At least Nixon's AG Mitchell didn't oversee a DoJ that murdered


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
an ATF agent! ONce more as Hillary once said..
" I think that the reports that you provide to us really require a willing suspension of disbelief."
a suspension of belief that HOLDER actually tried to SELL the committee that,

Under questioning from Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who read excerpts of the emails at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Justice Department oversight, Holder claimed that the phrase “Fast and Furious” did not refer to Fast and Furious but instead referred to another gun-walking operation known as “Wide Receiver.”

However, the emails refer to both programs — “Fast and Furious” and the “Tucson case,” from where Wide Receiver was launched — and reveal Justice Department officials discussing how to handle media scrutiny when both operations become public.

So Holder's contention is the phrase "Fast and Furious" was used to describe "Wide Receiver"!

Truly as Hillary said: "a willing suspension of disbelief"!!

As I said.. at least Mitchell didn't sign off on a "..... and ......" program that killed Americans!
HOLDER MUST be fired by Obama either because
A) Holder is lying and authorized "Fast and Furious" and no boss i.e. Obama can have employees lying or
B) Holder is totally incompetent as NO supervisor would stand for an employee who DIDN'T know the
projects that were under the employee's supervision and any ignorance is incompetent.

Consequently Obama's executive competency is definitely at question in that either Obama condones Holder's actions which is totally antithetical to what a LEADER is suppose to be.. OR
if Obama continues to support Holder Obama is incompetent by supporting Holder's incompetency!
RW insanity. Booosh had the same program. No murder by Holder LOL.

The ATF agent would have been killed ANYWAY by one of the millions of US firearms let into Mexico by Pub policies. Pub dupes!
RW insanity. Booosh had the same program. No murder by Holder LOL.

The ATF agent would have been killed ANYWAY by one of the millions of US firearms let into Mexico by Pub policies. Pub dupes!

Here's the trick..

There's no evidence that it was a "walked gun" that was involved in the incident.

Why there is no pushback against that beyond me. In addition to not being able to have AG Gonzales hauled in for questioning.

And why the heck is Issa leading anything? He's a bonafide criminal. He fucking stole a Maserati.
So when Holder said:"Under questioning from Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who read excerpts of the emails at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Justice Department oversight, Holder claimed that the phrase “Fast and Furious” did not refer to Fast and Furious but instead referred to another gun-walking operation known as “Wide Receiver.”

IT JUST so happened that the phrase "FAST and FURIOUS" clearly used in the emails WAS totally referring to "Wide Receiver"?
Stupid fuckin' liberals will defend assholes like Eric Holder 'til the day they die. The man is patently obviously NOT qualified for ANY JOB that entails telling the truth. I should think the Attorney General of the United States should be just about the most honest man around...but then...where do you ever find a totally honest lawyer?
After looking through 15 pages on Google of wildeyed RW propaganda sites, finally went to Media Matters to get some reality....Great Bullshytte machine you dupes/haters have...easiest way to make a buck there is, feeding the angry white retirees...

Search OptionsShow search tools Operation Fast and Furious | Media Matters for America
June 05, 2012 6:31 pm ET filed under Blog; Fast And Furious Conspiracy
Theorist Katie Pavlich Doesn't Understand Separation Of Powers May 18, 2012 5
:06 ... - CachedLimbaugh Can't Stop Promoting Fast And Furious Conspiracy Theories ...
1 day ago ... According to Limbaugh,"one of the purposes" of Fast and Furious was to point to
crimes committed by Mexican drug cartels "then say 'we gotta ... - CachedIssa Report Again Debunks Right-Wing Media's Fast And Furious ...
May 17, 2012 ... However, the lead Republican investigating the Fast and Furious operation,
House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA), has ... - CachedOperation Fast and Furious | Media Matters for America
June 05, 2012 6:31 pm ET by MMFA Staff; Fast And Furious Conspiracy Theorist
Katie Pavlich Doesn't Understand Separation Of Powers May 18, 2012 5:06 pm ... - Cached

Yeah, I know. they're communists LOL, and so are all their sources. And my computer absolutely suqs LOL. This forum, google, and wiki are all that work...After 5 years of research, one rule applies. Pubs, the PPM are totally FOS. Thanks for the Depression!
Last edited:
After looking through 15 pages on Google of wildeyed RW propaganda sites, finally went to Media Matters to get some reality....Great Bullshytte machine you dupes/haters have...easiest way to make a buck there is, feeding the angry white retirees...

