*Autism Is Caused By Vaccination Overload*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. This has been ruining childrens lives for the last 20 years.
2. And the law protects the doctors, and medical staff and State, from the effects of overdosage of vaccines.
3. Everyday, children get whacked up with too much vaccines, and they burn out sometimes with autism.
4. Like a bunch of mind numb robots, we will still all go and get shots for our children.
5. Dumb bastards!
5.a) Finally a Doctor in England, made a claim that its the shots, read the link.
6. Link and sample:Council Bars Doctor Who Claimed Link Between Vaccines and Autism - NYTimes.com

"LONDON — A doctor whose research and public statements caused widespread alarm that a common childhood vaccine could cause autism was banned on Monday from practicing medicine in his native Britain for ethical lapses, including conducting invasive medical procedures on children that they did not need.

The General Medical Council applied its most severe sanction against the doctor, Andrew Wakefield, 53, who abandoned his medical practice in Britain in 2004 as questions intensified about his research and set up a center to study childhood developmental disorders in Texas, despite not being licensed as a physician there.

In January, after the longest investigation in its history, the council found several instances of what it said was unprofessional conduct by Dr. Wakefield. It cited his taking blood samples for his study from children at his son’s birthday party; he paid each child £5, about $7.20 today, and joked about it later. It also noted that part of the costs of Dr. Wakefield’s research was paid by lawyers for parents seeking to sue vaccine makers for damages.

Dr. Wakefield left the Texas center in February, but continued to speak out against his treatment in Britain, as he did in interviews in New York on Monday, when he called the British decision to strike him off the medical register an effort to “discredit and silence” him. He said he would appeal the decision, which will take effect, unless suspended for legal reasons, within 28 days.

The disciplinary tribunal’s action came after more than a decade of controversy over the links Dr. Wakefield and associates in Britain, as well as supporters among parents of some autistic children in Britain and the United States, have made between autism and a commonly used vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella. The suggestion of a link caused use of the vaccine in Britain and elsewhere in the world to plummet, a development that critics of Dr. Wakefield said contributed to a sharp rise in measles cases in countries where the vaccine was in use.

Most scientific papers have failed to find any links between vaccines and autism.

The furor was touched off by a 1998 article in The Lancet, a British medical journal. The journal retracted the study in February after the medical council in London concluded in January that Dr. Wakefield had been dishonest and that he had violated ethical rules.

The council said he had shown “a callous disregard” for the suffering of children involved in his research. The ruling banning him from practicing medicine on Tuesday was a sequel to the January finding.

Dr. Surendra Kumar, the medical council’s chairman, said that Dr. Wakefield had “brought the medical profession into disrepute” and that his behavior constituted “multiple separate instances of professional misconduct.” In all, Dr. Wakefield was found guilty of more than 30 charges.

“The panel concluded,” Dr. Kumar said, “that it is the only sanction that is appropriate to protect patients and is in the wider public interest, including the maintenance of public trust and confidence in the profession.” He said the sanction was “proportionate to the serious and wide-ranging findings made against him.”

The council also barred from practice one of Dr. Wakefield’s associates, Dr. John Walker-Smith, 73, who had been found guilty of professional misconduct and retired from medicine 10 years ago. A second associate, Dr. Simon Murch, was found not guilty of professional misconduct and allowed to continue practicing.

Dr. Wakefield resigned in February from his position as a staff researcher at Thoughtful House, an alternative medicine clinic in Austin, Tex. A spokeswoman for the clinic said she did not know where Dr. Wakefield worked now.

A 2007 annual report for the clinic has a picture of Dr. Wakefield looking into microscope with a caption that reads: “Where would we be without Dr. Wakefield and your entire team? Thank you for your courageous efforts in swimming against the tide. Without you we would still be hearing, ‘There is nothing we can do.’ Because of you we know the hope is great and the progress is attainable.”

In New York on Monday, Dr. Wakefield rejected the medical council’s findings. In an interview with the “Today” show on NBC, he described the ban on his practicing as “a little bump in the road” and said the council’s decision had been predetermined “from the outset.” He also said he would continue his research into the link between vaccines and autism.

“These parents are not going away,” he said. “The children are not going away. And I am most certainly not going away.”

7. When I was a kid, I never heard about autism, I'm 52 years of age, not one time did I ever hear of it, and there is no old autistic men or women anywhere, I have never heard of one or seen one myself.
8. This problem of autism is man/doctor made, if you disagree, then your village is calling, they want you back,...

