Barack Obama: Anticolonialist or Neo-Communist?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Barack Obama: Anticolonialist or Neo-Communist?

By Victor Volsky

Kudos to Dinesh D'Souza. He's made a much-needed splash with his brilliant film 2016: Obama's America, now the second-highest-grossing political documentary of all time. D'Souza has developed a plausible theory to explain the original wellsprings of Barack Obama's worldview and amassed plenty of supporting evidence. For people who have been totally at the mercy of the liberal propaganda machine, aka mainstream media, his film is an earth-shattering revelation. But even those few who have been aware of Obama's antecedents can't fail to be profoundly impressed. Mr. D'Souza, an immigrant from India, is a true American patriot who has done an extremely valuable service to his adopted country.

That said, I have to disagree with the basic premise of the documentary, which is that the centerpiece of Barack Obama's worldview is anti-colonialism inherited from his Kenyan father and that his disastrous foreign policy can be fully explained in terms of colonials' rage against their former masters. While acknowledging the cogency and consistency of D'Souza's theory, I think an equally strong case can be made that the worldview and policies of the 44th president of the United States have a different provenance much closer to home -- that they are animated by a neo-communist ideology with a liberal admixture of black nationalism.

From early childhood, Obama was raised in an intensely anti-American environment. His anthropologist mother hated her country with a passion -- so much so that when her second husband, Indonesian Lolo Soetoro, lost some of his anti-American zeal, she sent her son to Hawaii to save him from his stepfather's pernicious influence and instructed her father to enlist his friend, Frank Marshall Davis, in the cause of mentoring young Barack. Davis, a card-carrying communist of a rabid Stalinist variety but also a black nationalist, did his job remarkably well, infusing his ward with a Marxist-cum-black separatist worldview.

In college, Obama blended eagerly into the far-left scene, as he freely attests in his autobiography, Dreams from My Father (page 101, emphasis added): "To avoid being mistaken for a sell-out, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structured feminists and punk-rock performance poets[.] ... We were alienated." It is a nearly complete catechism of a callow revolutionary.


But what about Obama's colorful official biography? I believe that it is a contrivance created to further his political ambitions and make him look more interesting. Why else would his literary agent, Acton & Dystel, advertize him as a Kenyan-born author from 1991 until that time in 2007 when he began preparing for a presidential run and needed to sanitize his biography and tone down its foreign elements? As a twofer, a black and an African, he was doubly appealing to the romantic leftists who willingly climbed into bed with this con man artfully playing them for suckers. But once he set his sights on the presidency, it was time to discard his old multicultural skin as a cosmopolitan bestriding continents and emerge as a homespun politician of the neo-communist persuasion.

Read more: Articles: Barack Obama: Anticolonialist or Neo-Communist?
Obama and Marx’s Ten-Point Platform (Part I)

July 31, 2013 By Mark Hendrickson


It can be startling to realize how much of Karl Marx’s ten-point platform to socialize an economy (set forth in Chapter Two of “The Communist Manifesto”) has been implemented in the United States. I even wrote a book about it in 1987.[1] Never before Barack Obama’s presidency, however, has a president pushed so assiduously to advance all ten points in Marx’s plan. Is it just a coincidence that Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a card-carrying Communist and that Obama gravitated toward radicals such as alleged Cuban agent of influence Bill Ayers? Or, as the following synopsis shows, is Obama’s economic agenda is actually Marxist?

This cursory examination of Obama’s Marxian policies will be presented in two parts. The first part below will cover Marx’s first five points, and Part Two will review the second five points. The two planks in Marx’s platform that pose the greatest threat today are Numbers Five and Ten, so I will cover those in greater detail.

Here is a brief summary, with Marx’s wording being edited for simplicity’s sake:

#1. State control of territory.

#2. Progressive income taxes.

#3. Abolition of inheritance.

#4. Confiscation of the property of emigrants and rebels.

#5. Centralization of the country’s financial system in the hands of the state.


Lest you think Barack Obama wouldn’t use the powers of the CFPB to promote his own agenda, he couldn’t even wait until the director of CFPB, Richard Cordray, was duly confirmed (which the Senate finally did earlier this month) before the abuses started. As reported by Paul Sperry in Investor’s Business Daily on July 3, the Obama administration already was using the CFPB to “compil(e) a massive database of personal information” about “your bill-paying and spending habits.”[5] In the context of a presidential administration that already has given ominous indications of being of the Big Brother type (e.g., NSA and IRS data collection) it seems that the Obama administration is moving in the direction not only of total financial control over financial institutions, but over all of us as individuals, too.

