Atlanta crime: Blacks commit 100% of murders; 95% of rapes; 94% robberies; 93% of burglaries


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Stuff Black People Don t Like - SBPDL Black People Responsible for Virtually All Crime in Atlanta -- Judge Marvin Arrington Confirms

Absolutely shocking stats. One of the largest metro areas in the nation. A thriving...very

And the crime stats? The liberals and media would have you believe that white cops and conservatives are the problem. a study of Atlanta crime from 2011-2012.....

African-Americans committed 100% of murders, 95% of rapes, 94% of robberies, 93% of burglaries.

The city is 54% black....and thriving economically.

There is NO CITY that offers more opportunity or better role models to blacks than Atlanta.

Yet....the crime is honestly SHOCKINGLY tilted.
In a southern state run by racist right wingers. What a surprise.
In the top 15 "States most dependent on the Federal Government".
Ignorant GOP leaders in Georgia are devastating that states economy:

Immigration laws Ga. economy merge

Not to mention the terrible damage caused by Bush/GOP economic policies.

When Republicans fuck over huge numbers of people, lawlessness follows. Look at what they did in Iraq.
In a southern state run by racist right wingers. What a surprise.
In the top 15 "States most dependent on the Federal Government".
Ignorant GOP leaders in Georgia are devastating that states economy:

Immigration laws Ga. economy merge

Not to mention the terrible damage caused by Bush/GOP economic policies.

When Republicans fuck over huge numbers of people, lawlessness follows. Look at what they did in Iraq.

Ah. Still white people's fault huh. BTW...Atlanta is a Democrat empire. City has been run by black democrats. ...since recent memory. And guess what...its thriving. Economy is massive. Big business. All the opportunity one could dream of.

If they could just solve to insane, epedimic levels of black crime.
In a southern state run by racist right wingers. What a surprise.
In the top 15 "States most dependent on the Federal Government".
Ignorant GOP leaders in Georgia are devastating that states economy:

Immigration laws Ga. economy merge

Not to mention the terrible damage caused by Bush/GOP economic policies.

When Republicans fuck over huge numbers of people, lawlessness follows. Look at what they did in Iraq.

Historically Atlanta has been a democrat stronghold.
In a southern state run by racist right wingers. What a surprise.
In the top 15 "States most dependent on the Federal Government".
Ignorant GOP leaders in Georgia are devastating that states economy:

Immigration laws Ga. economy merge

Not to mention the terrible damage caused by Bush/GOP economic policies.

When Republicans fuck over huge numbers of people, lawlessness follows. Look at what they did in Iraq.

Historically Atlanta has been a democrat stronghold.

Still is. And unlike most...the city is thriving.

But...they have that one ugly part...the shocking epedimic levels of black crime. No city in America offers more opportunity to black entrepreneurs than Atlanta. Guess opportunity just isnt enough.
In a southern state run by racist right wingers. What a surprise.
In the top 15 "States most dependent on the Federal Government".
Ignorant GOP leaders in Georgia are devastating that states economy:

Immigration laws Ga. economy merge

Not to mention the terrible damage caused by Bush/GOP economic policies.

When Republicans fuck over huge numbers of people, lawlessness follows. Look at what they did in Iraq.
Really? Let's look at the City Council:

Atlanta City Council President Ceasar C. Mitchell

Ivory Lee Young Jr, Council Member

Council Member Keisha Lance Bottoms Council District 11

Atlanta City Councilman C.T. Martin

Alex Won City Council District 6

Michael Julian Bond

Council Member Natalyn Mosby Archibong
Council District 5

Councilmember Felicia A. Moore Atlanta City Council District 9

Howard Shook District 7

Council Member Cleta Winslow
Council District 4

Yolanda Adrean
Atlanta Council District 8

Council Member Joyce Sheperd
Council District 12
And you know what....the mostly black Atlanta leaders have made Atlanta thrive. Taken alone...Atlanta would be among the worlds wealthiest economies. They have big business. Recreation. Pro sports. Thriving housing market. Colleges.

But...even all that cant solve their black crime crisis.
Only about 1 percent of African-Americans — and no more than 2 percent of Black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year, according to a 2013 report, Race, Crime and Statistical Malpracticeby

The actual rates of Black-on-white crime are lower than random chance would predict; No more than 0.7 percent (seven-tenths of one percent) of African-Americans will commit a violent crime against a white person, according to 2013 FBI expanded homicide data.

Most crime is intra-racial; 86 percent of white victims are harmed by white offenders.

