Austria says fight against Islamic State needs Syria's Assad


Nov 14, 2012
This is a very reasonable and surprising move in Austria. The demand does not imply whether the Syrian government will be considered legitimate in the future, but claims to deal with "crimes" later.

However, if this spark of reason will turn into a fire will, they will have to deal with terrorist crimes in the first place.

In the first place, the country wants to include Syria, Iran and Russia into the war on ISIS.

"The West should involve Syria's President Bashar al-Assad and his allies Iran and Russia in order to combat Islamic State, Austria's foreign minister said on Tuesday, in some of the most conciliatory comments towards Assad by a Western official.

Most Western countries insist Syria's president must leave power if peace is to be restored, while Iran and Russia say he is part of the solution. That disagreement has derailed efforts to end the four-year civil war."

Austria says fight against Islamic State needs Syria's Assad
That's exactly what EU needs to do if they really want to fight ISIS and to stop a huge wave of refugees from ME. (And if it had been done long time ago Europe did not have such an issue with immigrants.) As for me, I have a lot of respect for Assad, I think he's a hero. Washington hawks badly wanted him to follow Saddam and Qaddafi, even created ISIS to fight him, however he still is doing his best to protect the country and the people he feels responsible for.

On September 4 Putin answered questions and presented his point of view about Syria and ISIS:

Question: Mr President, I would like to clarify something with regard to the Islamic State, because Russia has been speaking of the need to create a political coalition, and the United States has been urging the same thing. There is no agreement on Syria, for example, and so forth. How do you see the creation of such a coalition?

Vladimir Putin: We are taking specific steps, and doing this publicly. If you want to know the details, I can explain once again. It is true that we want to create an international coalition to combat terrorism and extremism. With this aim in view, we are holding consultations with our American partners, I personally discussed this over the telephone with the President of the United Stated, Mr Obama, and I also discussed this with the President of Turkey, the leaders of Saudi Arabia, with the King of Jordan, the President of Egypt and other partners. Our military agencies are in close contact, only recently the heads of the general staffs of the countries neighboring on these conflicts met in Moscow.

We continue our political efforts to create a certain coalition. If today it is impossible to organize joint work directly ‘on the battlefield’, so to speak, involving all the countries interested in combating terrorism, we should at least achieve certain coordination between them. We are trying and making certain efforts in this direction. Our first steps show that overall this seems possible.

We know that there are different positions on the developments in Syria. Incidentally, people are not fleeing from the Bashar Assad regime – they are fleeing from the Islamic State, which has occupied vast territories in Syria and Iraq and is committing atrocities there. That is what people are running away from. However, we understand that political change is also required. We are also working with our partners in Syria.

It is true that we want to create an international coalition to combat terrorism and extremism.

There is an overall understanding that such joint efforts to combat terrorism should go side by side with certain political processes inside Syria. The Syrian President agrees with this too, including, say, holding early parliamentary elections and establishing ties with the so-called ‘healthy opposition’ and involving them in running the country. This is primarily a matter of Syria’s internal development. We are not imposing anything, but we are ready to assist in an internal Syrian dialogue.
* * *
First, we must efficiently combat terrorism and extremism together.

Second, we need to restore the economy of those countries and their social sphere. Only this way, by showing respect for the history, traditions and religion of these peoples and countries, we can restore their statehood and provide large-scale economic and political support.