Search OptionsShow search tools Operation Fast and Furious | Media Matters for America
June 05, 2012 6:31 pm ET filed under Blog; Fast And Furious Conspiracy
Theorist Katie Pavlich Doesn't Understand Separation Of Powers May 18, 2012 5
:06 ... - CachedLimbaugh Can't Stop Promoting Fast And Furious Conspiracy Theories ...
1 day ago ... According to Limbaugh,"one of the purposes" of Fast and Furious was to point to
crimes committed by Mexican drug cartels "then say 'we gotta ... - CachedIssa Report Again Debunks Right-Wing Media's Fast And Furious ...
May 17, 2012 ... However, the lead Republican investigating the Fast and Furious operation,
House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA), has ... - CachedOperation Fast and Furious | Media Matters for America
June 05, 2012 6:31 pm ET by MMFA Staff; Fast And Furious Conspiracy Theorist
Katie Pavlich Doesn't Understand Separation Of Powers May 18, 2012 5:06 pm ... - Cached

Yeah, I know. they're communists LOL, and so are all their sources. And my computer absolutely suqs LOL. This forum, google, and wiki are all that work...After 5 years of research, one rule applies. Pubs, the PPM are totally FOS. Thanks for the Depression!

Media Matters for America
Media Matters for America (MMfA) is a politically progressive media watchdog group that says it is "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media". Set up as a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization, MMfA was founded in 2004 by journalist and author David Brock. Eric E. Burns served as MMfA's president until 2011.[4]

Media Matters for America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So NO bias here right???
Again.. my point is Mitchell the AG during Nixon NEVER authorized a federal program that had a federal agent killed with arms supplied by a Federal agency.

So HOW did "Fast and Furious" get the guns to the Mexicans so they could kill the ATF agent?

The purpose of Fast and furious was to show HOW Many guns were coming from the USA.

Unable to refute the following:
But the main point, the bit that makes this stat misleading, false and full of fail, is this: these are weapons that “the Government of Mexico recovered and submitted.” The Mexican government does not submit all recovered weapons to the ATF’s eTrace system. Claiming that “70 percent of guns found in Mexico come from the U.S.” is just plain wrong."!!!
ATF Death Watch 145: Lies, Damned Lies, and Mexican Firearms Confiscation Statistics | | The Truth About GunsThe Truth About Guns

SO Holder, WANTED to get GUN control and GINNED up the "FAST AND FURIOUS" to show guns coming from the USA! But since they couldn't get the Mexican govt. to prove differently,
THE DoJ decided to stack the deck!
Media Matters is a beacon of light and truth compared to the Pub Propaganda machine and Pubs."Obama had supermajority for 2 years", Barney and F+F caused the meltdown. Huge lies. alpng with Fast and Furious was anything new, or scandalous. or sig pp3.
Democrat Attorney Generals are known to target fellow Americans with their heinous crimes. Holder should be arrested. He's a real piece of shit. Period, end of story.
Holder's incompetency knows NO bounds. Consider the new lawsuit against FL simply asking people to do what they do everytime the cash a check, or go through the airport or even go to the court house.. i.e. show your driver's license or photo govt. issued I.D.!

Since most Democrats have criminal records, or can't afford an ID they don't cash checks, they forge them! Most Democrat/Obama supporters don't follow the laws they ask to be written! They think the laws are for other people not a result they can't and don't want Voter ID and of course Obama can't get re-elected this time without the aid of 43,000+ dead voters!
What DOJ employee murdered an ATF agent?

Who was AG when 4 students were killed at Kent state and 2 at Jackson State in 1970? What was the results of the federal investigation into those murders?

Oh wait, there wasn't one.......nevermind.

Stop the war on Americans who like to use non-government approved recreational substances and you will stop the cartels.
Actually, the brain tumor that killed his wife, Martha was very possibly a cover up for murder. Martha was known to run her mouth instead of her brain.

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