[To be continued in Part Two]

Obama and Marx?s Ten-Point Platform (Part I) | FrontPage Magazine
Obama and Marx’s Ten-Point Platform (Part II)

August 1, 2013 By Mark Hendrickson


Having gone over, in Part One, how far President Obama has gone to implement the first five of Marx’s ten points for how to convert a society to socialism, let’s pick up the narrative by reviewing the other five points.

#6. State control of means of communication and transportation.

#7. Increase state control over means of production.

#8 Establishment of workers’ armies.

#9. Control over where people live.

#10. Education for all children in public (i.e, governmentally controlled) schools.


You can imagine the mischief to which such data-mining could be put—a “brave new world” in which the government uses the data collected in schools to single out “right thinkers” for the fast track to the best schools and key government positions, and putting dissidents from the desired orthodoxy on black lists. You can see the totalitarian potential of such data mining performed under the pretext of “education.” Surely Comrade Marx would commend Barack Obama for his diligent efforts in the field of education.

The bottom line in all of this is that if Barack Obama is not an economic Marxist at heart, he is doing a superb imitation of one. The fact that he enjoys such unflagging support for his agenda from a significant part of the population shows just how far our country has gone in forsaking our founding principles for the siren song of socialism.

Obama and Marx?s Ten-Point Platform (Part II) | FrontPage Magazine
Thank God for copy/paste. Without it A_J would have to develop an original thought.
American_Jihad .......... you don't need to call him a Negro - Communist, if you want to call names you can leave the Negro out, I can see you are not feeling the white guilt.
Barack Obama: Anticolonialist or Neo-Communist?

Wow, that's an impressive array of adjectives and adverbs to describe just one man, point of order though; your article fails to mention that in addition to all those things, he also likes to kick puppies, steal candy from the mouths of babes and has been reportedly seen making unwanted sexual advances toward Santa Claus.
Barack Obama: Anticolonialist or Neo-Communist?

Wow, that's an impressive array of adjectives and adverbs to describe just one man, point of order though; your article fails to mention that in addition to all those things, he also likes to kick puppies, steal candy from the mouths of babes and has been reportedly seen making unwanted sexual advances toward Santa Claus.

I KNEW there was something about that jerk off that I didn't like......
Barack Obama: Anticolonialist or Neo-Communist?

By Victor Volsky

Kudos to Dinesh D'Souza. He's made a much-needed splash with his brilliant film 2016: Obama's America, now the second-highest-grossing political documentary of all time. D'Souza has developed a plausible theory to explain the original wellsprings of Barack Obama's worldview and amassed plenty of supporting evidence. For people who have been totally at the mercy of the liberal propaganda machine, aka mainstream media, his film is an earth-shattering revelation. But even those few who have been aware of Obama's antecedents can't fail to be profoundly impressed. Mr. D'Souza, an immigrant from India, is a true American patriot who has done an extremely valuable service to his adopted country.

That said, I have to disagree with the basic premise of the documentary, which is that the centerpiece of Barack Obama's worldview is anti-colonialism inherited from his Kenyan father and that his disastrous foreign policy can be fully explained in terms of colonials' rage against their former masters. While acknowledging the cogency and consistency of D'Souza's theory, I think an equally strong case can be made that the worldview and policies of the 44th president of the United States have a different provenance much closer to home -- that they are animated by a neo-communist ideology with a liberal admixture of black nationalism.

From early childhood, Obama was raised in an intensely anti-American environment. His anthropologist mother hated her country with a passion -- so much so that when her second husband, Indonesian Lolo Soetoro, lost some of his anti-American zeal, she sent her son to Hawaii to save him from his stepfather's pernicious influence and instructed her father to enlist his friend, Frank Marshall Davis, in the cause of mentoring young Barack. Davis, a card-carrying communist of a rabid Stalinist variety but also a black nationalist, did his job remarkably well, infusing his ward with a Marxist-cum-black separatist worldview.

In college, Obama blended eagerly into the far-left scene, as he freely attests in his autobiography, Dreams from My Father (page 101, emphasis added): "To avoid being mistaken for a sell-out, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structured feminists and punk-rock performance poets[.] ... We were alienated." It is a nearly complete catechism of a callow revolutionary.


But what about Obama's colorful official biography? I believe that it is a contrivance created to further his political ambitions and make him look more interesting. Why else would his literary agent, Acton & Dystel, advertize him as a Kenyan-born author from 1991 until that time in 2007 when he began preparing for a presidential run and needed to sanitize his biography and tone down its foreign elements? As a twofer, a black and an African, he was doubly appealing to the romantic leftists who willingly climbed into bed with this con man artfully playing them for suckers. But once he set his sights on the presidency, it was time to discard his old multicultural skin as a cosmopolitan bestriding continents and emerge as a homespun politician of the neo-communist persuasion.