If we join our efforts in all these areas, we will have positive results. If we act separately and keep arguing among ourselves over some quasi-democratic principles and procedures on certain territories, this will get us into a greater deadlock. However, I pin my hopes on a positive development and on joining efforts with all our partners.
Vladimir Putin answered Russian journalists’ questions
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I see some bromance going on between Bleipriester and Assad :)

If somebody likes to see Syria free from external interference and likes its president, why anybody would like to tease him about that? I noticed one interesting thing, being a USMB member: Americans have no clue what happens to the civilians of those countries (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, many others), which their government has chosen to be pawns for their geopolitical interests and where it has created chaos, wars and terrorism .Think about it. I'm a resident of one of those countries, I know what I'm talking about...
I see some bromance going on between Bleipriester and Assad :)

If somebody likes to see Syria free from external interference and likes its president, why anybody would like to tease him about that? I noticed one interesting thing, being a USMB member: Americans have no clue what happens to the civilians of those countries (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, many others), which their government has chosen to be pawns for their geopolitical interests and where it has created chaos, wars and terrorism .Think about it. I'm a resident of one of those countries, I know what I'm talking about...

I have nothing against the said bromance. Please carry on :)
I see some bromance going on between Bleipriester and Assad :)

If somebody likes to see Syria free from external interference and likes its president, why anybody would like to tease him about that? I noticed one interesting thing, being a USMB member: Americans have no clue what happens to the civilians of those countries (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, many others), which their government has chosen to be pawns for their geopolitical interests and where it has created chaos, wars and terrorism .Think about it. I'm a resident of one of those countries, I know what I'm talking about...

You're a Ukrainian or Russian then? If so, it is perfectly understandable if you are closely following the news from that area. However, the poster Aris happens to come from the Middle East, actually knows the Assads, and has numerous friends still in the area keeping her apprised of what is happening. Meanwhile, Vikrant is right. We all have seen the obsession this particular person has when it comes to Assad, an obsession that keeps him up instead of sleeping because he has to defend his hero. Vikrant, you were correct. It's like there is an imaginary boyfriend involved here, and I hope regardless of this new poster sticking up for this nut (perhaps because Russia is involved with Syria), he now pays attention to this nut calling everyone a terrorist supporter and other names if one doesn't worship at the feet of his imaginary boyfriend. Maybe instead of worrying about what others say about the nut which is richly deserved, you go pump some iron with Putin.

Putin pumps iron to show Russians his healthy, wholesome side
I see some bromance going on between Bleipriester and Assad :)

If somebody likes to see Syria free from external interference and likes its president, why anybody would like to tease him about that? I noticed one interesting thing, being a USMB member: Americans have no clue what happens to the civilians of those countries (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, many others), which their government has chosen to be pawns for their geopolitical interests and where it has created chaos, wars and terrorism .Think about it. I'm a resident of one of those countries, I know what I'm talking about...

You're a Ukrainian or Russian then? If so, it is perfectly understandable if you are closely following the news from that area. However, the poster Aris happens to come from the Middle East, actually knows the Assads, and has numerous friends still in the area keeping her apprised of what is happening. Meanwhile, Vikrant is right. We all have seen the obsession this particular person has when it comes to Assad, an obsession that keeps him up instead of sleeping because he has to defend his hero. Vikrant, you were correct. It's like there is an imaginary boyfriend involved here, and I hope regardless of this new poster sticking up for this nut (perhaps because Russia is involved with Syria), he now pays attention to this nut calling everyone a terrorist supporter and other names if one doesn't worship at the feet of his imaginary boyfriend. Maybe instead of worrying about what others say about the nut which is richly deserved, you go pump some iron with Putin.

Putin pumps iron to show Russians his healthy, wholesome side
You won´t fool Stratford57.
I see some bromance going on between Bleipriester and Assad :)

If somebody likes to see Syria free from external interference and likes its president, why anybody would like to tease him about that? I noticed one interesting thing, being a USMB member: Americans have no clue what happens to the civilians of those countries (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, many others), which their government has chosen to be pawns for their geopolitical interests and where it has created chaos, wars and terrorism .Think about it. I'm a resident of one of those countries, I know what I'm talking about...
You're a Ukrainian or Russian then? If so, it is perfectly understandable if you are closely following the news from that area. However, the poster Aris happens to come from the Middle East, actually knows the Assads, and has numerous friends still in the area keeping her apprised of what is happening. Meanwhile, Vikrant is right. We all have seen the obsession this particular person has when it comes to Assad, an obsession that keeps him up instead of sleeping because he has to defend his hero. Vikrant, you were correct. It's like there is an imaginary boyfriend involved here, and I hope regardless of this new poster sticking up for this nut (perhaps because Russia is involved with Syria), he now pays attention to this nut calling everyone a terrorist supporter and other names if one doesn't worship at the feet of his imaginary boyfriend. Maybe instead of worrying about what others say about the nut which is richly deserved, you go pump some iron with Putin.

