As much as I despise the GOP and ultimately think they are poison in comparison to democrats...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.
Any Democrat with two brain cells remaining, knows that Bernie has zero chance of beating Trump in 2020

So the Democrat Party is desperate to find a way to derail Bernie and run a more palpable candidate the America people will vote for.. ... :cool:
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...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Democrats have that system? It's about power, and the corruption necessary to obtain that power. That corruption pervades the Democrat Party, down to the local level.

How else do you think Democrats have stayed in control of most every city that has high crime, high murder rate, and a high poverty rate? Just look at Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. They've been playing that game for hundreds of years, and they're not about to give it up.
There is no reason why Bernie should be the nominee considering he’s not really a Democrat
Any Democrat with two brain cells remaining, knows that Bernie has zero chance of beating Trump in 2020

So they have to find a way to derail Bernie and run a more palpable candidate the America people will vote for.. ... :cool:


...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.
Your party will go out of their way to overtly cheat the rightful winner of the primary process out of the nomination, TWICE, and the republicans are poison.

...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Those Super-Delegates will cost Bloomburg a million dollars a pop---which he will pay, of course---but the Young Brainwashed Bernie Bolsheviks will be so pissed, they'll stay home for the general election, or even vote for the Bad Orange Man.

It's a lose-lose situation because Democrats are so dumb they couldn't see that Uncle Joe Biden is in early stage dementia or Alzheimer's. (A few real dumb-asses still don't.)

Democrats are going to have to work the "Russia Hacked the Election" scam yet again. They'll be filing law suits all over the day after the election.

What else have they got?

Any Democrat with two brain cells remaining, knows that Bernie has zero chance of beating Trump in 2020

So the Democrat Party is desperate to find a way to derail Bernie and run a more palpable candidate the America people will vote for.. ... :cool:


able to be touched or felt.

...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Those Super-Delegates will cost Bloomburg a million dollars a pop---which he will pay, of course---but the Young Brainwashed Bernie Bolsheviks will be so pissed, they'll stay home for the general election, or even vote for the Bad Orange Man.

It's a lose-lose situation because Democrats are so dumb they couldn't see that Uncle Joe Biden is in early stage dementia or Alzheimer's. (A few real dumb-asses still don't.)

Democrats are going to have to work the "Russia Hacked the Election" scam yet again. They'll be filing law suits all over the day after the election.

What else have they got?


I just hope they don't burn down Milwaukee, the interruption in the beer supply would be a disaster.

Although, that shithole and their POS mayor Tom Barrett deserve whatever they get.
The people decided the Presidential election in 2016 yet some still can't accept it to this day.
The electoral college, not the people.
Incorrect and that argument always will be.
If 6 people voted for an apple, and 4 people voted for a banana; what did the people vote to eat?

If 6 people voted for an apple, and 4 people voted for a banana; what did the people vote to eat?

If 304 electors voted for an apple, and 227 electors voted for a banana; why isn't Hillary President?
...I’ll give them credit for one thing.

They don’t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but there’s still a small chance he won’t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those “superdelegates” who worship the DNC’s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldn’t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

They don't have "superdelegates" no. They just cancel entire state primaries. That eliminates all competition altogether. Because Deer Leader can't have competition, that would never do.

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