Batman (Year One): TrumpUSA Irony


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA film-synopsis parody inspired by Wag the Dog.

Political cartoons seem more fun during the reign of 'capitalism-barons.'


Apple-Jack and Theodore-Timmy were polar opposites in modern-day NYC, which was known as 'Gotham.' AJ and TT decided to become vigilantes, but donned very different identities. AJ became a Leatherface (fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal protagonist from Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film franchise) copycat, while TT became a masked crime-fighting urban prowler named Batman. Batman/Leatherface were 'unleashed' onto the modern city streets...of Gotham. Josh Hartnett portrays Leatherface and James Franco portrays Batman. This is Darren Aronofsky's most ambitious date.


Americans were revelling in the frivolity of new age culture --- fast-food, hotels, nightlife-cities, commerce and Wall Street, culture-bridges created by consumerism, luxury sensory resorts and casinos, and Planet Hollywood. Batman/Leatherface were the totem of complete anarchy meditation. They were to dismantle the everyday sensibilities of 'assumed ethics/civics' in the modern world. Batman dismantled the mafia in Atlantic City, while Leatherface stalked corrupt cops in Gotham drinking on the job. Aronofsky hired Danny Elfman to comprise the score for this idealized comics-adapted modernism urban-crime paranoia film.


A cast of other characters completes this unusual picture of drama, some welcomed, and some definitely not, transforming humanity's own sense of moral superiority. Each character represents a face/figment of modern civilization. Straying away from the fantasia-themes of Victor Fleming, the over-indulgent intellectualism of Stanley Kubrick, the dizzying circus of Quentin Tarantino, and the street-bravado tones of Brett Ratner, Aronofsky chooses to construct a picture of urbanization-paranoia based as much on 'human aesthetics' as it is based on 'psychological warfare.' However, Aronofsky humbly admits his work is inspired by the approach to social consciousness by Alan J. Pakula (despite the contrast in the themes the respective film-makers pursue). Pakula is known for Sophie's Choice and The Devil's Own.


AJ (Apple-Jack) and TT (Theodore-Timmy) were officially their alter egos. AJ (aka, 'Leatherface') wanted to be remembered as a more menacing rendition of media-shocking OJ Simpson. TT (aka, 'Batman') wanted to be remembered as the answer to modernism pedestrian-traffic claustrophobia-catalysed misanthropia. Yes, Batman/Leatherface were the twin-towers of new age social chatter and gibberish, and they would hopefully be remembered as a cop and a thief rather than a crusader and a fascist/psycho. After all, consumerism traffic requires more than anything objective control (e.g., FDA) of 'cholesterol-culture'.


After discussing this idea earlier in his career, hoping to cast Guy Pearce (Ravenous) as Batman and Robin Williams (Dead Poet's Society) as the Riddler, Aronofsky dropped the plan and never put the right pieces together. However, with this revamped TrumpUSA-consciousness oriented urbanization/modernism dystopia film, Aronofsky hopes to resurrect his artistic message the crime-storytelling is both pensive and disturbing (and therefore an intellectual-pursuit). Aronofsky will introduce his film at Cannes(!). President Trump is apparently attending the film-festival with his wife (First Lady Melania Trump). Melania is a big fan of the Comparative Literature Department at Yale University (which offers a course on the 'psychology of modern storytelling').




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