitist, arrogant, know-it-all, pretentious asshats who insist on telling everyone else what to do.

Okay so people can own RPGs? Nuclear weapons if they can afford them?
You can always start your own country..or move to Somalia..

Either are much more free then in the US.

So your argument is that you're more free here than in Somalia?

That's not exactly convincing.

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