Sorry bout that,

1. Now it comes out in a court case, that the vaccines do cause *AUTISM* !!!!! (*Just Like I Said Months Ago*)
2. I been saying this for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. You dumb fuckers need me to tell you how things are!!!!!:clap2:

why would they gave the sanction to them.... sometime it is really heartbroken... truth doctor will be shut off from questioning authority by get rid them off their post... :-(

we need to voice out.....frankly speaking, it is really hard...
Hope it leads to prevention and cure of autism & schizophrenia...
Pregnancy Protein Implicated in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
March 08, 2013 - Researchers investigating the causes of autism and schizophrenia have discovered a protein that may play a role in these neurodevelopmental disorders. The level of the protein is affected by serious physical or emotional stress women experience during their pregnancy.
Expectant mothers who are stressed during pregnancy transmit lower levels of a unique protein to their developing fetuses through the placenta, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The lowest level is found in the placentas of male offspring. Tracy Bale, a professor of neurology at the school and senior author of the study, said the placenta, which transfers blood, oxygen and nutrients to the unborn child, also acts as a filter that responds to a pregnant woman’s changing environment. “So, it has genes that are expressed that produce these functions. But those genes can change in response to mom’s stress, mom’s dietary changes, mom’s immune responses, etc.,” said Bale.

Schizophrenia is marked by hallucinations and difficulty connecting with the outside world. Autistic individuals have impaired communication and social interaction skills. Knowing that the conditions tend to affect males more often and more severely than females, Bale and colleagues set about looking for a biomarker, a protein that might provide clues for the gender difference. Investigators reasoned that a gene that plays a role in the neurodevelopmental conditions might be linked to the female X-chromosome.

In experiments with mice, investigators stressed the rodents during their first week of pregnancy, which is equivalent to the first three months of a human pregnancy, with the odor of a predator and unfamiliar noises. They then performed a detailed genetic analysis of the animals’ placentas, and those of unstressed mice. Researchers discovered a protein, called OGT, that seems to be present in higher levels in the female placentas than in the placentas of male offspring. The OGT levels also were lower in the placentas of the stressed mice overall compared to the unstressed rodents. Investigators also manipulated levels of the protein in a mouse model, discovering that rodents with half the normal amount of OGT had changes in hundreds of different genes known to be involved in neurological development. In addition, researchers examined discarded human placentas and found lower levels of the protein in male placental tissue.

Bale cannot say with certainty whether OGT affects neurodevelopment in humans. But she said the biomarker could lead to a test to identify babies at increased risk for autism and schizophrenia due to pregnancy stress. “You would know which babies to follow to keep an eye on them, to determine if they are at a greater risk. And they may be presenting earlier with different stress reactivity levels, behavioral changes that would predispose them,” said Bale. In the case of autism, research suggests that early intervention is helpful in improving communication skills. An article on the pregnancy stress protein OGT is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


See also:

Report Shows Bleak Progress in Improving African Women’s Health
March 08, 2013 — Women are responsible for up to 80 percent of all food production in Africa, but they bear a disproportionately large share of the global burden of disease and death, according to a World Health Organization report launched in London on Friday, coinciding with International Women’s Day.
“The African region is making very slow progress towards improved women's health," said Dr. Luis Gomes Sambo, World Health Organization's director for Africa. WHO's new report, “Addressing the Challenges of Women’s Health in Africa,” surveys a range of statistical information about women’s health in Africa, and the picture it paints is bleak. Maternal mortality is a major concern. The region accounts for more than half of all maternal deaths worldwide. In sub-Saharan Africa a woman’s lifetime chance of dying as a result of childbirth is 1 in 42. Compare that to Europe, where the rate is about 1 in 2,900. Women in Africa contract cervical cancer at the highest rate in the world - double the global average. And every year around two million girls between the ages of four and 12 are subjected to female genital mutilation.

The World Health Organization says the question of how to improve women’s health in Africa must be re-examined completely - and at the heart of that should be a fundamental boost in the status of women in society. Sociocultural factors are key, says Sambo. “There are other dimensions that need to be addressed, like women's empowerment and also improving literacy, improving the economic status, addressing some cultural challenges that could overall improve the well-being of women," he said. The report says more resources should be targeted toward health concerns.

In April 2001, African Union countries met in Nigeria's capital, Abuja. Delegates pledged to increase their governments' funding for health programs to at least 15 percent of their national budgets. Since 2003, however, average health spending by African countries has hovered at around just 10 percent. Thirteen African countries spend less on health programs now than they did in 2001. WHO says donor spending varies dramatically from state to state - from as much as $115 to less than $5 per person per year.

What’s more, says Sambo, women’s health is often a low priority in a region with wide-ranging health concerns. “Africa is also affected by other public health priority problems like HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, child health," he said. "Maternal health is a priority that has not been sufficiently addressed, both at national and international levels.” The report says African women account for more than half of female deaths worldwide due to communicable and noncommunicable diseases, maternal and perinatal conditions and nutritional deficiencies.

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It's a myth that they cause autism, though there are reports of serious illnesses, and perhaps mental conditions I suppose, resulting from receiving a vaccine. They're incredibly rare, though....

As far as that article...well, I tend to think that the nature of the topic makes people prone to exaggeration, even doctors.
ONE doctor, whose methodology was incredibly flawed.

There are descriptions of people who were brilliant but socially very awkward going back quite a ways in time. And that fits high-functioning autistics who used to be classed as 'Aspberger's Syndrome' - who are now considered a subset of 'autism spectrum disorder'. Also in the 'autistic' range are dyslexics: dyslexia has personality componants and is not simply related to reading/writing. Some researchers place ADD/ADHD also in this 'autistic' range.