Whites are six times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a Black person. Overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a Black offender in a given year is only 0.0002, according the FBI and Bureau of Justice statistics.

A Black person is 2.75 times as likely to be murdered by a white person as a white person is to be murdered by an African-American, according to

Most Black youth, ages 14 to 21, aren’t committing crimes. Of all Black American youth, less than 7 percent have sold drugs, 4 percent have carried a gun, and 11 percent have attacked someone with intent, the Washington, D.C. Crime Policy Institute found in its 2011 interim report, Social Networks and Behaviors of Youth in the District of Columbia.

Crime prevention and enforcement policies target people of color disproportionately. Black Americans were arrested on drug charges at 2.8 to 5.5 times higher rate than whites since the 1980s, according to a 2008 report ondrug law enforcementby Human Rights Watch.

In 2012, New York police officers made 532,911 searches under stop and frisk policies that authorized police to stop, question and search residents for contraband. Critics charged the policy disproportionately targeted Black citizens. In 89 percent of the stops, no criminal activity was found and in less than .2 percent of stops guns were found, the New York Civil Liberties Union said.


Although Black men are viewed as inherently dangerous, they are actually more likely to be targets of danger as 96 percent of all shooting victims are Black or Hispanic, according to

8 Stats That Dispel The Myth of Black Violence - Atlanta Blackstar
Only about 1 percent of African-Americans — and no more than 2 percent of Black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year, according to a 2013 report, Race, Crime and Statistical Malpracticeby

The actual rates of Black-on-white crime are lower than random chance would predict; No more than 0.7 percent (seven-tenths of one percent) of African-Americans will commit a violent crime against a white person, according to 2013 FBI expanded homicide data.

Most crime is intra-racial; 86 percent of white victims are harmed by white offenders.

Whites are six times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a Black person. Overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a Black offender in a given year is only 0.0002, according the FBI and Bureau of Justice statistics.

A Black person is 2.75 times as likely to be murdered by a white person as a white person is to be murdered by an African-American, according to

Most Black youth, ages 14 to 21, aren’t committing crimes. Of all Black American youth, less than 7 percent have sold drugs, 4 percent have carried a gun, and 11 percent have attacked someone with intent, the Washington, D.C. Crime Policy Institute found in its 2011 interim report, Social Networks and Behaviors of Youth in the District of Columbia.

Crime prevention and enforcement policies target people of color disproportionately. Black Americans were arrested on drug charges at 2.8 to 5.5 times higher rate than whites since the 1980s, according to a 2008 report ondrug law enforcementby Human Rights Watch.

In 2012, New York police officers made 532,911 searches under stop and frisk policies that authorized police to stop, question and search residents for contraband. Critics charged the policy disproportionately targeted Black citizens. In 89 percent of the stops, no criminal activity was found and in less than .2 percent of stops guns were found, the New York Civil Liberties Union said.


Although Black men are viewed as inherently dangerous, they are actually more likely to be targets of danger as 96 percent of all shooting victims are Black or Hispanic, according to

8 Stats That Dispel The Myth of Black Violence - Atlanta Blackstar

Interesting stats. Kinda like how 0.1% of cops will kill someone on duty (including the clear jjustified ones).
Stuff Black People Don t Like - SBPDL Black People Responsible for Virtually All Crime in Atlanta -- Judge Marvin Arrington Confirms

Absolutely shocking stats. One of the largest metro areas in the nation. A thriving...very

And the crime stats? The liberals and media would have you believe that white cops and conservatives are the problem. a study of Atlanta crime from 2011-2012.....

African-Americans committed 100% of murders, 95% of rapes, 94% of robberies, 93% of burglaries.

The city is 54% black....and thriving economically.

There is NO CITY that offers more opportunity or better role models to blacks than Atlanta.

Yet....the crime is honestly SHOCKINGLY tilted.

Your stats are from 2011-2012, kind of out-dated, don't you think? How many white people live in Atlanta?


37%? Now, we are talking about the south, here -- where do most of the whites in Atlanta live? Are they in the same areas as the blacks?

Were other cities looked into and discarded, because there was no such disparity?
Hmm I guess they just are trying to kill each other off cause they hate each other as much as whites hate them.
What I also find amusing is the complete omission of the fact that in almost half of the cases during this time, the race of the perpetrator was UNKNOWN.

And we are talking about half a dozen cases a month, in a city were blacks far out-number whites.

Since we only looked at two years and not the entire last couple of decades, I can only guess that all this was cherry-picked?

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