Putin pumps iron to show Russians his healthy, wholesome side

Was it Assad who bombed Syria, Libya, Iraq, Serbia etc. and arranged coups and colorful revolutions all over the world??? Wake up!

I am not sure if I should blame Americans or envy them for living so far away from all those countries which their government made a mess from and caring less about it. Remember Cuban crisis and how scared Americans were to have a threat next to their borders (not even inside their country!). Remember 9/11, it was just ONE scary day in Americans’ life, I remember how much sympathy everybody I knew and myself had for the victims, their relatives and whole country of USA. However for the civilians in the countries Washington has destroyed every day is like 9/11 for years … Why don’t Americans bother to think about it?...

* * *
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says Washington is making a grave mistake by appeasing those who want to use the terrorist group Islamic State to force the ouster of Syria's president, Bashar Assad.

On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke on the phone with his US counterpart, Secretary of State John Kerry, who expressed concern over Russian support to the Syrian leader.

“Kerry was also pushing the very strange idea that supporting Bashar Assad in his anti-terror fight only strengthens the positions of ISIS, because the sponsors of ISIS would pump even more arms and money into it,” Lavrov said.

“It's an absolutely upside-down logic and yet another attempt to appease those who use terrorists to fight dissenting regimes,” the Russian FM said, mentioning US attempts to cooperate with various extremist groups in Syria over the past few years.

“It's a colossal mistake that the US-led [anti-ISIS] coalition never considered interaction with Syria, not even information exchange,” Lavrov said. “I cannot comprehend this logic, or rather absolute lack of logic.”

“We help not only Syria, we also provide weapons to Iraq and other countries of the region that find themselves on the frontline with the terror threat. Equally for Iraq and other countries, we do so without any political preconditions,” Lavrov said.
US backs those who want to use terrorists against Assad – Lavrov
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I see some bromance going on between Bleipriester and Assad :)

If somebody likes to see Syria free from external interference and likes its president, why anybody would like to tease him about that? I noticed one interesting thing, being a USMB member: Americans have no clue what happens to the civilians of those countries (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, many others), which their government has chosen to be pawns for their geopolitical interests and where it has created chaos, wars and terrorism .Think about it. I'm a resident of one of those countries, I know what I'm talking about...
You're a Ukrainian or Russian then? If so, it is perfectly understandable if you are closely following the news from that area. However, the poster Aris happens to come from the Middle East, actually knows the Assads, and has numerous friends still in the area keeping her apprised of what is happening. Meanwhile, Vikrant is right. We all have seen the obsession this particular person has when it comes to Assad, an obsession that keeps him up instead of sleeping because he has to defend his hero. Vikrant, you were correct. It's like there is an imaginary boyfriend involved here, and I hope regardless of this new poster sticking up for this nut (perhaps because Russia is involved with Syria), he now pays attention to this nut calling everyone a terrorist supporter and other names if one doesn't worship at the feet of his imaginary boyfriend. Maybe instead of worrying about what others say about the nut which is richly deserved, you go pump some iron with Putin.

Putin pumps iron to show Russians his healthy, wholesome side

Was it Assad who bombed Syria, Libya, Iraq, Serbia etc. and arranged coups and colorful revolutions all over the world??? Wake up! I don’t know if I should blame Americans or envy them for living so far away from all those countries which their government made a mess from and caring less about it. Remember Cuban crisis and how scared Americans were to have a threat next to their borders (not even inside their country!). Remember 9/11, it was just ONE scary day in Americans’ life, I remember how much sympathy everybody I knew and myself had for the victims, their relatives and whole country of USA. However for the civilians in the countries Washington has destroyed every day is like 9/11 for years … Why don’t Americans bother to think about it?...

