Barack Obama - unfit for President, and the catalyst of a world of human wreckage.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
We are not at the tipping point in the middle east, we are now past it; this election has now come down to the survival of this nation. The British media has proven that Barack Obama had knowledge of the coming attacks on our embassies 48 hours priot to when they happened. What more needs to be said except that Hillary Clinton was indeed correct in her ad against Barack Obama:

"It's 3 a.m., and your children are safe and asleep. But there's a phone in the White House, and it's ringing and something's happening in the world. Your vote will decide who answers that call."

Barack Obama is a foreign policy disaster, we could be on the brink of a world war, and all due to the profound ineptitude of the village idiot, Barack Hussein Obama. If Obama had any clue as to what he was doing, he would have acted upon the 48 hours of already knowing information, but instead he did nothing, innocent loyal Americans died due to his idiocy and the U.S. is laughed at and mocked as opposed to being respected...and yes...feared.

While the British media is getting the facts out, our modern day version of Pravda, our modern day version of Joseph Goebbels...known as the media in this country(aka the Democrat Party's SuperPacs) are circling the wagons to defend Obama. You know, to even compare our disgrace for a media to Pravda or Joseph Goebbels is a disgrace to these two, because at least Pravda and Joseph Goebbels served as propagandists for dictators who were out to make their nations world powers with powerful military forces. The propagandists in our media are in the tank for a dictator Obama who is out to destroy our nation and our military and sink us into third world nation status. This treasonist media is more infatuated with villifying Mitt Romney, who wants a strong America, than they are condemning and villifying the perpetrators of these attacks on our embassies. But hey, the end justifies the means, and if you want to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs.

The media is trying to blame a supposed documentary for these attacks, a documentary hardly anyone has ever seen, a documentary that was spread about by second rate community organizers in an effort to organize these attacks. And no, these attacks were not spontaneous, but well planned, too bad not enough people read what foreign media sources. Now, had Barack Obama been a Republican, our media would be all over the 48 hours prior notice debacle, and went with it relentlessly...but Obama is a Democrat and it is the media's job to protect and defend Democrats. The mere fact that our disgrace for a media is more interested in underming Mitt Romney, as caught on hot mic, as opposed to focusing on the facts and heinous acts committed upon our embassies, the now ever growing threats to our nations security, just goes to prove our media is not even worthy of having the word pathetic to define it.

We have people in the Obama dictatorships regime who are apoligizing for a supposedly offensive documentary. Well, alot of good that has done, as the threats are multiplying instead of reducing.

In the attacks on our embassy in Libya, not only were lives lost, but future lives will be lost as well. Highly classified information was stolen, the names of Libyans who were working with the USA have been stolen, and now those peoples lives are in jeapordy. The future ramifications of the highly classified information into enemy hands is unknown, but needless to say, they are not gonna be good. For the first time since 1979, we have had an ambassador murdered and in the most horrific of ways...all under the dumbest president the USA has ever had.

The Obama regimes reps had the audacity to say things such as, people in other countries can't understand why we can't ban these kinds of films. Thoughts like that are not only subversive, but they are treasonist as well as alarming, all in a slight underhanded way to undermine and erode 1st amendment rights.

Nobody is afraid of Obama, except for Americans, due to his war on America as opposed to a war on our real enemies. The attacks and threats to our nation are spreading, and spreading fast. They have nothing to fear in Obama. You see, they saw his response to their attacks, they saw that he looked like a reluctant, scared sheep speaking with no conviction, courage, passion or anger.

It's 3 a.m., and your children are safe and asleep. But there's a phone in the White House, and it's ringing and something really bad is happening in the world - Barack Obama has picked up the phone, only drop it on the floor in a drunken and cocaine induced stupor.
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Chicken Little Foxbots!! Protests are winding down about your whacko fundie a-holes- will probably be a turning point in getting radicals under control under control in Libya, which is crazy about the USA at the moment.
The idiot liberal Dumbocrats are panic-stricken about the truths you just posted.

Obama got his ass handed to him in the November 2010 elections and nothing has changed since then. He is going to get his ass handed to him in November 2012, and no amount of wishing from the USMB Dumbocrats is going to change that.

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