We haven't isolated a potential genetic basis for autism - but it's starting to look more like there is one, than not.

And of course it still may be that some individuals are genetically pre-disposed to develop problems as a result of taking vaccines.

But a look at the suffering and death caused by those diseases which vaccines have all but eliminated from our society may remind people of WHY it's still a good idea to vaccinate the entire population.
I've been kind of wary of vaccines for years now. When my oldest daughter was a baby, she received her first DPT shot (Diphtheria - Pertussis - Tetanus). She reacted badly and had a grand mal seizure on the spot. Scared the shit out of my wife and I. My daughter had recurring seizures for a couple years after that. Thankfully, she outgrew it and she didn't become autistic. The drugs used to control her seizures caused her to become developmentally delayed though.
A good precaution would be to space out vaccinations. Sometimes doctors will give kids up to 5 at once.

The Jenny McCarthy crowd has been attacking vaccinations for years. They are idiots who would have kids be exposed to easily preventable maladies.

If you have a problem with vaccinations space them out. If you deny your child vaccinations then you're making a big mistake.
One of the things the human genome project is working on is trying to locate 'markers' which may give us a warning of certain 'idiosyncratic' reactions to medications and vaccines.

My sister having an allergy to eggs, she was not allowed to get flu or several other vaccines because they were cultured in an egg medium which made them very dangerous for her. So she -and I! - were sick with just about everything you can think of during her first year at school.

A lot of the evidence suggests that 'autism' is something hard-wired in the brain. It is a 'different' pattern than what we think of as 'normal' - but that does NOT mean it is automatically a 'defect'. It means that there is more than one way to be 'normal'. As with most situations one can test and plot results on a graph - age at first step, number of words by age 12 months, anything that can be measures - it will fall into some variant of a bell curve. And we can define 'average' or 'normal' from that pattern. But it is a RANGE, not a particular point, which is important to remember. And that all of this 'normal' is really just a statistical construct and not a Law ......

I know how terrifying seizures can be, especially in an infant when there's no way to begin to explain to try and help them. I am sorry to hear of your family's ordeal - and I hope that your daughter's developmental delays can be reduced so that she can have a full and independent life.

It's nowhere near as tragic - but my husband who has had a bad reaction to Lipitor is likely to have severe intractable pain for decades to come. Although the Lipitor probably bought him some time before he needed the first angioplasty...... Again, the human genome project has the potential to address these issues - though it won't come soon enough for those loved ones : ((
I would urge everyone who hasn't gotten their child vaccinated for chicken pox to DO SO. It may not be a deadly disease in itself - but it's highly dangerous to pregnant women who have no immunity AND your child is the most contagious just *before* breaking out in the first blister.

Ask me - the son at age 5 came down with it the day *after* my aunt's funeral - where he went around hugging everyone who looked sad to him, especially the young ladies. Well, my two cousins AND half their friends were either pregnant or trying to be. So we had to track everyone down and warn them : ((

And then there was *his* cousin, age 2 - who erupted on the flight back to California. She turned out to also have a brain tumor, which was successfully removed BUT the drugs so impaired her immune system, she kept breaking out in chicken pox over and over.....

As someone who's had 'shingles' - that is 'chicken pox redux' and I don't think there's anyone I hate enough to wish that on them.
One of the things the human genome project is working on is trying to locate 'markers' which may give us a warning of certain 'idiosyncratic' reactions to medications and vaccines.

My sister having an allergy to eggs, she was not allowed to get flu or several other vaccines because they were cultured in an egg medium which made them very dangerous for her. So she -and I! - were sick with just about everything you can think of during her first year at school.

A lot of the evidence suggests that 'autism' is something hard-wired in the brain. It is a 'different' pattern than what we think of as 'normal' - but that does NOT mean it is automatically a 'defect'. It means that there is more than one way to be 'normal'. As with most situations one can test and plot results on a graph - age at first step, number of words by age 12 months, anything that can be measures - it will fall into some variant of a bell curve. And we can define 'average' or 'normal' from that pattern. But it is a RANGE, not a particular point, which is important to remember. And that all of this 'normal' is really just a statistical construct and not a Law ......

I know how terrifying seizures can be, especially in an infant when there's no way to begin to explain to try and help them. I am sorry to hear of your family's ordeal - and I hope that your daughter's developmental delays can be reduced so that she can have a full and independent life.

It's nowhere near as tragic - but my husband who has had a bad reaction to Lipitor is likely to have severe intractable pain for decades to come. Although the Lipitor probably bought him some time before he needed the first angioplasty...... Again, the human genome project has the potential to address these issues - though it won't come soon enough for those loved ones : ((

I appreciate your well wishes. My daughter is 28 now and doing very well. I told the doctors of this experience each time my other daughter has been vaccinated. They have provided an alternative vaccine to the original DPT shot my older daughter received. Thankfully, my younger daughter has had no adverse reactions.

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