* * *
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says Washington is making a grave mistake by appeasing those who want to use the terrorist group Islamic State to force the ouster of Syria's president, Bashar Assad.

On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke on the phone with his US counterpart, Secretary of State John Kerry, who expressed concern over Russian support to the Syrian leader.

“Kerry was also pushing the very strange idea that supporting Bashar Assad in his anti-terror fight only strengthens the positions of ISIS, because the sponsors of ISIS would pump even more arms and money into it,” Lavrov said.

“It's an absolutely upside-down logic and yet another attempt to appease those who use terrorists to fight dissenting regimes,” the Russian FM said, mentioning US attempts to cooperate with various extremist groups in Syria over the past few years.

“It's a colossal mistake that the US-led [anti-ISIS] coalition never considered interaction with Syria, not even information exchange,” Lavrov said. “I cannot comprehend this logic, or rather absolute lack of logic.”

“We help not only Syria, we also provide weapons to Iraq and other countries of the region that find themselves on the frontline with the terror threat. Equally for Iraq and other countries, we do so without any political preconditions,” Lavrov said.
US backs those who want to use terrorists against Assad – Lavrov
I don't know why Kerry used the third person, but at least he is somewhat honest.
I see some bromance going on between Bleipriester and Assad :)

If somebody likes to see Syria free from external interference and likes its president, why anybody would like to tease him about that? I noticed one interesting thing, being a USMB member: Americans have no clue what happens to the civilians of those countries (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, many others), which their government has chosen to be pawns for their geopolitical interests and where it has created chaos, wars and terrorism .Think about it. I'm a resident of one of those countries, I know what I'm talking about...
You're a Ukrainian or Russian then? If so, it is perfectly understandable if you are closely following the news from that area. However, the poster Aris happens to come from the Middle East, actually knows the Assads, and has numerous friends still in the area keeping her apprised of what is happening. Meanwhile, Vikrant is right. We all have seen the obsession this particular person has when it comes to Assad, an obsession that keeps him up instead of sleeping because he has to defend his hero. Vikrant, you were correct. It's like there is an imaginary boyfriend involved here, and I hope regardless of this new poster sticking up for this nut (perhaps because Russia is involved with Syria), he now pays attention to this nut calling everyone a terrorist supporter and other names if one doesn't worship at the feet of his imaginary boyfriend. Maybe instead of worrying about what others say about the nut which is richly deserved, you go pump some iron with Putin.

Putin pumps iron to show Russians his healthy, wholesome side

Was it Assad who bombed Syria, Libya, Iraq, Serbia etc. and arranged coups and colorful revolutions all over the world??? Wake up!

I am not sure if I should blame Americans or envy them for living so far away from all those countries which their government made a mess from and caring less about it. Remember Cuban crisis and how scared Americans were to have a threat next to their borders (not even inside their country!). Remember 9/11, it was just ONE scary day in Americans’ life, I remember how much sympathy everybody I knew and myself had for the victims, their relatives and whole country of USA. However for the civilians in the countries Washington has destroyed every day is like 9/11 for years … Why don’t Americans bother to think about it?...

* * *
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says Washington is making a grave mistake by appeasing those who want to use the terrorist group Islamic State to force the ouster of Syria's president, Bashar Assad.

On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke on the phone with his US counterpart, Secretary of State John Kerry, who expressed concern over Russian support to the Syrian leader.

“Kerry was also pushing the very strange idea that supporting Bashar Assad in his anti-terror fight only strengthens the positions of ISIS, because the sponsors of ISIS would pump even more arms and money into it,” Lavrov said.

