Ban On Homosexual Blood Remains In Place


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Gay and bisexual men may feel "a loss of dignity, a feeling of marginalization, a sense of disappointment, and a sense of injustice," especially given their history of discrimination, Aitken wrote.

However that's not the same as asking the people who need blood to survive or thrive to accept lower standards when an adequate supply could be provided more safely.

Ban on blood from gays, bisexuals upheld | Canada | News | Toronto Sun
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Hey, would any of you pro homo marrige people take some homo blood too?
Hey, would any of you pro homo marrige people take some homo blood too?

Knowing that it is screened and filtered and death being the alternative..

Would you rather die or recieve blood from a homosexual??

In your case, being homophobic can be deadly.. Besides, you do know that they check every donation and screen it for Hep C and Hep B, as well as HIV.. No I guess you didn't know that.. Had you known that you wouldn't have started this thread or asked such a stupid question..
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You are also excluded for illegal drug use or having sex with a prostitute. Its all a matter of how much risk is acceptable.
Hey, would any of you pro homo marrige people take some homo blood too?


I'm a nurse, and my answer is a resounding YES!

As stated by other posters, blood is SCREENED for transmittable diseases,

and it isn't like heterosexual folks could Never get those diseases, because it's a proven fact that they can and do.

THAT is a slap in the face to homosexuals,

a put down not based on ANY scientific facts,

and a despicable way to treat ANY demographic.

Canada does this?

Rah, Rah, National Healthcare.


Have I misunderstood?

Do they NOT screen, BEFORE accepting donations?!?

Down here in the USA, it is a matter of POLICY that EVERY donor is screened prior to EACH donation.

Even if it's that they think that someone might have become infected, like, Last Night,

it could happen to ANYONE.

For real.

Hey, would any of you pro homo marrige people take some homo blood too?


I'm a nurse, and my answer is a resounding YES!

As stated by other posters, blood is SCREENED for transmittable diseases,

and it isn't like heterosexual folks could Never get those diseases, because it's a proven fact that they can and do.

THAT is a slap in the face to homosexuals,

a put down not based on ANY scientific facts,

and a despicable way to treat ANY demographic.

Canada does this?

Rah, Rah, National Healthcare.


Even testing HIV antigens rather than antibodies leaves a two week window for an infected donor to be undetectable. Gay men have Hiv infection rates that are orders of magnitude higher than low risk donors. How much risk is acceptable to make gays feel better about themselves?
Which is stupid, because of the screening process. Plus heterosexuals can be just as much of a risk as gay people.
Hey, would any of you pro homo marrige people take some homo blood too?


I'm a nurse, and my answer is a resounding YES!

As stated by other posters, blood is SCREENED for transmittable diseases,

and it isn't like heterosexual folks could Never get those diseases, because it's a proven fact that they can and do.

THAT is a slap in the face to homosexuals,

a put down not based on ANY scientific facts,

and a despicable way to treat ANY demographic.

Canada does this?

Rah, Rah, National Healthcare.


Even with screening and irradiation there is no way to ensure 100% safety in the blood supply and there is hep C that is transmitted for every several hundred thousand units transfused (if I recall correctly).

It's just a risk that goes with a medical procedure.

The screening process should remain intact to lower the risk. How that turns into a referendum on gay marriage I'll never know (as this is frequently what happens).
Hey, would any of you pro homo marrige people take some homo blood too?


I'm a nurse, and my answer is a resounding YES!

As stated by other posters, blood is SCREENED for transmittable diseases,

and it isn't like heterosexual folks could Never get those diseases, because it's a proven fact that they can and do.

THAT is a slap in the face to homosexuals,

a put down not based on ANY scientific facts,

and a despicable way to treat ANY demographic.

Canada does this?

Rah, Rah, National Healthcare.


I'm surprised that with your training, you forgot that in the very early stage of infection with the HIV virus, the host will not have produced the antigen which is identifiable through testing.

The homosexual lifestyle is just statistically riskier because HIV is more prevalent in that demographic. It's not an equal rights issue.
Hey, would any of you pro homo marrige people take some homo blood too?


I'm a nurse, and my answer is a resounding YES!

As stated by other posters, blood is SCREENED for transmittable diseases,

and it isn't like heterosexual folks could Never get those diseases, because it's a proven fact that they can and do.

THAT is a slap in the face to homosexuals,

a put down not based on ANY scientific facts,

and a despicable way to treat ANY demographic.

Canada does this?

Rah, Rah, National Healthcare.


Even with screening and irradiation there is no way to ensure 100% safety in the blood supply and there is hep C that is transmitted for every several hundred thousand units transfused (if I recall correctly).

It's just a risk that goes with a medical procedure.

The screening process should remain intact to lower the risk. How that turns into a referendum on gay marriage I'll never know (as this is frequently what happens).
Hep C, as a rule, is not sexually transmitted. It is overwhelmingly transmitted blood to blood, such as in needle sharing.

Hep B, on the other hand, is a sexually transmitted disease.

I'm a nurse, and my answer is a resounding YES!

As stated by other posters, blood is SCREENED for transmittable diseases,

and it isn't like heterosexual folks could Never get those diseases, because it's a proven fact that they can and do.

