Bad feelings between Canada and Russia don't matter in space, says astronaut David Saint-Jacques


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Space exploration may not quite be the final frontier of cooperation between Canada and Russia — but it's close.

In spite of successive rounds of economic and diplomatic sanctions — as a result of issues such as Russia's role in Ukraine and Syria — the job of blasting people into orbit has remained remarkably untouched by the bitter divide between Russia and its western space partners, which includes Canada.

"I like to view myself that I am standing on a bridge above all the unrest and tensions," said David Saint-Jacques, Canada's next space-bound traveller, who is scheduled to launch in December.
Bad feelings between Canada and Russia don't matter in space, says astronaut David Saint-Jacques | CBC News

And yet, it isn't all that unique. Most people can still do this.
You know, I think that being up there where you can see the whole earth from one window helps with that kind of perspective. You don't see borders, you don't see nations fighting with one another, you just see a planet that we all share.

Personally? I think that everyone who is elected to lead a country should be flown into low orbit so that they can see this is just one planet, and we all have to get along.

Might make for better relations between countries.

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