As rats overrun California cities, state moves to ban powerful pest-killers


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
As rats overrun California cities, state moves to ban powerful pest-killers

As rats overrun California cities, state moves to ban powerful pest-killers
July 24, 2019 ~ By Stephen Frank
The rats were winning. There were so many earlier this summer outside the CalEPA building in downtown Sacramento officials had to close its outdoor playground out of fear state employees’ kids would catch rodent-borne diseases. To fight back, building officials set out a controversial type of rat poison whose use may soon be banned statewide by the California Legislature. The poison didn’t stay out very long once word got out the state’s top environmental regulators were using a poison widely condemned by California’s powerful environmental groups.... “Effective immediately, I’m putting a moratorium on the use of rodenticides around the 1001 I Street Building, “ CalEPA agency undersecretary Serena McIlwain said on June 19 in an email to staffers. “We will continue to monitor the situation daily and will work aggressively to find effective, less toxic alternatives.”

Californians will have to go to war with hand to paw combat with the rats. I expect many deserters and even more war brides. Are the rats so big that a good feral kitty can’t take them out?
Californians will have to live with them as long as we let drug addled homeless living among us, and encourage illegals to move in as well. Having a clean environment is the best solution.
The question is, how long before bubonic plague begins spreading from Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego through Seattle?
Actually, suppliers make anticoagulant rodenticide that will not transfer from rat to predator. In Florida Birds of prey were being killed in vast numbers when anticoagulant rodenticide was first used....oops! because eagles, falcons, and such were catching rodents and eating them... Science fixed the problem...
Californians are already experiencing widespread Typhus, Typhoid, Cholera and other death dealing outbreak? Will that make them change course or will the media even report it? It will have to be a full blown plague before the PMS/DSA Dem’s will realize that the Blue Plantation high density they are building is creating a health issue with rodents that will spread disease?
The fact that the problem has reached this sorry stage is on the governance of California. There wouldn’t be a need for poison if the fools in charge of Calif., hadn’t let the overpopulation of street bums reach critical mass. Of course, never forget that the people voted them into office.
That's a Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Blue Plantation State for you.
As rats overrun California cities, state moves to ban powerful pest-killers

As rats overrun California cities, state moves to ban powerful pest-killers
July 24, 2019 ~ By Stephen Frank
The rats were winning. There were so many earlier this summer outside the CalEPA building in downtown Sacramento officials had to close its outdoor playground out of fear state employees’ kids would catch rodent-borne diseases. To fight back, building officials set out a controversial type of rat poison whose use may soon be banned statewide by the California Legislature. The poison didn’t stay out very long once word got out the state’s top environmental regulators were using a poison widely condemned by California’s powerful environmental groups.... “Effective immediately, I’m putting a moratorium on the use of rodenticides around the 1001 I Street Building, “ CalEPA agency undersecretary Serena McIlwain said on June 19 in an email to staffers. “We will continue to monitor the situation daily and will work aggressively to find effective, less toxic alternatives.”

Californians will have to go to war with hand to paw combat with the rats. I expect many deserters and even more war brides. Are the rats so big that a good feral kitty can’t take them out?
Californians will have to live with them as long as we let drug addled homeless living among us, and encourage illegals to move in as well. Having a clean environment is the best solution.
The question is, how long before bubonic plague begins spreading from Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego through Seattle?
Actually, suppliers make anticoagulant rodenticide that will not transfer from rat to predator. In Florida Birds of prey were being killed in vast numbers when anticoagulant rodenticide was first used....oops! because eagles, falcons, and such were catching rodents and eating them... Science fixed the problem...
Californians are already experiencing widespread Typhus, Typhoid, Cholera and other death dealing outbreak? Will that make them change course or will the media even report it? It will have to be a full blown plague before the PMS/DSA Dem’s will realize that the Blue Plantation high density they are building is creating a health issue with rodents that will spread disease?
The fact that the problem has reached this sorry stage is on the governance of California. There wouldn’t be a need for poison if the fools in charge of Calif., hadn’t let the overpopulation of street bums reach critical mass. Of course, never forget that the people voted them into office.
That's a Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Blue Plantation State for you.

They don't want to kill them because they're close relatives.
The rats moved into California to be with the rest of the rats there. It’s a family affair.

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Poison is a bad idea. Wildlife and pets are at risk unless the poison is used on interiors.

Rat populations expand when the food supply is available. Reduce the available food and the rats will kill each other. Stop the dumping of garbage in the streets.
As rats overrun California cities, state moves to ban powerful pest-killers

As rats overrun California cities, state moves to ban powerful pest-killers
July 24, 2019 ~ By Stephen Frank
The rats were winning. There were so many earlier this summer outside the CalEPA building in downtown Sacramento officials had to close its outdoor playground out of fear state employees’ kids would catch rodent-borne diseases. To fight back, building officials set out a controversial type of rat poison whose use may soon be banned statewide by the California Legislature. The poison didn’t stay out very long once word got out the state’s top environmental regulators were using a poison widely condemned by California’s powerful environmental groups.... “Effective immediately, I’m putting a moratorium on the use of rodenticides around the 1001 I Street Building, “ CalEPA agency undersecretary Serena McIlwain said on June 19 in an email to staffers. “We will continue to monitor the situation daily and will work aggressively to find effective, less toxic alternatives.”

Californians will have to go to war with hand to paw combat with the rats. I expect many deserters and even more war brides. Are the rats so big that a good feral kitty can’t take them out?
Californians will have to live with them as long as we let drug addled homeless living among us, and encourage illegals to move in as well. Having a clean environment is the best solution.
The question is, how long before bubonic plague begins spreading from Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego through Seattle?
Actually, suppliers make anticoagulant rodenticide that will not transfer from rat to predator. In Florida Birds of prey were being killed in vast numbers when anticoagulant rodenticide was first used....oops! because eagles, falcons, and such were catching rodents and eating them... Science fixed the problem...
Californians are already experiencing widespread Typhus, Typhoid, Cholera and other death dealing outbreak? Will that make them change course or will the media even report it? It will have to be a full blown plague before the PMS/DSA Dem’s will realize that the Blue Plantation high density they are building is creating a health issue with rodents that will spread disease?
The fact that the problem has reached this sorry stage is on the governance of California. There wouldn’t be a need for poison if the fools in charge of Calif., hadn’t let the overpopulation of street bums reach critical mass. Of course, never forget that the people voted them into office.
That's a Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Blue Plantation State for you.

The DemoKKKrats who run California absolutely LOVE this. Don't think for a second this isn't exactly what they want.

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