Ashley Judd hits the nail on the head


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Ashley Judd Slaps Media in the Face for Speculation Over Her

And the ball out of the park.

I ask especially how we can leverage strong female-to-female alliances to confront and change that there is no winning here as women. It doesn’t actually matter if we are aging naturally, or resorting to surgical assistance. We experience brutal criticism. The dialogue is constructed so that our bodies are a source of speculation, ridicule, and invalidation, as if they belong to others—and in my case, to the actual public. (I am also aware that inevitably some will comment that because I am a creative person, I have abdicated my right to a distinction between my public and private selves, an additional, albeit related, track of highly distorted thinking that will have to be addressed at another time).

If this conversation about me is going to be had, I will do my part to insist that it is a feminist one, because it has been misogynistic from the start. Who makes the fantastic leap from being sick, or gaining some weight over the winter, to a conclusion of plastic surgery? Our culture, that’s who. The insanity has to stop, because as focused on me as it appears to have been, it is about all girls and women. In fact, it’s about boys and men, too, who are equally objectified and ridiculed, according to heteronormative definitions of masculinity that deny the full and dynamic range of their personhood. It affects each and every one of us, in multiple and nefarious ways: our self-image, how we show up in our relationships and at work, our sense of our worth, value, and potential as human beings. Join in—and help change—the Conversation.

I liked her point that whether you choose to age naturally, or have work done, some portion of the American population will shame, mock and belittle you for doing so.
Just as long as she doesn't pin the mocking on the Repubs with the hopes of getting Obie re-elected. Debbie-Wasserman Schitz is doing her best to foster the gender gap in order to get Dear Leader re-elected.
It is common knowlege more women then men vote.
When a person chooses a career in an industry that is the very focus of much of the entire entertainment media they give up their right to whine about what the stooges say, imply, or lie about them IMO. She should stick to the original game plan and just ignore their work.
When a person chooses a career in an industry that is the very focus of much of the entire entertainment media they give up their right to whine about what the stooges say, imply, or lie about them IMO. She should stick to the original game plan and just ignore their work.


Oh, a wise guy
Just a matter of time before A. Judd becomes a propaganda pawn in Obamas strategy to continue to turn women against the GOP in the election run-up.
She'll take her cues from Obies' minister of disinformation, Debbie Wasserman-Schitz, before September.
Just a matter of time................
If this conversation about me is going to be had, I will do my part to insist that it is a feminist one, because it has been misogynistic from the start. Who makes the fantastic leap from being sick, or gaining some weight over the winter, to a conclusion of plastic surgery? Our culture, that’s who. The insanity has to stop, because as focused on me as it appears to have been, it is about all girls and women. In fact, it’s about boys and men, too, who are equally objectified and ridiculed, according to heteronormative definitions of masculinity that deny the full and dynamic range of their personhood. It affects each and every one of us, in multiple and nefarious ways: our self-image, how we show up in our relationships and at work, our sense of our worth, value, and potential as human beings. Join in—and help change—the Conversation.

OK, but this is like saying, "we really all should more vegetables, and drink less beer." Of course "objectifying" men or women ain't so great, but gimme a break: WOMEN are the perpetrators of much of this -- they go positively catty over this stuff. And they LOVE to talk about it.

The human body is a pretty obvious source of fascination... 'cause it's like, ya know, right there. Our vessel. Source of pleasure, pain, seat of the soul, etc. It's not really "insanity" to say, "hey, did she have work done?" You wanna know.

Men, they want to stick it in. Always have, always will. How does Ashley Judd propose we stop that instinct? I don't see the Judds putting burlap over their faces for their album covers.
If this conversation about me is going to be had, I will do my part to insist that it is a feminist one, because it has been misogynistic from the start. Who makes the fantastic leap from being sick, or gaining some weight over the winter, to a conclusion of plastic surgery? Our culture, that’s who. The insanity has to stop, because as focused on me as it appears to have been, it is about all girls and women. In fact, it’s about boys and men, too, who are equally objectified and ridiculed, according to heteronormative definitions of masculinity that deny the full and dynamic range of their personhood. It affects each and every one of us, in multiple and nefarious ways: our self-image, how we show up in our relationships and at work, our sense of our worth, value, and potential as human beings. Join in—and help change—the Conversation.