“It's an absolutely upside-down logic and yet another attempt to appease those who use terrorists to fight dissenting regimes,” the Russian FM said, mentioning US attempts to cooperate with various extremist groups in Syria over the past few years.

“It's a colossal mistake that the US-led [anti-ISIS] coalition never considered interaction with Syria, not even information exchange,” Lavrov said. “I cannot comprehend this logic, or rather absolute lack of logic.”

“We help not only Syria, we also provide weapons to Iraq and other countries of the region that find themselves on the frontline with the terror threat. Equally for Iraq and other countries, we do so without any political preconditions,” Lavrov said.
US backs those who want to use terrorists against Assad – Lavrov

Tsk, tsk, you don't have to get your jockey shorts (or whatever you call them in the former USSR) in a twist. We were not talking about the U.S. just now. Vibrant happened to make a remark which is obvious to many, and you took issue with his remark. Evidently you and the nut have been posting on the Ukraine forum, and you both have things in comon with regards to your view of the conflict. I wouldn't even bother wasting my time to see how much you two have been agreeing there. If you haven't noticed what the nut says to other posters and what he calls them if they don't kiss the rear end of his hero Assad, you must be semi-conscious when you come to forums. Perhaps you should teach him how to say "shit" in your native language since he seems inordinately fond of that word.
I see some bromance going on between Bleipriester and Assad :)

If somebody likes to see Syria free from external interference and likes its president, why anybody would like to tease him about that? I noticed one interesting thing, being a USMB member: Americans have no clue what happens to the civilians of those countries (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, many others), which their government has chosen to be pawns for their geopolitical interests and where it has created chaos, wars and terrorism .Think about it. I'm a resident of one of those countries, I know what I'm talking about...
You're a Ukrainian or Russian then? If so, it is perfectly understandable if you are closely following the news from that area. However, the poster Aris happens to come from the Middle East, actually knows the Assads, and has numerous friends still in the area keeping her apprised of what is happening. Meanwhile, Vikrant is right. We all have seen the obsession this particular person has when it comes to Assad, an obsession that keeps him up instead of sleeping because he has to defend his hero. Vikrant, you were correct. It's like there is an imaginary boyfriend involved here, and I hope regardless of this new poster sticking up for this nut (perhaps because Russia is involved with Syria), he now pays attention to this nut calling everyone a terrorist supporter and other names if one doesn't worship at the feet of his imaginary boyfriend. Maybe instead of worrying about what others say about the nut which is richly deserved, you go pump some iron with Putin.

Putin pumps iron to show Russians his healthy, wholesome side

Was it Assad who bombed Syria, Libya, Iraq, Serbia etc. and arranged coups and colorful revolutions all over the world??? Wake up!

I am not sure if I should blame Americans or envy them for living so far away from all those countries which their government made a mess from and caring less about it. Remember Cuban crisis and how scared Americans were to have a threat next to their borders (not even inside their country!). Remember 9/11, it was just ONE scary day in Americans’ life, I remember how much sympathy everybody I knew and myself had for the victims, their relatives and whole country of USA. However for the civilians in the countries Washington has destroyed every day is like 9/11 for years … Why don’t Americans bother to think about it?...

* * *
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says Washington is making a grave mistake by appeasing those who want to use the terrorist group Islamic State to force the ouster of Syria's president, Bashar Assad.

On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke on the phone with his US counterpart, Secretary of State John Kerry, who expressed concern over Russian support to the Syrian leader.

“Kerry was also pushing the very strange idea that supporting Bashar Assad in his anti-terror fight only strengthens the positions of ISIS, because the sponsors of ISIS would pump even more arms and money into it,” Lavrov said.

“It's an absolutely upside-down logic and yet another attempt to appease those who use terrorists to fight dissenting regimes,” the Russian FM said, mentioning US attempts to cooperate with various extremist groups in Syria over the past few years.

