At what point will the US take the lead?


Reality bits
Apr 3, 2009
Clean energy projects are sprouting up everywhere but here. What's the hold up? Will federal seed money for startup projects result in Japan and other industrial nations selling their technology to us, or can we reverse that trend and once more be a leader in what IS the biggest opportunity in the world for scientists, industry, and thus JOBS?!


Sanyo's Solar Ark, in Central Japan generates
530,000 kilowatts of clean energy a year
Wow...People do unprofitable stuff if the gubmint gives them money to do so?

Who knew?

Unprofitable? Hardly. Clean energy investments are the future, stymied only by lack of momentum created by the overall lousy economy and, of course, those who oppose any creative alternatives for whatever weird reason, such as yours.

Reports - Clean Edge - Clean Energy Trends 2009

Clean Edge, which has been tracking the growth of clean-tech markets for nearly a decade, reports that global revenues for solar photovoltaics, wind power, and biofuels expanded from $75.8 billion in 2007 to $115.9 billion in 2008. For the first time, one sector alone, wind, had revenues exceeding $50 billion. New global investments in energy technologies—including venture capital, project finance, public markets, and research and development—expanded by 4.7 percent from $148.4 billion in 2007 to $155.4 billion in 2008, according to research firm New Energy Finance.

Severely tightened credit markets also began to take their toll. In late 2008 and early 2009, the extent of constrained credit became apparent, with a range of clean-energy companies delaying plans, laying off staff, or scuttling projects entirely. While we expect to see continued growth for the sector in the mid- to long-term, we believe 2009 will be a year of refocus, consolidation, or retrenchment for many firms. At the same time, new government spending, regulation, and policies should help the sector weather the current economic crisis better than most other sectors. On balance, we believe clean energy and energy intelligence will be seen as a means to help economies around the world pull out of the current economic malaise.

We also need retraining of American talent lost to obsolete industries. Tell me, Dud, how does the average "consumer" who has been laid off or downsized and struggling just to put food on the table find the time and money for such retraining?
Wow...People do unprofitable stuff if the gubmint gives them money to do so?

Who knew?

Unprofitable? Hardly. Clean energy investments are the future, stymied only by lack of momentum created by the overall lousy economy and, of course, those who oppose any creative alternatives for whatever weird reason, such as yours.

Reports - Clean Edge - Clean Energy Trends 2009

Clean Edge, which has been tracking the growth of clean-tech markets for nearly a decade, reports that global revenues for solar photovoltaics, wind power, and biofuels expanded from $75.8 billion in 2007 to $115.9 billion in 2008. For the first time, one sector alone, wind, had revenues exceeding $50 billion. New global investments in energy technologies—including venture capital, project finance, public markets, and research and development—expanded by 4.7 percent from $148.4 billion in 2007 to $155.4 billion in 2008, according to research firm New Energy Finance.?
If they were profitable, private businesses would have investors lined up for miles with capital for their projects. It's been the same story since at least the '70s, and one not very likely to change anytime soon.

Besides that, if the industry is going to be profitable in America, you have armies of know-nothing CAVEie environmentalist wackaloons to get past....A longshot of a bet, if there ever was one.
Wow...People do unprofitable stuff if the gubmint gives them money to do so?

Who knew?

Unprofitable? Hardly. Clean energy investments are the future, stymied only by lack of momentum created by the overall lousy economy and, of course, those who oppose any creative alternatives for whatever weird reason, such as yours.

Reports - Clean Edge - Clean Energy Trends 2009

Clean Edge, which has been tracking the growth of clean-tech markets for nearly a decade, reports that global revenues for solar photovoltaics, wind power, and biofuels expanded from $75.8 billion in 2007 to $115.9 billion in 2008. For the first time, one sector alone, wind, had revenues exceeding $50 billion. New global investments in energy technologies—including venture capital, project finance, public markets, and research and development—expanded by 4.7 percent from $148.4 billion in 2007 to $155.4 billion in 2008, according to research firm New Energy Finance.?
If they were profitable, private businesses would have investors lined up for miles with capital for their projects. It's been the same story since at least the '70s, and one not very likely to change anytime soon.

Besides that, if the industry is going to be profitable in America, you have armies of know-nothing CAVEie environmentalist wackaloons to get past....A longshot of a bet, it there ever was one.

You're wrong about that, too. There are wind farms all across the country already, and "wackos" have only mildly objected to the fact that they might interfere with flight patterns of birds. Environmentalists rightly complain about drilling for oil on a massive level interrupting the migration of caribu. So for that, they're considered "wackos" by "wackos," while the majority of earth-conscious people recognize the tradeoff.

Green revolution unites labor and environmentalists
I'm talking about manufacturing, not merely erecting money-losing contrivances made in China.

Try going through the environmental impact and permit process to just build a new house on some unincorporated land some time, let alone a new manufacturing facility.
I'm talking about manufacturing, not merely erecting money-losing contrivances made in China.

Try going through the environmental impact and permit process to just build a new house on some unincorporated land some time, let alone a new manufacturing facility.

Overkilling the problem with rhetoric is your style whenever your opinions appear. Just a few selections for your perusal:

The Herald Bulletin - Flagship to build new manufacturing facility

Empire Vent Opens New Manufacturing Facility in Florida New York*

Adam Aircraft Opens New Manufacturing Facility in Utah - NetComposites

New Manufacturing Facility Re-Establishes U.S. as Major Hub for Semiconductor Production
If Obama gets his way, he'll soon be robbing billions from the U.S. petroleum industry and throwing those funds at his pet "green" initiatives.

Aww, fat cat Lee Raymond won't be able to afford that third 50-foot yacht this year?

Environmentalists rightly complain about drilling for oil on a massive level interrupting the migration of caribu.

Caribou heards have grown sixfold since oil development began at Prudhoe Bay

There have been two new oil spills there in less than a month. If the entire tundra was dotted with oil wells, how long would they last then?
If Obama gets his way, he'll soon be robbing billions from the U.S. petroleum industry and throwing those funds at his pet "green" initiatives.

Aww, fat cat Lee Raymond won't be able to afford that third 50-foot yacht this year?


Last I checked, Yacht building creates jobs.
the difficult economy has been tough on yacht builders nationwide, but the last six months at Florida's Lazzara Yachts have been good. Several crews are working on five different floating mansions. Lazzara says its uptick in orders has workers staffing two full-time shifts, with plans to add a third shift next month.
Fast Facts: Florida Marine Industries Growing - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

Why do you hate working people?
If Obama gets his way, he'll soon be robbing billions from the U.S. petroleum industry and throwing those funds at his pet "green" initiatives.

Aww, fat cat Lee Raymond won't be able to afford that third 50-foot yacht this year?


I'm talking about the United States. You know, where 85% of drilling and production is done by independent companies not Exxon. Get a clue.
If Obama gets his way, he'll soon be robbing billions from the U.S. petroleum industry and throwing those funds at his pet "green" initiatives.

Aww, fat cat Lee Raymond won't be able to afford that third 50-foot yacht this year?


I'm talking about the United States. You know, where 85% of drilling and production is done by independent companies not Exxon. Get a clue.

Huh? What type of organization do you THINK Exxon is? And, it does plenty of business in Alaska.

exxon alaska jobs - Google Search
Correction to the caption beneath the photo in my opener, it should read:

Sanyo's Solar Ark, in Central Japan generates
530,000 kilowatts HOURS of clean energy a year

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