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Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
I wish the government had given me asylum from domestic violence and gangs I had to leave without my baby because law enforcement said he had as much right to her as I did and it took me a year to get him in court and get my 2year old. When I did get her I left with my two kids and one of his with $75 and no power steering in my car. The government did not give me free medical, free food and free housing. I had to work two jobs and move out of the state to get away and after getting away had to move out of a gang and drug infected neighborhood. This is a big country and South American is a big country and they do not have to come here to get away from domestic violence and gangs. But they come because they have heard they our government will give the free medical, free food, free housing and free education. I want to see the Native American and other American women and children and our veterans taken care of before we decide to bring in millions from other countries. I have to see a Pulmonary doctor and cannot get an appointment until Jan 2019. Have to wait in ER with MS flare up for up to 6 hours. Because illegal aliens use ER for their medical care. Please help us President Trump. You are our last hope because Democrats want open border and votes. And I am a diehard democrat who will never vote democrat ever again. We are into nation survival and not nation building. Democrats want to appease business who want cheap labor and will chose illegal workers of Americans and American cannot live off the wages that that are offered. Deport cheap labor and the wages will go up and Americans with take those jobs. Build the damn wall and enforce our immigration laws already on the board. A brown democrat at that.
I wish the government had given me asylum from domestic violence and gangs I had to leave without my baby because law enforcement said he had as much right to her as I did and it took me a year to get him in court and get my 2year old. When I did get her I left with my two kids and one of his with $75 and no power steering in my car. The government did not give me free medical, free food and free housing. I had to work two jobs and move out of the state to get away and after getting away had to move out of a gang and drug infected neighborhood. This is a big country and South American is a big country and they do not have to come here to get away from domestic violence and gangs. But they come because they have heard they our government will give the free medical, free food, free housing and free education. I want to see the Native American and other American women and children and our veterans taken care of before we decide to bring in millions from other countries. I have to see a Pulmonary doctor and cannot get an appointment until Jan 2019. Have to wait in ER with MS flare up for up to 6 hours. Because illegal aliens use ER for their medical care. Please help us President Trump. You are our last hope because Democrats want open border and votes. And I am a diehard democrat who will never vote democrat ever again. We are into nation survival and not nation building. Democrats want to appease business who want cheap labor and will chose illegal workers of Americans and American cannot live off the wages that that are offered. Deport cheap labor and the wages will go up and Americans with take those jobs. Build the damn wall and enforce our immigration laws already on the board. A brown democrat at that.

Edit your thread title. All caps is against the rules

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