Read more: Articles: Barack Obama: Anticolonialist or Neo-Communist?

Simply call him Mr. President and be done with it.
Any one of these 'coincidences' when taken singularly appear to not mean much, but when taken as a whole, a computer would blow a main circuit if you asked it to calculate the odds that they have occurred by chance alone. Sit back, get a favorite beverage, and then read and ponder the Obama-related 'coincidences' ... then super-impose the bigger picture of most recent events i.e. Fast and furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal and the NSA revelations ... then pray for our country.

Obama just happened to know 60's far-left radical revolutionary William Ayers, whose father just happened to be Thomas Ayers, who just happened to be a close friend of Obama’s communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis, who just happened to work at the communist-sympathizing Chicago Defender with Vernon Jarrett, who just happened to later become the father-in-law of Iranian-born leftist Valerie Jarrett, who Obama just happened to choose as his closest White House advisor, and who just happened to have been CEO of Habitat Company, which just happened to manage public housing in Chicago, which just happened to get millions of dollars from the Illinois state legislature, and which just happened not to properly maintain the housing—which eventually just happened to require demolition.

Valerie Jarrett also just happened to work for the city of Chicago, and just happened to hire Michelle LaVaughan Robinson (later Mrs.Obama), who just happened to have worked at the Sidley Austin law firm, where former fugitive from the FBI Bernardine Dohrn also just happened to work, and where Barack Obama just happened to get a summer job.

Bernardine Dohrn just happened to be married to William Ayers, with whom she just happened to have hidden from the FBI at a San Francisco marina, along with Donald Warden, who just happened to change his name to Khalid al-Mansour, and Warden/al-Mansour just happened to be a mentor of Black Panther Party founders Huey Newton and Bobby Seale and a close associate of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and al-Mansour just happened to be financial adviser to a Saudi Prince, who just happened to donate cash to Harvard, for which Obama just happened to get a critical letter of recommendation from Percy Sutton, who just happened to have been the attorney for Malcolm X, who just happened to know Kenyan politician Tom Mboya, who just happened to be a close friend of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., who just happened to meet Malcolm X when he traveled to Kenya.

Obama, Sr. just happened to have his education at the University of Hawaii paid for by the Laubach Literacy Institute, which just happened to have been supported byElizabeth Mooney Kirk, who just happened to be a friend of Malcolm X, who just happenedto have been associated with the Nation of Islam, which was later headed by Louis Farrakhan, who just happens to live very close to Obama’s Chicago mansion, which also just happens to be located very close to the residence of William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who just happen to have been occasional baby-sitters for Malia and Natasha Obama, whose parents just happenedto have no concern exposing their daughters to bomb-making communists.

After attending Occidental College and Columbia University, where he just happened to have foreign Muslim roommates, Obama moved to Chicago to work for the Industrial Areas Foundation, an organization that just happened to have been founded by Marxist and radical agitator Saul “the Red” Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, who just happened to be the topic of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s thesis at Wellesley College, and Obama’s $25,000 salary at IAF just happenedto be funded by a grant from the Woods Fund, which was founded by the Woods family, whose Sahara Coal companyjust happened to provide coal to Commonwealth Edison, whose CEO just happened to be Thomas Ayers, whose son William Ayers just happened to serve on the board of the Woods Fund, along with Obama.

Obama also worked on voter registration drives in Chicago in the 1980s and just happened to work with leftist political groups like the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Socialist International (SI), through which Obama met Carl Davidson, who just happened to travel to Cuba during the Vietnam War to sabotage the U.S. war effort, and who just happened to be a former member of the SDS and a member of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, which just happened to sponsor a 2002 anti-war rally at which Obama spoke, and which just happened to have been organized by Marilyn Katz, a former SDS activist and later public relations consultant who just happened to be a long-time friend of Obama’s political hatchet man, David Axelrod.

Obama joined Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC), whose pastor was Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a fiery orator who just happened to preach Marxism and Black Liberation Theology and who delivered anti-white, anti-Jew, and anti-American sermons, which Obama just happened never to hear because he just happened to miss church only on the days when Wright was at his “most enthusiastic,” and Obama just happened never to notice that Oprah Winfrey left the church because it was too radical, and just happenednever to notice that the church gave the vile anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan a lifetime achievement award.

Although no one had ever heard of him at the time, Obama just happened to receive an impossible-to-believe $125,000 advance to write a book about race relations, which he just happened to fail to write while using the cash to vacation in Bali with his wife Michelle, and despite his record of non-writing he just happened to receive a second advance, for $40,000, from another publisher, and he eventually completed a manuscript called Dreams From My Father, which just happened to strongly reflect the writing style of William Ayers, who just happened to trample on an American flag for the cover photograph of the popular Chicago magazine, which Obama just happened never to see even though it appeared on newsstands throughout the city.

