Assad: Set Fire to the Middle East


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Damascus would respond to any NATO intervention with an attack on Israel, Syrian President Bashar Assad reportedly told the visiting Turkish foreign minister on Tuesday.

“If a crazy measure is taken against Damascus, I will need not more than six hours to transfer hundreds of rockets and missiles to the Golan Heights to fire them at Tel Aviv,” the embattled Syrian leader told Ahmet Davutoglu in Damascus, according to Iran’s Fars News Agency.
'If NATO attacks Syria, we'll fire missile... JPost - Middle East

a. Assad also threatened to activate Hezbollah units operating in Lebanon to launch a rocket and missile barrage on the Jewish state “that the Israeli spy agencies could never imagine,” the agency reported, and to attack US targets in the region.

b. “All these events will happen in three hours, but in the second three hours, Iran will attack the US warships in the Persian Gulf and the US and European interests will be targeted simultaneously,” Assad reportedly said.

2. TEL AVIV – NATO troops are training in Turkey for a Turkish-led NATO invasion of Syria, a senior Syrian diplomatic official claimed to KleinOnline.
Separately, informed Middle East security officials said Russia has been inspecting Syrian forces and has been advising Syria about possible Syrian military responses should NATO attack the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
‘NATO troops prepping for war’: Syrian warns attack will set Middle East on flames. « Klein Online

3. A French reliable source on Thursday was quoted as saying by the London-based Al-Hayat daily that Israel doesn't want any change in Syria….The French source added that Israel believes "it can destroy Syria anytime," but is not interested in weakening Syrian President Bashar Assad because it does not know what will follow Assad regime. Arabic newspaper: Israel wants Assad to stay in power :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

a. Of course, Israel’s intent is to avoid the disaster of Egypy, based on the Obama administration’s either obliviousness, or acquiescence to control by the Muslim Brotherhood.

4." Iran’s unwavering support for Syria has become axiomatic since the Arab wave of discontent began to shake Damascus. Iran has sent technical, material, and military support to Syria to help Bashar al-Assad quell protests. ... The Islamic Republic proved the primacy of its relationship with Syria by publicly claiming that Turkey, a trade ally and friendly neighbor of Iran, was fomenting Syria’s unrest by arming terrorist groups and engaging in secret talks with Israel. ....Iran also shifted its focus from accusing Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the United States of fomenting unrest to warning against NATO attacks on Syria.....NATO’s plans for attacking Syria, Rogozin claimed, are part of a larger plan to strategically isolate Iran in preparation for a major attack on the Islamic Republic."

We truly live in interesting times....
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1. Damascus would respond to any NATO intervention with an attack on Israel, Syrian President Bashar Assad reportedly told the visiting Turkish foreign minister on Tuesday.

“If a crazy measure is taken against Damascus, I will need not more than six hours to transfer hundreds of rockets and missiles to the Golan Heights to fire them at Tel Aviv,” the embattled Syrian leader told Ahmet Davutoglu in Damascus, according to Iran’s Fars News Agency.
'If NATO attacks Syria, we'll fire missile... JPost - Middle East

a. Assad also threatened to activate Hezbollah units operating in Lebanon to launch a rocket and missile barrage on the Jewish state “that the Israeli spy agencies could never imagine,” the agency reported, and to attack US targets in the region.

b. “All these events will happen in three hours, but in the second three hours, Iran will attack the US warships in the Persian Gulf and the US and European interests will be targeted simultaneously,” Assad reportedly said.

2. TEL AVIV – NATO troops are training in Turkey for a Turkish-led NATO invasion of Syria, a senior Syrian diplomatic official claimed to KleinOnline.
Separately, informed Middle East security officials said Russia has been inspecting Syrian forces and has been advising Syria about possible Syrian military responses should NATO attack the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
‘NATO troops prepping for war’: Syrian warns attack will set Middle East on flames. « Klein Online

3. A French reliable source on Thursday was quoted as saying by the London-based Al-Hayat daily that Israel doesn't want any change in Syria….The French source added that Israel believes "it can destroy Syria anytime," but is not interested in weakening Syrian President Bashar Assad because it does not know what will follow Assad regime. Arabic newspaper: Israel wants Assad to stay in power :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

a. Of course, Israel’s intent is to avoid the disaster of Egypy, based on the Obama administration’s either obliviousness, or acquiescence to control by the Muslim Brotherhood.

