Attack on American Principles: Ecology


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
When Neo-Marxism came this nation after WWII it behaved like a drop of mercury rolling off the table, hitting the floor: it broke in a dozen tiny droplets. Most of the droplets can be quickly identified as political. So, able to hide behind seemingly benign names….like environmentalism.

Conservation biology is the seedbed for the Global Warming nuts. Elizabeth Nickson explains it in “Eco-Fascists.”

1. The rise, and prominence, of the eco-fascists is but one more example of the attack on American individualism. There was a time when America birthed the finest ideas the human race has developed- creating staggering beauty and the greatest egalitarian nation the world has ever seen, ideas that have been replaced with an uncompromising and rigid bureaucratic command-and control structure, which is creating yet another hybrid of the totalitarian state.

2. Private foundations have been largely captured by a subset of grim zealots seeking to remake the world. And these are joined by fervent true believers in federal and state agencies like the Department of the Interior, the Forest Service, the EPA, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and a proliferation of others.

3. And if the bureaucrats aren’t strenuous enough, they are spurred, litigated against, and prodded by nongovernmental busybodies (NGO’s) which marshal and mobilize tens of billions of dollars to promote their agenda.

4. The complexity they have created is almost impossible to grasp in its entirety; it is a suffocating wed of lies, distortions, fear mongering, and bad science married to the top-of-the-line strategic planning, which as triggered an error cascasde wreaking destruction everywhere prosecuted.

a. “Error cascade” is a term used by scientists confronting the Anthropogenic Global Warming theory. Essentially, it means that bad science institutionalized by public policy, which then triggers more errors, more bad policy, and so on.

5. The tyranny of the environmental movement is based on coercion, regulation so punitive that entire counties have been bankrupted, property confiscation, the loss of homes,
6. What and why? It’s all about creating the holy grail of “a sustainable America” without due consideration to the exigencies. Like all bad ideas, sustainability is based on bad science.

7. Conservation biology, as a new iteration of biology, was brought into existence at the University of Southern California in the 1970’s, and has come to steer land use everywhere. The results are a disaster! Conserved ranges are desertifying, conserved foreestes dying, and watersheds being so badly managed that that magnificent triumph of civil engineering- the dams, waterworks, and irrigation of the American rivers system- is being overwhelmed. From the Serengeti to New Mexico’s boot heel, wherever people have been cleared from the land, biodiversity collapses. It is axiomatic.

8. In fact, it is the ‘sustainability army’ that is becoming the enemy. Believing we are desetroying the planet,it acts on that imperative, and, as a result, lacks the imagination to see the harm it is creating. Either that, or it believed that the harm is necessary. As a result, it is implacable in its hate of traditional American values. Its goal is to destroy the American culture, that which founded the country, and which is almost always a culture bound to the land.

9. The delusion has led to the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the constinent!

a.There are some attempts to restrict them:
National Monument Designation Transparency and Accountability Act | Congressman Devin Nunes
Yep, ol' PC would make a new Disneyland out of Yellowstone, and sell off the rest to the highest bidder. She absolutely hates the idea of National Parks. Saving the best and most unique for the enjoyment of all the citizens of this nation, what a socialist idea!

What we should do is sell all the lands to the very rich and make them gated communities to keep out the rabble.

Well, PC, most of the citizens of this nation are sane, and are not buying into your Randian fantasies.
Yep, ol' PC would make a new Disneyland out of Yellowstone, and sell off the rest to the highest bidder. She absolutely hates the idea of National Parks. Saving the best and most unique for the enjoyment of all the citizens of this nation, what a socialist idea!

What we should do is sell all the lands to the very rich and make them gated communities to keep out the rabble.

Well, PC, most of the citizens of this nation are sane, and are not buying into your Randian fantasies.
Obama didn't sign the DOHA Agreement because he said it would stall and "already fragile recovery".

You know what that means? It means Obama f*cked you Tree Huggers over in two ways:

1. Tricked you into believing he's Tree Hugger so you'd vote for him. (And you did)
2. Told you that "Green Jobs" were the "New Economy".

See how it works?

John Boner f*cks over Republican voters.
Barack Obama f*cks over Democrat voters.

Then people like YOU come in here and blame people like PC, who as an average American, is your ONLY REAL FRIEND in all this! Politicians certainly aren't!

