Balanced Politics ...


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2008
More of a question but a very complicated one that will actually require some serious thought. Historian buffs please try to answer this for me to.

As I see it with a bi-partisan system of two differing techniques, policies, and views a balance between them would be best found if each term the other side got a "chance". This would result in both sides of the bi-partisan system to offer their input and try their ideas, allowing the next one the chance to change or correct anything that fails from the last with their ideas and input. Am I wrong in this assumption and if I am correct then where did we fail? When did the two parties steer into the wrong direction and start looking so much alike, in a bad way and not the good "balanced" way?

Also how can we as citizens really push them back on track short of a violent revolution? There has to be some way. The current system of government has somehow gotten broken. What are everyones ideas on how to fix it so it represents us all more evenly again?

Now, no pointing fingers here please. Let's see what solutions and positive changes we can come up with. Yes, this is my more liberal side speaking this morning, with all the peace and love style questioning.
If there is no continuity of purpose, there is no success. We just go back and re-invent what we did before.

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