Ban CARBONated Drinks to save the world.


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
It might be a small step but we can all make this sacrifice for the good of mother earth. It's a luxury that we can no longer afford. Stop wanton carbonation !
It might be a small step but we can all make this sacrifice for the good of mother earth. It's a luxury that we can no longer afford. Stop wanton carbonation !

To save on advertising costs for this campaign, why not pool resources between
advocates for "banning sugary drinks" as dangerous
and lobbyists for "legalizing marijuana" as safe.

Why not advertise that at the same time, and save money!
It might be a small step but we can all make this sacrifice for the good of mother earth. It's a luxury that we can no longer afford. Stop wanton carbonation !

A nice gesture, bub. But if we really want to solve the problem, we need to do a mass extermination of All CARBON Based Life Forms.
It might be a small step but we can all make this sacrifice for the good of mother earth. It's a luxury that we can no longer afford. Stop wanton carbonation !

A nice gesture, bub. But if we really want to solve the problem, we need to do a mass extermination of All CARBON Based Life Forms.

We have to start small and get people used to the idea. Graphite is carbon too. We have to outlaw the burning of pencils. Shouldn't even make em, really.
Ban carbonated beverages?! Then what will republicans drink after their cake?!!!

What would make cow farts out of that? The powdered milk in the hot chocolate?

D'ya know what butterscotch is? Butter and sugar, slightly browned.

My wife has been talking to me about good fats. She wants me to put butter and milk in a blender and then use it in my coffee instead of the powdered crap I'm using now.

But... you know, cow farts.
The CO2 in carbonated beverages comes from pressurized cylinders of CO2. The CO2 in the cylinders is a byproduct of ammonia production or some other industrial process. If that CO2 wasn't put into the cylinders, it would go up the stack.

Hence, carbonated beverages create no net change in atmospheric CO2 levels. Nor do CO2 fire extinguishers, CO2-powered paintball guns, CO2-inflated rafts or life vests, or CO2-enhanced aquariums or greenhouses. If it comes out of a pressurized cylinder, it's not adding to atmospheric CO2, because it would have gone into the atmosphere anyways.

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