Amazing how that works isn't it?
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Yep, ol' PC would make a new Disneyland out of Yellowstone, and sell off the rest to the highest bidder. She absolutely hates the idea of National Parks. Saving the best and most unique for the enjoyment of all the citizens of this nation, what a socialist idea!

What we should do is sell all the lands to the very rich and make them gated communities to keep out the rabble.
Yes, that's EXACTLY what Agenda 21 does!

And who's pushing Agenda 21?

All yer Elected Officials! :lol:

PC aint pushin' that sh*t! Yer barkin' up the wrong tree old man!
um didnt your Jesus TELL you to take care of the planet?
He also said remove the money changers (Bankers) from "My Fathers House". The ONLY time Jesus got violent. And you see what happened. It was OK for him to preach the Gospel but when he went up against the Bankers...

See, even 2000 years ago Jesus knew that Bankers were the REAL Slave Masters, and debt is the REAL path to Slavery.
um didnt your Jesus TELL you to take care of the planet?

What an interesting train of thought you bring to what I thought might be a political discussion.

But let's see where religion comes in.

1. As an outgrowth of Enlightenment atheism, and the attempt to remove Judeo-Christian ideas,the environmentalists wish for the worship of the Earth.
You can get behind that....can't you?

2. Environmentalists exhibit a wide and deep strain of paganism....the worship of Gaia, the Earth Goddess.

'We are about to witness a worldwide pagan rite – the worship of the earth, the worship of Gaia, (Earth Mother). Earth Day is the worship of nature — rather than Nature’s God.

Though touted as, somehow, NEW, worship of the earth is likely the oldest religion on earth. Born of child-like ignorance, it has survived centuries and is, once again, robust and thriving among those people of earth who have lost their way and have reclaimed this form of paganism …”
Earth Day, The High Holy Day of Paganism | The Silent Majority Earth Day, The High Holy Day of Paganism | The Silent Majority
Earth Day

3. But...consider the political agenda...
'It is no accident that April 22, Earth Day, is also the birth date of Vladimir Lenin, an acolyte of Karl Marx, the lunatic who invented communism as an alternative to capitalism. Earth Day is naked communism. To begin, it substitutes a worship of the Earth, Gaia, for the worship of God, creator of the universe and the instructor of moral behavior for mankind. The Earth does not demand a moral code of personal behavior. While America was established to ensure “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, environmentalism exists to exert more and more control over our lives by limiting our choices, our liberty.'
Warning Signs: The Naked Communism of Earth Day
Warning Signs: The Naked Communism of Earth Day
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um didnt your Jesus TELL you to take care of the planet?
He also said remove the money changers (Bankers) from "My Fathers House". The ONLY time Jesus got violent. And you see what happened. It was OK for him to preach the Gospel but when he went up against the Bankers...

See, even 2000 years ago Jesus knew that Bankers were the REAL Slave Masters, and debt is the REAL path to Slavery.

...He also told his followers to make certain they each has a personal assault weapon....

Luke 22:36
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um didnt your Jesus TELL you to take care of the planet?
He also said remove the money changers (Bankers) from "My Fathers House". The ONLY time Jesus got violent. And you see what happened. It was OK for him to preach the Gospel but when he went up against the Bankers...

See, even 2000 years ago Jesus knew that Bankers were the REAL Slave Masters, and debt is the REAL path to Slavery.

...He also told his followers to make certain they each has a personal assault weapon....

Luke 22:36

Being a Jew, I am sure that he would prefer they buy an Uzi.
He also said remove the money changers (Bankers) from "My Fathers House". The ONLY time Jesus got violent. And you see what happened. It was OK for him to preach the Gospel but when he went up against the Bankers...

See, even 2000 years ago Jesus knew that Bankers were the REAL Slave Masters, and debt is the REAL path to Slavery.

...He also told his followers to make certain they each has a personal assault weapon....

Luke 22:36

Being a Jew, I am sure that he would prefer they buy an Uzi.

...Can you hold while I go get my Rosetta Stone and translate that???
Yep, ol' PC would make a new Disneyland out of Yellowstone, and sell off the rest to the highest bidder. She absolutely hates the idea of National Parks. Saving the best and most unique for the enjoyment of all the citizens of this nation, what a socialist idea!

What we should do is sell all the lands to the very rich and make them gated communities to keep out the rabble.

Well, PC, most of the citizens of this nation are sane, and are not buying into your Randian fantasies.

"ol' PC"....I like that!
Recently, posters have been bragging about 'seniority'....

