Awesome commentary on the most inane event EVER.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
I can't even believe the stupidity I witnessed in this video, but it was certainly only even tolerable thanks to the brilliant commentary of the man who created it. If not for the cut ins, there would be brain damage for anyone who wasn't stoned. I must say I'm much more amicable towards the idea of allowing recreational pot use, because it seems to have helped the video's publisher tolerate the utter ignorance and incredible stupidity.

I seriously laughed my ass off at several points in this.

I'll tell you something for certain, if the bolsheviks, German national socialists, fascists or mao sounded as stupid as these people do, there NEVER would have been a government on earth further left than the DNC was when Joe McCarthy and RFK were persecuting moonbats.


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