Aspirin- the new contraceptive per Santorum supporter

That is one of the oldest jokes ever. Just means behave and have no sex and you won't get pregnant. I know the folks at PP would much rather come to the rescue of women who make bad choices and heaven help anyone who dare suggest prevention rather than abortion.

Seriously, what is more embarrassing to women- suggesting that a woman be smart or too many having abortions because they are too careless. And, yes, I know not all unwanted pregnancies are caused by reckless behavior, but I'm willing to bet most are.
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That is one of the oldest jokes ever. Just means behave and have no sex and you won't get pregnant. I know the folks at PP would much rather come to the rescue of women who make bad choices and heaven help anyone who dare suggest prevention rather than abortion.

One of the oldest jokes ever? Making a foul mouthed statement like that from "back in (his) days" shows where his head is at, and where he'd like to see women return.
Seriously is this the best the democrats have for an issue. It makes me think Obama is really in big trouble for this to be the worst they've got against santorum. fucking what? I am not offended by his opinion. But it does give one a sense of the mind set in the Santorum camp.

I had a girlfriend once who said that, but with a penny.....didn't work then either.

This is ridiculous. It was obviously a little "joke" about a girl keeping her knees together. This righteous indignation, treating it like some vulgar eruption or serious contraceptive tactic is more than a little transparent.

Some folks are trying a bit too hard on this one. Every time I think our political discourse has reached a new low, I'm proven wrong.

That is an old joke that people actually thought was funny 50 years ago.

Can't blame the guy if his joke selection is outdated
The politically correct liberal Puritans just sound stupid throwing a fit over this one.

It's old joke from an old guy. I wouldn't be surprised if they did it on Laugh-in in the sixties.
Good Grief,

Santorum may not have said it, but this guy has given 100's of thousands of dollars to his cpac and you are who you hang with. This guy is just another knuckle dragging neanderthal.

Rick Santorum backer suggests Bayer aspirin as a birth control method for women* - NY Daily News

Okay, Maple syrup, but if you really think Romney is going to go there when the social cons already don't trust him, then you are delusional.

Which is a valid point. People don't agree with Santorum's view on Birth Control. But Romney going after him on it will alienate the Republican base, just like Gingrich going after the Bain Stuff alienated some Republicans. (I still think Bain is Romney's Achilles heel, but not in the primaries necessarily.)

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