4." Iran’s unwavering support for Syria has become axiomatic since the Arab wave of discontent began to shake Damascus. Iran has sent technical, material, and military support to Syria to help Bashar al-Assad quell protests. ... The Islamic Republic proved the primacy of its relationship with Syria by publicly claiming that Turkey, a trade ally and friendly neighbor of Iran, was fomenting Syria’s unrest by arming terrorist groups and engaging in secret talks with Israel. ....Iran also shifted its focus from accusing Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the United States of fomenting unrest to warning against NATO attacks on Syria.....NATO’s plans for attacking Syria, Rogozin claimed, are part of a larger plan to strategically isolate Iran in preparation for a major attack on the Islamic Republic."
insideIRAN | Iran Shifts Its Rhetoric on Syria

We truly live in interesting times....

So, he's back to the old standard.

You hit me for slaughtering my people and I will attack Israel. :eusa_whistle: :eek: :cuckoo:
hummm, that Egyptian thing worries me.

Syria has been lost to the west for 70 years and Assad going down would be a huge boost to Israel and our interests, I hope Obie wan is spreading some of his unicorn duct over there and making it hard for Syria to do business, especially since the idiotic reset button and new start treaty got us exactly zip as Russia vetoed a UN resolution etc.
^ It's certainly a concern to me Trajan, but let's face it, the MB has been working on this for years. Now when the car is built and the engine is running, people are becoming concerned that these guys might be wishing to drive the damned thing.

Hussein threatened the same thing.

He threatened and then actually did it.
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Memo To Israel: Send the virgin chasing motherfuckers to paradise now!:clap2:
The Iranians will not, I repeat, will not join into any Syrian attacks. They may support Syria but they will not attack anyone. Do you think the Iranians want to see all their nuclear sites destroyed? If they launched a couple of missile in the Persian Gulf The US would not respond in kind but deliver a death blow to all suspected nuclear sites and missile sites. And the first to go would be their air defense systems.

I don't care how much the Iranian military has improved technologically, they are still no match to the US military. Our response would be swift and accurate.
The Iranians will not, I repeat, will not join into any Syrian attacks. They may support Syria but they will not attack anyone. Do you think the Iranians want to see all their nuclear sites destroyed? If they launched a couple of missile in the Persian Gulf The US would not respond in kind but deliver a death blow to all suspected nuclear sites and missile sites. And the first to go would be their air defense systems.

I don't care how much the Iranian military has improved technologically, they are still no match to the US military. Our response would be swift and accurate.

What I found interesting in the series of quotes is the alignment suggested...

The US, Israel, NATO, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.....


Syria and, perhaps, Iran.

And if you read the links, Iran backing away from Syria.
Should I mention the irony of Assad being an eye doctor, but unable to
see what is going on....

Iran, seeing the same thing, and having the same time, deal with the domestic questions of drugs, prostitution, infertility and a more and more secular population...may be forced to rethink the nuclear program.

Or...go out in a nuclear blaze with much of the Middle East.....

Watch this space for further developments.
The Iranians will not, I repeat, will not join into any Syrian attacks. They may support Syria but they will not attack anyone. Do you think the Iranians want to see all their nuclear sites destroyed? If they launched a couple of missile in the Persian Gulf The US would not respond in kind but deliver a death blow to all suspected nuclear sites and missile sites. And the first to go would be their air defense systems.

I don't care how much the Iranian military has improved technologically, they are still no match to the US military. Our response would be swift and accurate.

What I found interesting in the series of quotes is the alignment suggested...

The US, Israel, NATO, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.....


Syria and, perhaps, Iran.

And if you read the links, Iran backing away from Syria.

Should I mention the irony of Assad being an eye doctor, but unable to
see what is going on....

Iran, seeing the same thing, and having the same time, deal with the domestic questions of drugs, prostitution, infertility and a more and more secular population...may be forced to rethink the nuclear program.