OK, but this is like saying, "we really all should more vegetables, and drink less beer." Of course "objectifying" men or women ain't so great, but gimme a break: WOMEN are the perpetrators of much of this -- they go positively catty over this stuff. And they LOVE to talk about it.

The human body is a pretty obvious source of fascination... 'cause it's like, ya know, right there. Our vessel. Source of pleasure, pain, seat of the soul, etc. It's not really "insanity" to say, "hey, did she have work done?" You wanna know.

Men, they want to stick it in. Always have, always will. How does Ashley Judd propose we stop that instinct? I don't see the Judds putting burlap over their faces for their album covers.

They shouldn't have to. Obviously (witness: her post) not all women want to be objectified. I know they go catty, I've seen enough of it. That doesn't make it right, or a good default setting.

I'm still having a tough time believing that men only have one setting, and that's 'fuck me.' I mean, they can go to the Beavis & Butthead 'har-har', but those are the simple ones. And men like that aren't attracted to women like Ashley, and vice-versa.

The first attraction is of course visual. But if that's all there is - who sticks around for that. No brains to speak of, no sense of humor, vapid as the day is long? I can't see the attraction. Especially not if she's a beautiful stone-cold bitch.
If this conversation about me is going to be had, I will do my part to insist that it is a feminist one, because it has been misogynistic from the start. Who makes the fantastic leap from being sick, or gaining some weight over the winter, to a conclusion of plastic surgery? Our culture, that’s who. The insanity has to stop, because as focused on me as it appears to have been, it is about all girls and women. In fact, it’s about boys and men, too, who are equally objectified and ridiculed, according to heteronormative definitions of masculinity that deny the full and dynamic range of their personhood. It affects each and every one of us, in multiple and nefarious ways: our self-image, how we show up in our relationships and at work, our sense of our worth, value, and potential as human beings. Join in—and help change—the Conversation.

OK, but this is like saying, "we really all should more vegetables, and drink less beer." Of course "objectifying" men or women ain't so great, but gimme a break: WOMEN are the perpetrators of much of this -- they go positively catty over this stuff. And they LOVE to talk about it.

The human body is a pretty obvious source of fascination... 'cause it's like, ya know, right there. Our vessel. Source of pleasure, pain, seat of the soul, etc. It's not really "insanity" to say, "hey, did she have work done?" You wanna know.

Men, they want to stick it in. Always have, always will. How does Ashley Judd propose we stop that instinct? I don't see the Judds putting burlap over their faces for their album covers.

They shouldn't have to. Obviously (witness: her post) not all women want to be objectified. I know they go catty, I've seen enough of it. That doesn't make it right, or a good default setting.

I'm still having a tough time believing that men only have one setting, and that's 'fuck me.' I mean, they can go to the Beavis & Butthead 'har-har', but those are the simple ones. And men like that aren't attracted to women like Ashley, and vice-versa.

The first attraction is of course visual. But if that's all there is - who sticks around for that. No brains to speak of, no sense of humor, vapid as the day is long? I can't see the attraction. Especially not if she's a beautiful stone-cold bitch.

