Association/Club Racism: A Geo-Political Djinn?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The modern world is network-driven and networking-gauged (e.g., European Union, Facebook, NCAA, etc.).

How clubs and associations delineate their membership criterion and guidelines for inclusion, impeachment, and exclusion affects how 'society critics' talk about the reality of counter-productive myopia (e.g., McCarthyism).

I was a member of a college fraternity which was considered by many to be the inspiration for the film Animal House, and I learned that any kind of civilized 'club/association' teaches its members the value of teamwork and the challenges associated with cohabitation-catalyzed compromises.

It's something that urban designers work with in creating co-ed living spaces in modern cities, and it's something that determines how businesses cater to audience and how even politicians advertise in TV blocs (or on Facebook, etc.) to reach a specific perspective-engineered 'portion' of society (e.g., That '70s Show).

So how do we better evaluate such 'sociological musings' in terms of anti-racism progressivism ideal for discussions in the United Nations? Volume No 2801-2850/cumindex.chrono.en.pdf
{Sample UN Treaty Notes (PDF Link)}


The members of the US Navy Seals and an elite corps of Chinese military officers decided to form a secret joint-association (or 'treaty-geared club') called the Nation Hand. The first president of Nation Hand was Duke, who was formerly commander of the 'G.I. Joe' faction of the Navy Seals unit. The secretary was Baroness Lee, a beautiful but ruthless pro-communist woman educated in the forests of China. It was Baroness Lee who helped establish the iconic anti-federalism group of loosely-associated factions which would come to be labelled as the pro-extremist group 'Cobra.'

Duke and Baroness Lee became the unofficial 'figureheads' of Nation Hand, and one member joked that they reminded everyone of the photogenic but controversial celebrity couple Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes! Nation Hand established a pool-spa resort-hotel as its base of operations and summer residence and called it the 'Centurion Castle.' The amenities were handsome, and the establishment encouraged liberal discussions regarding the value of teamwork in this new age of commerce-driven political intrigue (e.g., NATO). Nation Hand was set to host a special Wall Street discussion-themed Halloween party at Centurion Castle in honor of the release of Oliver Stone's new incendiary film about capitalism and commerce-culture (U.S. President Donald Trump was the toasted guest).

President Trump showed up at the Halloween party at Centurion Castle, a party which would come to be known as The Wall Street Event. Trump was in a Halloween costume himself --- dressed as a priest. There were newsies and photojournalists invited to the event but the primary issue that was raised in the articles covering the party were related to the vanity-issue of racism and exclusionary policies. Some critics even suggested that since America and China were developed 'super-powers' any 'association' involving these two nations would inevitably be negligent of the needs of Third World Countries. Duke and Baroness Lee were both offended and retorted in the press by saying, "The United Nations (UN) faced similar criticisms that natural human biases would obstruct the efficient/smooth flow of teamwork and treaties!" The biggest critic of the party was politically-incisive American radio talk-show DJ and media-personality Don Imus. Imus stated, "Regardless of how 'interesting' it is that differing people are 'mingling' in our 'New World associations' will never change the fact that intercultural marriages are still considered dangerous."


PCU (Film)

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The Access Culture?

Modern age investments in media create public presentations of many levels of social activity --- religious, cultural, and political. Hollywood (USA) makes films about personal and socially relevant topics such as Born on the 4th of July (Tom Cruise) and IQ (Meg Ryan).

Immigrants who move to America turn on October TV and notice numerous nationally-televised college football games which offer glimpses into 'student culture' in a pro-democracy country. They turn on evening TV and watch reruns of the medicine-drama show ER (George Clooney) and think about how America's brand of 'confluence' creates and entertainment demand for public expressions of all facets of pedestrian life (even medicine!).

If therefore modern media is conducive to the construction of an 'access culture' (e.g., Facebook), then how do we coordinate fame-exposition films such as Woody Allen's Celebrity with culture-conflict films such as Tony Scott's Spy Game to better understand how 'confluence' (i.e., multiculturalism) catalyzes 'pluralism dialogue'?


IMMIGRANT 1: Let's watch ER (George Clooney) in my motel room!
IMMIGRANT 2: Are there any minorities on that show?
IMMIGRANT 1: Yes, Eriq La Salle is African-American (he plays a doctor).
IMMIGRANT 2: So they've syndicated a show about a hospital emergency-room?
IMMIGRANT 1: Americans make shows about everything --- even cooking!
IMMIGRANT 2: Do American journalists talk about everything --- even cooking?
IMMIGRANT 1: Well, CNN tries to address everyday pedestrian politics concerns.
IMMIGRANT 2: Such as?
IMMIGRANT 1: Illegal immigration!
IMMIGRANT 2: It seems you can learn a lot about America just on TV!
IMMIGRANT 1: Yes, that's true.
IMMIGRANT 2: That is good for commerce (e.g., business ads on TV).
IMMIGRANT 1: Super Bowl (NFL) ads are considered very symbolic to Americans...
IMMIGRANT 2: Let's count how many minorities are in Super Bowl ads.



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