As Obama Send 300 “Advisors”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Shiite cleric issues threat to US military advisers as Iraq militants take border post!

He calls them invaders. Just one more sign that our Dear Leader is clueless when it come to anything beyond campaigning or playing golf. :eusa_whistle:

Read more @ Shiite cleric issues threat to US military advisers as Iraq militants take border post | Fox News

And The Iraq Business News service provides us with: Video: Will there be a Third Iraq War?
[ame=]Will there be a third Iraq war? - YouTube[/ame]

Iraqis Say They Don't Want US Troops To Return @ Iraqis Say They Don't Want US Troops To Return

When it's all said and done, I don't think a single boot will hit the ground. Why? Because I don't think even our Dear Leader won't let them to in without some for a agreement to shield them from Iraqi and Sharia law. :mad:
Looks like another 300 troops will be deployed to Iraq! Including 300 advisors initially sent, and the 180 troops already there, this brings the total to about 800 troops in Iraq. Unfortunately, it looks like the numbers will only keep going up, despite Obama's statement not to send in any ground troops.

Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) -- The United States has increased its military presence in Iraq, ordering 300 more troops to the violence-ravaged nation, the Pentagon announced Monday.

The new troops, 200 of whom arrived Sunday and Monday, will provide security for the U.S. Embassy, the Baghdad airport and other facilities in Iraq, Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby said.

The deployment includes "a detachment of helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles, which will bolster airfield and travel route security," Kirby said in a written statement.

The 300 troops are in addition to 300 U.S. advisers who will help train Iraq's security forces. They will bring the total of American forces in Iraq to about 800 troops.

U.S. sends more troops to Iraq -
300 is a good number.

It worked really well for Sparta.

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