Baked Alaska ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
I doubt { maybe s'not! } that the current Deep State feels
emboldened enough to convince Former " Good " guy President
to leave Mar-a-lago and move to Alaska.Polar opposite corners
of the once Great United States.
That would be like asking a hungry Grizzly bear to
just grin and bear it and take a nap.But that is how
mama bear Sarah Palin was treated.Like dog poop.
So We the People know how the Left in this country
conspire to harm true-blue Patriots and go into 24/7
attack mode.Add Saintly Michele Bachmann to that list.
Why this is the case even Historians haven't a clue.
But it is.As the country becomes emersed in Crazy talk
and actions as if no longer God-fearing and church going.
The new fear is what we were Told in no uncertain terms.
There is No Deep State.So ... Furgit aboud it.
Mob talk.So Treat a former Potus as if John Gotti.
Who died in Prison.Don't even waste time pondering why.
Just do it.Have it done.That is Stalinism.Commie talk.
Just as many a Baked Alaska dessert may fall,so to
with just one former Potus.As if No one the wiser.
Used to be Wisdom was a great trait.Not Knowed Mores.
" Wherever we are content,that is our Country. "
-- Marcus Pacuvius { Roman tragic poet }
Society is produced by our wants,and government
by our wickedness. "
-- Thomas Paine { American Patriot,Deist }

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