Awesome! Congress honors the Devil's Brigade with the Congressional Gold Medal!


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is way too cool. Not sure if many of you know this troops history but they were the real "Inglourious Basterds".

These men were what legends are made of. They were this crew of men who were are you ready? Hunters, lumberjacks, game wardens, miners and forest rangers.

I love these men!

"The unit, officially known as the United States-Canadian 1st Special Service Force, was tasked with getting behind enemy lines to wage war. Many of the troops were rough-and-tumble lumberjacks and miners. Approximately 230 members of the unit are still alive.

A single Congressional medal was awarded to the unit as a whole.

During the presentation, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner honoured the men for their courage and sacrifice.

“These men saved the free world, and now are free to savour the triumph and to share their stories for years to come,” a tearful Boehner said.

The unit became famous for being a fearsome bunch who never lost a battle.

Their nickname came from a journal they captured from a German officer, who had described the “Black Devils” as being everywhere, but unseen. On night patrols, the Devil’s Brigade would blacken their faces to avoid enemy detection.

“We never know where they’re going to hit or strike next,” the German officer wrote.

In just two years, the Devil’s Brigade liberated towns in Italy and France, capturing an estimated 30,000 prisoners.

At Tuesday’s ceremony, Canadian veteran Charles Dunn told the audience that he was “most honoured and humbled” to receive the medal.

Dunn also paid tribute to current U.S. and Canadian military personnel.

“These are our historical modern special force members today,” he said. “Please give them all the support that you can.”


More at both these links. Oh and great pics at the Daily Mail.

Canadian American members of Devil s Brigade honoured by U.S. Congress CTV News

Devil s Brigade commandos who wreaked havoc in WW2 to be honored by Congress Daily Mail Online


After a successful raid the unit left a calling card saying 'the worst is yet to come.' Pictured: Lieutenant J. Kostelec proudly wearing the uniform of the 'U.S.-Canadain' joint force
It's refreshing to see something like this happen that doesn't have all the trappings of Obama's self-serving intercession.

it would be even more refreshing to see a thread about something like this that didn't immediately devolve into politics as usual.

There is a decent movie about this unit made in the 1960's or 70's.

Really was a bizarre unit- a joint operation by the Canadian and Americans- originally intended as I recall to be a Mountain unit to be used in Norway- the Americans learned how to ski and climb mountains- and then were never deployed in Norway but were used in Italy.

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