“It's a colossal mistake that the US-led [anti-ISIS] coalition never considered interaction with Syria, not even information exchange,” Lavrov said. “I cannot comprehend this logic, or rather absolute lack of logic.”

“We help not only Syria, we also provide weapons to Iraq and other countries of the region that find themselves on the frontline with the terror threat. Equally for Iraq and other countries, we do so without any political preconditions,” Lavrov said.
US backs those who want to use terrorists against Assad – Lavrov

Tsk, tsk, you don't have to get your jockey shorts (or whatever you call them in the former USSR) in a twist. We were not talking about the U.S. just now. Vibrant happened to make a remark which is obvious to many, and you took issue with his remark. Evidently you and the nut have been posting on the Ukraine forum, and you both have things in comon with regards to your view of the conflict. I wouldn't even bother wasting my time to see how much you two have been agreeing there. If you haven't noticed what the nut says to other posters and what he calls them if they don't kiss the rear end of his hero Assad, you must be semi-conscious when you come to forums. Perhaps you should teach him how to say "shit" in your native language since he seems inordinately fond of that word.

1. Sally, whoever calls Bleipriester a nut more likely is a nut himself. I’ve read a lot of Bleipriester’s posts, they are pretty smart and absolutely not aggressive (unlike a lot of other posts on USMB). He presents an alternative point of view about Syrian events, and his point of view is not necessary wrong. If you don’t like his posts, don’t read them, it’s simple.

2. Syria has been Russia’s reliable partner for decades, Russia won’t betray it just because of US dirty geopolitical interests. However sooner or later (more likely when Kerry/Obama disappear from your TV screen) US will need Russia (and probably even Assad) to help in a battle with ISIS. Read the article below, you may find it interesting:

More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military’s Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials, The Daily Beast has learned.

The complaints spurred the Pentagon’s inspector general to open an investigation into the alleged manipulation of intelligence. The fact that so many people complained suggests there are deep-rooted, systemic problems in how the U.S. military command charged with the war against the self-proclaimed Islamic State assesses intelligence.

Some of those CENTCOM analysts described the sizeable cadre of protesting analysts as a “revolt” by intelligence professionals who are paid to give their honest assessment, based on facts, and not to be influenced by national-level policy. The analysts have accused senior-level leaders, including the director of intelligence and his deputy in CENTCOM, of changing their analyses to be more in line with the Obama administration’s public contention that the fight against ISIS and al Qaeda is making progress. The analysts take a more pessimistic view about how military efforts to destroy the groups are going.

The complaints allege that in some cases key elements of intelligence reports were removed, resulting in a document that didn’t accurately capture the analysts’ conclusions, sources familiar with the protest said. But the complaint also goes beyond alleged altering of reports and accuses some senior leaders at CENTCOM of creating an unprofessional work environment. One person who knows the contents of the written complaint sent to the inspector general said it used the word “Stalinist” to describe the tone set by officials overseeing CENTCOM’s analysis.

Many described a climate in which analysts felt they could not give a candid assessment of the situation in Iraq and Syria. Some felt it was a product of commanders protecting their career advancement by putting the best spin on the war.

Some reports crafted by the analysts that were too negative in their assessment of the war were sent back down the chain of the command or not shared up the chain, several analysts said. Still others, feeling the climate around them, self-censored so their reports affirmed already-held beliefs.

In recent months, members of the Obama administration have sought to paint the fight against ISIS in rosy hues—despite the terror army’s seizure of major cities like Mosul and Fallujah.
Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked
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I see some bromance going on between Bleipriester and Assad :)