Or...go out in a nuclear blaze with much of the Middle East.....

Watch this space for further developments.

Yes you should (imho) and yes I will. :)
When people are surrounded by "yes" men they start to live in a fantasy world. Historically it is quite frequent and that is why many dictators go out in a blaze of infamy. Till the very end they see things through eyes of the "yes" men and not the truth, which can be very harsh.

Will anyone intervene in Syria? It appears from what I have seen that the world is not going to do anything till next year and by that time Assad's forces may have eliminated most his opposition. We have seen in the last decade 3 ways to fight a war.
1. Iraq - invade with troops, occupy and rebuild a nation
2. Afghanistan - support local insurgents and with limited ground forces (the failed [10 years of war is a sign of failure] occupation was not an initial objective)
3. Libya - support local insurgents with air support.

Which one is likely for Syria? A ground invasion is out. The American people will not stand for another invasion. Limited ground forces is out unless it is the French (the British are war weary too.) So that leaves a Libya style intervention. The west certainly has the means and capability to decimate Syrian air defenses and conduct air support missions. It would be more complicated than the Libyan campaign but reasonable. The wild card as has been stated before is Israel. Hezbollah may or may not join in with Syria. They after all have a lot to lose in a war, but then again they may see Assad's fall as an opportunity to gain power in Syria. And they are allied closely with Iran so for Hezbollah and Iran they may decide it is better for Assad to fall so they can come in and rebuild the county and rule it.

That may be why Israel does not want Assad to fall.
Obama won't invade Syria. He doesn't have the balls.
Obama won't invade Syria. He doesn't have the balls.

^ What is the use of the US invading Syria? What a mistake that would be imho.

It's a tribal issue. All that will bring about is another tribe that is in true submission to Allah having domination over the other Muslims who must be subservient to them.

It's just a different tribe wanting the control. Come on, you know this Mike.
Obama won't invade Syria. He doesn't have the balls.

^ What is the use of the US invading Syria? What a mistake that would be imho.

It's a tribal issue. All that will bring about is another tribe that is in true submission to Allah having domination over the other Muslims who must be subservient to them.

It's just a different tribe wanting the control. Come on, you know this Mike.

I know that this is off topic...but you just brought it to mind: a difference in the character of Islam and your religion, and the Old Testament, is the idea that in Islam, one must submit.
There is no disputing divine revelation.

I've always been amazed at the idea that Israel means 'he who wrestles with God.'
To me, this is be able to be direct, to question, to discourse. I think it is the strength of your faith.
And very different from the concept that one is like a piece of clay.
Obama won't invade Syria. He doesn't have the balls.

^ What is the use of the US invading Syria? What a mistake that would be imho.

It's a tribal issue. All that will bring about is another tribe that is in true submission to Allah having domination over the other Muslims who must be subservient to them.

It's just a different tribe wanting the control. Come on, you know this Mike.

I know that this is off topic...but you just brought it to mind: a difference in the character of Islam and your religion, and the Old Testament, is the idea that in Islam, one must submit.
There is no disputing divine revelation.

I've always been amazed at the idea that Israel means 'he who wrestles with God.'
To me, this is be able to be direct, to question, to discourse. I think it is the strength of your faith.

Islam is an imperialistic political ideology. The world belongs to their allah and all must convert, submit to Islamic rule or die. Any such doctrine is political not religious. Islam is more like communism.
Obama won't invade Syria. He doesn't have the balls.

^ What is the use of the US invading Syria? What a mistake that would be imho.

It's a tribal issue. All that will bring about is another tribe that is in true submission to Allah having domination over the other Muslims who must be subservient to them.

It's just a different tribe wanting the control. Come on, you know this Mike.

I know that this is off topic...but you just brought it to mind: a difference in the character of Islam and your religion, and the Old Testament, is the idea that in Islam, one must submit.
There is no disputing divine revelation.

I've always been amazed at the idea that Israel means 'he who wrestles with God.'
To me, this is be able to be direct, to question, to discourse. I think it is the strength of your faith.
And very different from the concept that one is like a piece of clay.

Pilpul was created for this reason.

I edited out a boring bit of stuff for this. :lol:
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