THAT is a slap in the face to homosexuals,

a put down not based on ANY scientific facts,

and a despicable way to treat ANY demographic.

Canada does this?

Rah, Rah, National Healthcare.


Even with screening and irradiation there is no way to ensure 100% safety in the blood supply and there is hep C that is transmitted for every several hundred thousand units transfused (if I recall correctly).

It's just a risk that goes with a medical procedure.

The screening process should remain intact to lower the risk. How that turns into a referendum on gay marriage I'll never know (as this is frequently what happens).
Hep C, as a rule, is not sexually transmitted. It is overwhelmingly transmitted blood to blood, such as in needle sharing.

Hep B, on the other hand, is a sexually transmitted disease.

Hep C is certainly sexually transmitted. I've got a patient I follow that got it from her husband who would disagree with you. It's easier to get with needles, but you can get it through sex too.
Why not just let the fudge packers give each other blood?

Since they already exchange body fluid with each other anyway.

That way normal people don't have take a risk of being infected by homo tainted blood.
It doesn't make good sense because how does anyone KNOW who is or is not gay, for crying out loud?

And if we want to discuss High Risk groups, Health Care workers MUST be at the absolute TOP of that list,

so what, now? Are they going to BAN doctors and nurses from physically interacting with patients for fear of disease transmission?

Gay and bisexual men may feel "a loss of dignity, a feeling of marginalization, a sense of disappointment, and a sense of injustice," especially given their history of discrimination, Aitken wrote.

However that's not the same as asking the people who need blood to survive or thrive to accept lower standards when an adequate supply could be provided more safely.

Ban on blood from gays, bisexuals upheld | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

Do they have a test to see if someone is really a homosexual?

Btw....I can't give blood because of the time I was stationed in Germany back in the 80s. My dignity is deeply hurt. I feel marginalized.
Even with screening and irradiation there is no way to ensure 100% safety in the blood supply and there is hep C that is transmitted for every several hundred thousand units transfused (if I recall correctly).

It's just a risk that goes with a medical procedure.

The screening process should remain intact to lower the risk. How that turns into a referendum on gay marriage I'll never know (as this is frequently what happens).
Hep C, as a rule, is not sexually transmitted. It is overwhelmingly transmitted blood to blood, such as in needle sharing.

Hep B, on the other hand, is a sexually transmitted disease.

Hep C is certainly sexually transmitted. I've got a patient I follow that got it from her husband who would disagree with you. It's easier to get with needles, but you can get it through sex too.

I said "as a rule". Yes, it can be transmitted through sexual contact, especially risky activities, such as anal intercourse.
Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis C | Hepatitis Central News, Updates and Commentary


The importance of sexual transmission in the epidemiology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is still controversial. To assess the risk of heterosexual HCV transmission, we examined eighty patients with chronic HCV-associated liver disease and their spouses in a cross-sectional clinical and serological cohort study. Serum samples from index patients and their spouses were assayed for HCV antibodies and HCV RNA. In the couples positive for both, further HCV genotyping was done. A questionnaire addressing points such as additional risk factors for HCV infection, sexual behaviour or duration of partnership was completed by all couples. HCV antibodies were detected in four (5%) spouses, of whom three (4%) were also positive for HCV-RNA. HCV genotyping revealed concordance (genotype 1) in two couples, indicating a risk of interspousal HCV transmission of 2.5%. Spouses of patients with HCV viraemia and chronic liver disease have a low risk for acquiring HCV. Even long-term spouses seem not to be at increased risk. We therefore suggest that the risk of HCV transmission between monogamous sex partners does not depend on the duration of sexual exposure.
Our study finds no convincing evidence for the heterosexual transmission of hepatitis C. The HCV seroprevalence in spouses of patients with chronic HCV infection and viremia is 5%. Sexual transmission, however, appears possible in only 2.5%, due to the results of HCV genotyping. The real risk of interspousal transmission may even be half that (1.25%) when excluding spouses with concordant but additional independent risk factors for HCV infection.
Hep C is certainly sexually transmitted. I've got a patient I follow that got it from her husband who would disagree with you. It's easier to get with needles, but you can get it through sex too.

For EVERYONE's Edification:

Hep C is transmitted via LIVE BLOOD,

which means the carrier must be Actively Bleeding and the receiver must have an open wound in order to get it.

Some of the BEST ways to get it are to:

share a straw with another drug snorter;

share needles;

get tainted blood from a transfusion;

get tainted blood on an open wound;

get a tattoo at a shady parlour;

or, in rare instances, by sexual transmission.

Blood-to-blood contact during sexual activity between an infected and uninfected partner. (In this context, menstrual blood should be treated as any other kind of blood.) The risk of transmission during sex is not precisely known but is thought to be quite low. The risk of transmission is less than 3% for partners of hepatitis C infected persons involved in a monogamous relationship.

For more info: How People Get Hepatitis C
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I wouldn't take it because I'm afraid it would turn me into a pedophile.
You have a point, most pedophiles are homosexual.

Why are people more concerned about homosexual marrige then homosexuals dirty blood?

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