If somebody likes to see Syria free from external interference and likes its president, why anybody would like to tease him about that? I noticed one interesting thing, being a USMB member: Americans have no clue what happens to the civilians of those countries (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, many others), which their government has chosen to be pawns for their geopolitical interests and where it has created chaos, wars and terrorism .Think about it. I'm a resident of one of those countries, I know what I'm talking about...
You're a Ukrainian or Russian then? If so, it is perfectly understandable if you are closely following the news from that area. However, the poster Aris happens to come from the Middle East, actually knows the Assads, and has numerous friends still in the area keeping her apprised of what is happening. Meanwhile, Vikrant is right. We all have seen the obsession this particular person has when it comes to Assad, an obsession that keeps him up instead of sleeping because he has to defend his hero. Vikrant, you were correct. It's like there is an imaginary boyfriend involved here, and I hope regardless of this new poster sticking up for this nut (perhaps because Russia is involved with Syria), he now pays attention to this nut calling everyone a terrorist supporter and other names if one doesn't worship at the feet of his imaginary boyfriend. Maybe instead of worrying about what others say about the nut which is richly deserved, you go pump some iron with Putin.

Putin pumps iron to show Russians his healthy, wholesome side

Was it Assad who bombed Syria, Libya, Iraq, Serbia etc. and arranged coups and colorful revolutions all over the world??? Wake up!

I am not sure if I should blame Americans or envy them for living so far away from all those countries which their government made a mess from and caring less about it. Remember Cuban crisis and how scared Americans were to have a threat next to their borders (not even inside their country!). Remember 9/11, it was just ONE scary day in Americans’ life, I remember how much sympathy everybody I knew and myself had for the victims, their relatives and whole country of USA. However for the civilians in the countries Washington has destroyed every day is like 9/11 for years … Why don’t Americans bother to think about it?...

* * *
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says Washington is making a grave mistake by appeasing those who want to use the terrorist group Islamic State to force the ouster of Syria's president, Bashar Assad.

On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke on the phone with his US counterpart, Secretary of State John Kerry, who expressed concern over Russian support to the Syrian leader.

“Kerry was also pushing the very strange idea that supporting Bashar Assad in his anti-terror fight only strengthens the positions of ISIS, because the sponsors of ISIS would pump even more arms and money into it,” Lavrov said.

“It's an absolutely upside-down logic and yet another attempt to appease those who use terrorists to fight dissenting regimes,” the Russian FM said, mentioning US attempts to cooperate with various extremist groups in Syria over the past few years.

“It's a colossal mistake that the US-led [anti-ISIS] coalition never considered interaction with Syria, not even information exchange,” Lavrov said. “I cannot comprehend this logic, or rather absolute lack of logic.”

“We help not only Syria, we also provide weapons to Iraq and other countries of the region that find themselves on the frontline with the terror threat. Equally for Iraq and other countries, we do so without any political preconditions,” Lavrov said.
US backs those who want to use terrorists against Assad – Lavrov

Tsk, tsk, you don't have to get your jockey shorts (or whatever you call them in the former USSR) in a twist. We were not talking about the U.S. just now. Vibrant happened to make a remark which is obvious to many, and you took issue with his remark. Evidently you and the nut have been posting on the Ukraine forum, and you both have things in comon with regards to your view of the conflict. I wouldn't even bother wasting my time to see how much you two have been agreeing there. If you haven't noticed what the nut says to other posters and what he calls them if they don't kiss the rear end of his hero Assad, you must be semi-conscious when you come to forums. Perhaps you should teach him how to say "shit" in your native language since he seems inordinately fond of that word.

1. Sally, whoever calls Bleipriester a nut more likely is a nut himself. I’ve read a lot of Bleipriester’s posts, they are pretty smart and absolutely not aggressive (unlike a lot of other posts on USMB). He presents an alternative point of view about Syrian events, and his point of view is not necessary wrong. If you don’t like his posts, don’t read them, it’s simple.

2. Syria has been Russia’s reliable partner for decades, Russia won’t betray it just because of US dirty geopolitical interests. However sooner or later (more likely when Kerry/Obama disappear from your TV screen) US will need Russia (and probably even Assad) to help in a battle with ISIS. Read the article below, you may find it interesting:

More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military’s Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials, The Daily Beast has learned.

