Baby It's Cold Outside- Cyclone Bomb

Good gosh. Best of luck to you!
If you go outside, get drunk first. So at least you wont feel it till you melt.
Well, like two fuddy dudds, and also the very first time in our marriage, we missed breaking in the New Year this year, we both fell asleep before midnight even though we tried really hard to stay awake!

My point is, we have the bottle of champagne we had bought and I think we have orange juice in the Fridge and we could make Mamosa's before venturing out! :D


booze and blizzard don't usually work well together
we hit stores yesterday ...then needed batteries for the smoke alarm...someone just said it would be fine...i am like we have fires in both stoves? and then he says....there is another alarm too...yes the alarm that allows 4 ft of smoke in the house before it goes off...and that is the reason we have the 2nd batterless alarm...i got them of course...
now now lets not be bitter ....12 here and beginning to can now feel the wind inside the house...and this is a well insulated house
now now lets not be bitter ....12 here and beginning to can now feel the wind inside the house...and this is a well insulated house
21 here. Supposed to be around 40 this weekend. But they cant properly predict the temp 2 hours before half the time..
Good gosh. Best of luck to you!
If you go outside, get drunk first. So at least you wont feel it till you melt.
Well, like two fuddy dudds, and also the very first time in our marriage, we missed breaking in the New Year this year, we both fell asleep before midnight even though we tried really hard to stay awake!

My point is, we have the bottle of champagne we had bought and I think we have orange juice in the Fridge and we could make Mamosa's before venturing out! :D


booze and blizzard don't usually work well together
We wouldn't go that far, plus there are no Natural Gas lines up here where we live, and the only electric pole in the area is our one pole you see in the picture that runs to the Main road so we won't be near it if it falls...and we are not using the fireplace, we just have the oil heat cranked up and a space heater for our little kitty girl to lay in front of.... that we would turn off if we went out....
while out we stop at the local pool hall for lunch.....they have blue plate specials......we were the first people in.....we ask about the specials..the girls looks at us and says.....water frozen this morning...only one cook in ..what yall want....i went with corn dog and fries lol
Yes those are two big trees that were downed in two previous storms, and we were going to cut them up in to firewood with a help of our neighbor who has a 3 or 4? foot long chain saw....but waited a year plus so the trees could dry out...but when Matt went to cut it down he noticed all kinds of nests of critters living under the two trees that Wild turkey nests, so we decided to leave them there for now....Gotta help the creatures as much as we can. :D

Yes....Thanksgiving ......

OH! Shut up! :lol:
no wood stove?
Just a center fireplace, which can heat the whole home because it is in the center of the house, there is a place to hook up a wood stove in the master bedroom upstairs but we never bought one....

This is a BIG BIG BIG brick fireplace....almost 5 feet high and 4 feet wide for the is very old world, where you can nearly walk in to it and hang your cast iron pots on a hook over the fire to cook...
We've got minus 20 degree at night weather coming right after this snow storm passes through with another Arctic blast...this is why we do NOT want to lose electric...
We've got minus 20 degree at night weather coming right after this snow storm passes through with another Arctic blast...this is why we do NOT want to lose electric...

Supposed to be 66 here tomorrow, hopefully we won't lose power in case I need to turn on the AC.
My sister bought us all kinds of little Prep type items for Christmas that will come in handy, like hats that have a light on the brim....and also those head band flash lites, and a shower thingy that has a pump on the one end that you can drop in to a bucket of water and a shower head with a hook at the other end that runs on rechargeable batteries and this gadget that can run your laptop or Kindle through a battery that you charge, and can also charge with sunlight.... just tons and tons of stuff like that....

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