So.....good buddy, Rocks, you're down wit' the government cording off one third of the territory of the entire continent, out of a fear that...what?....a million Disneylands would pop up?


Or a million 'gated communities' that might keep you out? What do you want to see in there, anyway?

Keeping citizens from doing what they wish, regulating what they may, not allowing for their 'pursuit of happiness'....

...doesn't that make you some sort of crypto-fascist?

But, then, isn't that what 'environmentalism' is all about?
Well, you can argue that with President Theodore Roosevelt. As for me, the pictures of a place I love and enjoy whenever I can, Logan Valley, as it was in the days of free grazing, when it nearly became a desert, to what it is today, a lush and beuatiful high mountain bench, after the Forest Service took it over, is all the proof I need that the government has done far better than what the private people did in taking care of our land.

And it is our land. It belongs to all citizens, not just the very wealthy. And that is what gripes people like you.

No, you are not free to pollute the land, rivers, and air. And we will create laws that keep you from doing that. You do not need to have every square inch of this nation in private hands. In fact, we need to take even more of the beautiful parts of this nation out of private hands, and open them up to all citizens.,
This one interests me. One of the few positive outcomes of state's rights I believe are California's environmental regulations. Strangy hippie Republican governor havin state that it is.

This area must be one where uncle sam comes in and says we are all Americans, quit New Orleansing yourselves and rezone your farmland in a responsible manor. Otherwise St Peters uses big government money to build flood walls and enrich a pet developer and former farmer instead of letting an industrial park be built in Wentzville where the land is right for it.

But we monuments of waste and future debt and disasters in honor of an alderman's legacy and we drag on the rebuilding of many New Orleans disaster aids waiting to happen.

Have we made mistakes in land management? Yes. But that is no reason to give up. W/O it some capitalist would have cut the last redwood down or cordoned off the last acre of them so he could either party there exclusively or charge admission.

Thanks as always for a polite and thought provoking post.
Well, you can argue that with President Theodore Roosevelt. As for me, the pictures of a place I love and enjoy whenever I can, Logan Valley, as it was in the days of free grazing, when it nearly became a desert, to what it is today, a lush and beuatiful high mountain bench, after the Forest Service took it over, is all the proof I need that the government has done far better than what the private people did in taking care of our land.

And it is our land. It belongs to all citizens, not just the very wealthy. And that is what gripes people like you.

No, you are not free to pollute the land, rivers, and air. And we will create laws that keep you from doing that. You do not need to have every square inch of this nation in private hands. In fact, we need to take even more of the beautiful parts of this nation out of private hands, and open them up to all citizens.,

1. What makes you think that the owners/users of private land steward the land less ably than the bureaucrats?

2. Studies have shown that said governmentalized grasslands are desertifying......forests, dying.

Environmentalism= bad science, bad policy.
Just the poor man's neo-Marxism.

3. Environmentalism is just another word for 'envy.' That's what your post shows...

4. Actually, with the beaucoup bucks that I have....I buy and sell huge swaths of land daily!!!

In fact....sometimes I do so just to throw widows and children out on the street!!

Today I may buy South Dakota, and, if I can find enough granite...I may put your head up on Rushmore!

You're welcome.

5. ...and here's another kick in the teeth:
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This one interests me. One of the few positive outcomes of state's rights I believe are California's environmental regulations. Strangy hippie Republican governor havin state that it is.

This area must be one where uncle sam comes in and says we are all Americans, quit New Orleansing yourselves and rezone your farmland in a responsible manor. Otherwise St Peters uses big government money to build flood walls and enrich a pet developer and former farmer instead of letting an industrial park be built in Wentzville where the land is right for it.

But we monuments of waste and future debt and disasters in honor of an alderman's legacy and we drag on the rebuilding of many New Orleans disaster aids waiting to happen.

Have we made mistakes in land management? Yes. But that is no reason to give up. W/O it some capitalist would have cut the last redwood down or cordoned off the last acre of them so he could either party there exclusively or charge admission.

Thanks as always for a polite and thought provoking post.

Polite and thoughtful, as usual, 'nado.....

Glad you like it.

But, stay tuned!
I'm gonna rip this idea of 'daddy knows best' to shreds.....

Just for you and Rocks.....I'm gonna put 'environmentalism' in perspective: just plain ol' boilerplate totalitarianism.

Now....don't go 'way....
...and check this out:
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