The complaints spurred the Pentagon’s inspector general to open an investigation into the alleged manipulation of intelligence. The fact that so many people complained suggests there are deep-rooted, systemic problems in how the U.S. military command charged with the war against the self-proclaimed Islamic State assesses intelligence.

Some of those CENTCOM analysts described the sizeable cadre of protesting analysts as a “revolt” by intelligence professionals who are paid to give their honest assessment, based on facts, and not to be influenced by national-level policy. The analysts have accused senior-level leaders, including the director of intelligence and his deputy in CENTCOM, of changing their analyses to be more in line with the Obama administration’s public contention that the fight against ISIS and al Qaeda is making progress. The analysts take a more pessimistic view about how military efforts to destroy the groups are going.

The complaints allege that in some cases key elements of intelligence reports were removed, resulting in a document that didn’t accurately capture the analysts’ conclusions, sources familiar with the protest said. But the complaint also goes beyond alleged altering of reports and accuses some senior leaders at CENTCOM of creating an unprofessional work environment. One person who knows the contents of the written complaint sent to the inspector general said it used the word “Stalinist” to describe the tone set by officials overseeing CENTCOM’s analysis.

Many described a climate in which analysts felt they could not give a candid assessment of the situation in Iraq and Syria. Some felt it was a product of commanders protecting their career advancement by putting the best spin on the war.

Some reports crafted by the analysts that were too negative in their assessment of the war were sent back down the chain of the command or not shared up the chain, several analysts said. Still others, feeling the climate around them, self-censored so their reports affirmed already-held beliefs.

In recent months, members of the Obama administration have sought to paint the fight against ISIS in rosy hues—despite the terror army’s seizure of major cities like Mosul and Fallujah.
Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

I'm not even going to waste my time reading your entire post. If you want to play footsie with the nut who calls everyone a terrorist supporter because they don't worship Assad, be my guest. Meanwhile, I hope you don't mind if many of us appreciate having a poster like Aris who knows more about the area than the nut who has never been there. Would any of us tell you that we know more about your area of Russia than yourself who actually lives there?
I'm not even going to waste my time reading your entire post. If you want to play footsie with the nut who calls everyone a terrorist supporter because they don't worship Assad, be my guest. Meanwhile, I hope you don't mind if many of us appreciate having a poster like Aris who knows more about the area than the nut who has never been there. Would any of us tell you that we know more about your area of Russia than yourself who actually lives there?
The forum is not you and your brothers in ISIL. Get that. And you have no army or terrorists you could use to bomb others out of the forum. There is no "us" for you because nobody wants your terror propaganda.
Of course, you are not reading his entire post as it is not backing your "view". And it is not up to you to decide where I have been to.
I'm not even going to waste my time reading your entire post. If you want to play footsie with the nut who calls everyone a terrorist supporter because they don't worship Assad, be my guest. Meanwhile, I hope you don't mind if many of us appreciate having a poster like Aris who knows more about the area than the nut who has never been there. Would any of us tell you that we know more about your area of Russia than yourself who actually lives there?
The forum is not you and your brothers in ISIL. Get that. And you have no army or terrorists you could use to bomb others out of the forum. There is no "us" for you because nobody wants your terror propaganda.
Of course, you are not reading his entire post as it is not backing your "view". And it is not up to you to decide where I have been to.[/QUOTE

Why should I have to read his entire post if I don't want to waste my time reading it? Evidently he likes what you are saying with regard to the Russia/Ukraine conflict so he is pllaying footsies with you on this forums. And, don't forget that this forum is not all about you and your lover Assad. It is the Middle East forum which covers the entire Middle East, not just Syria. As to where you have been, for a poster to say that he doesn't go out because he is harassed by the police tells us all about the enormous amount of traveling he has done.

Meanwhile, Little Shit, Aris has much more credibility than you will ever have. You can call both of us terrorist supporters all you like, but all it is doing is showing the viewers how mentally ill you are.

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