I have had many conversations and friendships with girls that you are right... they were'nt stereotypically 'hawt' but had a very good head on their shoulders.
If I were single, I couldve looked past it for the most part... but Im sorry, there are others that there is just no freeking way :D

You cant deny Ashley is really pretty now can you...
If this conversation about me is going to be had, I will do my part to insist that it is a feminist one, because it has been misogynistic from the start. Who makes the fantastic leap from being sick, or gaining some weight over the winter, to a conclusion of plastic surgery? Our culture, that’s who. The insanity has to stop, because as focused on me as it appears to have been, it is about all girls and women. In fact, it’s about boys and men, too, who are equally objectified and ridiculed, according to heteronormative definitions of masculinity that deny the full and dynamic range of their personhood. It affects each and every one of us, in multiple and nefarious ways: our self-image, how we show up in our relationships and at work, our sense of our worth, value, and potential as human beings. Join in—and help change—the Conversation.

OK, but this is like saying, "we really all should more vegetables, and drink less beer." Of course "objectifying" men or women ain't so great, but gimme a break: WOMEN are the perpetrators of much of this -- they go positively catty over this stuff. And they LOVE to talk about it.

The human body is a pretty obvious source of fascination... 'cause it's like, ya know, right there. Our vessel. Source of pleasure, pain, seat of the soul, etc. It's not really "insanity" to say, "hey, did she have work done?" You wanna know.

Men, they want to stick it in. Always have, always will. How does Ashley Judd propose we stop that instinct? I don't see the Judds putting burlap over their faces for their album covers.

They shouldn't have to. Obviously (witness: her post) not all women want to be objectified. I know they go catty, I've seen enough of it. That doesn't make it right, or a good default setting.

I'm still having a tough time believing that men only have one setting, and that's 'fuck me.' I mean, they can go to the Beavis & Butthead 'har-har', but those are the simple ones. And men like that aren't attracted to women like Ashley, and vice-versa.

The first attraction is of course visual. But if that's all there is - who sticks around for that. No brains to speak of, no sense of humor, vapid as the day is long? I can't see the attraction. Especially not if she's a beautiful stone-cold bitch.

I have had many conversations and friendships with girls that you are right... they were'nt stereotypically 'hawt' but had a very good head on their shoulders.
If I were single, I couldve looked past it for the most part... but Im sorry, there are others that there is just no freeking way :D

You cant deny Ashley is really pretty now can you...

No! I have eyeballs in my head. :) She is beautiful, and intelligent.

I think there are different kinds of 'hawt'. Like Craig Ferguson, for instance. He's way on the slender side, I don't like toothpick men. But he makes me laugh SO HARD.

And frankly, I will never get married again unless he's a banter buddy. If he can't return volley? Fugfetaboutit.
They shouldn't have to. Obviously (witness: her post) not all women want to be objectified. I know they go catty, I've seen enough of it. That doesn't make it right, or a good default setting.

I'm still having a tough time believing that men only have one setting, and that's 'fuck me.' I mean, they can go to the Beavis & Butthead 'har-har', but those are the simple ones. And men like that aren't attracted to women like Ashley, and vice-versa.

The first attraction is of course visual. But if that's all there is - who sticks around for that. No brains to speak of, no sense of humor, vapid as the day is long? I can't see the attraction. Especially not if she's a beautiful stone-cold bitch.

I have had many conversations and friendships with girls that you are right... they were'nt stereotypically 'hawt' but had a very good head on their shoulders.
If I were single, I couldve looked past it for the most part... but Im sorry, there are others that there is just no freeking way :D

You cant deny Ashley is really pretty now can you...

No! I have eyeballs in my head. :) She is beautiful, and intelligent.

I think there are different kinds of 'hawt'. Like Craig Ferguson, for instance. He's way on the slender side, I don't like toothpick men. But he makes me laugh SO HARD.

And frankly, I will never get married again unless he's a banter buddy.
If he can't return volley? Fugfetaboutit.

That is so important.... I could tell ya a story from my life to support it, but nahh... (I miss her so much though :( )

Being and having a friend you can talk about anything to is very important... I had a GF that was pretty liberal and we loved talking about everything... even at times, politics :eek:

Some thought she was kind of 'homely' looking, but I thought she was just the most beautiful lady on earth.
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