Obama was hired by the law firm Miner, Banhill and Galland, which just happened to specialize in negotiating state government contracts to develop low-income housing, and which just happened to deal with now-imprisoned Tony Rezko and his firm Rezar, and with slumlord Valerie Jarrett, and the law firm’s Judson Miner just happened to have been a classmate of Bernardine Dohrn, wife of William Ayers.
In 1994 Obama represented ACORN and another plaintiff in a lawsuit against Citibank for denying mortgages to blacks(Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Federal Savings Bank), and the lawsuit just happened to result in banks being blackmailed into approving subprime loans for poor credit risks, a trend which just happened to spread nationwide, and which just happened to lead to the collapse of the housing bubble, which just happened to help Obama defeat John McCain in the 2008 presidential election.

In 1996 Obama ran for the Illinois State Senate and joined the “New Party,” which just happened to promote Marxism, and Obama was supported by Dr. Quentin Yong, a socialist who just happened to support a government takeover of the health care system.

In late 1999 Obama purportedly engaged in homosexual activities and cocaine-snorting in the back of a limousine with a man named Larry Sinclair, who claims he was contacted in late 2007 by Donald Young, who just happenedto be the gay choir director of Obama’s Chicago church and who shared information with Sinclair about Obama, and Young just happened to be murdered on December 23, 2007, just weeks after Larry Bland, another gay member of the church, just happened to be murdered, and both murdersjust happened to have never been solved. In 2008 Sinclair held a press conference to discuss his claims, and just happened to be arrested immediately after the event, based on a warrant issued by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, who just happens to be the son of Joe Biden.

In 2003 Obama and his wife attended a dinner in honor of Rashid Khalidi, who just happened to be a former PLO operative, harsh critic of Israel, and advocate of Palestinian rights, and who Obama claims he does not know, even though the Obamas just happened to have dined more than once at the home of Khalidi and his wife, Mona, and just happened to have used them as occasional baby-sitters. Obama reportedly praised Khalidi at the decidedly anti-Semitic event, which William Ayers just happened to also attend, and the event Obama pretends he never attended was sponsored by the Arab American Action Network, to which Obama just happened to have funneled cash while serving on the board of the Woods Fund with William Ayers, and one speaker at the dinner remarked that if Palestinians cannot secure a return of their land, Israel “will never see a day of peace,” and entertainment at the dinner included a Muslim children’s dance whose performances just happened to include simulated beheadings with fake swords, and stomping on American, Israeli, and British flags, and Obama allegedly told the audience that “Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine” and there has been “genocide against the Palestinian people by (the) Israelis,” and the Los Angeles Times has a videotape of the event but just happensto refuse to make it public.

In the 2004 Illinois Democrat primary race for the U.S. Senate, front-runner Blair Hull just happened to be forced out of the race after David Axelrod just happened to manage to get Hull’s sealed divorce records unsealed, which just happened to enable Obama to win the primary, so he could face popular Republican Jack Ryan, whose sealed child custody records from his divorce just happened to become unsealed, forcing Ryan to withdraw from the race, which just happened to enable the unqualified Obama to waltz into the U.S. Senate, where, after a mere 143 days of work, he just happened to decide he was qualified to run for President of the United States.
The film is great and right on spot. But it is a year old
Obama's mentor, Frank Marshal Davis (A self described "Super Sexual") was a Marxist so...
it would be a stretch to refer to Obama as full blown Marxist or a Muslim

but there are other traits that Obama has revealed throughout his rise to national prominence

1. socialist: that is clear in his programs most notably ACA

2. ideologue: refuses to compromise and refers to those that oppose him as "obstructionists"

3. black nationalism: sat in a black separatist church, has made numerous condescending comments about white people, has injected himself in race related incidents and always comes down on one side of the fence

Obama is clearly a black nationalist and a socialist whose vision for America is far to the left of center.

Fortunately for those that do not share his ideas, there is a system of checks and balances.
Frank Marshall Davis wasn't just his mentor.....

He was his biological Father



If you substituted the Stuttering Clusterfukk's childhood for that of a serial killer, it would make more sense
Frank Marshall Davis wasn't just his mentor.....

He was his biological Father



If you substituted the Stuttering Clusterfukk's childhood for that of a serial killer, it would make more sense

You know, I never really thought about it much....but now, comparing the side by sides.....I tend to believe that there was a "midnight visitor" in the home....
[ame=]Barack Obama Exposed - His Real Father Is Frank Marshall Davis - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Speech that got Breitbart assassinated by Obama (NDAA) - YouTube[/ame]

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