As I've said before, Trump is a culmination, just as his predecessors were


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
This article lays out the good, the bad and the ugly- for both sides.

Why the Presidency Canā€™t Just Go Back to ā€˜Normalā€™ After Trump

The ā€œnorms and traditionsā€ that Trump has incinerated arenā€™t timeless features of American democracy; theyā€™re actually quite newā€”and brittle.

Notice in the above quote from the article- American democracy- from an allegedly higher educated source- wonder what it's trying to make "normal"?

My personal opinion is; why be normal? Who defines it? What is its definition?
No, I'm not a Trump fan- nor any politician fan- not a one has "secured our Liberty" as their job description (and oath of office claim, "protect and defend the constitution"- hell, it's just a goddamn inert piece of paper that lives) - they ALL routinely play in the 'pay for play' game, at the expense of "we the people".

The article gives some examples of how culmination comes about and voters too blind to see (acknowledge and act accordingly) that demanding gov't intervention for your particular pleasure/belief means you will pay the price at some point- the District of Criminals plays a tit for tat game- you want the tit pay for it with the tat-
That is a long article.
My take-aways are:
1. The courts, including the supreme court, may be changed for a long time under Trump and Mitch.
However, that is not as transformative as taking the US kicking and screaming into "socialism", as Bernie wants to do.

2. The Whitehouse has been transformed over time from a small staff to about 250 folks keeping the Executive Branch functioning. Under Trump we are now aware of "deep state" operatives who know better how US policy should be run, no matter what the president wants. There are even factions of "globalists" who oppose tariffs and optimizing US employment in favor of making their profits offshore.

3. There is no "normal", there is always conflict between factions. When there is a "normal" then the citizens are getting hosed by the various scams of the ruling class. Either huge tax cuts by Republicans, or pay-to-play scams by democrats.

4. One suggestion I recommend is to have a 2nd "Grace Commission" to study and update the Federal government to eliminate waste and duplication (cut spending) and to close all the various "loop-holes" in the tax code to gain up to 30% of tax revenue now being lost (gain revenue), including "fixes" for SS & Medicare. They also need to address the $23T Debt.

5. The MSM now sees that FXN has a loyal following that doesn't believe the tripe that the urban liberals foist on us daily. The internet is another valuable source of information that keeps the truth in the mix if you find good sources.
"Normal" means that the statist progressive administrative state lords over, without any appreciable check, the hoi polloy.

Unless the God Emperor's second term goes into warp drive with swamp draining and prosecution of reptilian malefactors, I fear things will very likely go back to "normal".
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That is a long article.
My take-aways are:
1. The courts, including the supreme court, may be changed for a long time under Trump and Mitch.
However, that is not as transformative as taking the US kicking and screaming into "socialism", as Bernie wants to do.

2. The Whitehouse has been transformed over time from a small staff to about 250 folks keeping the Executive Branch functioning. Under Trump we are now aware of "deep state" operatives who know better how US policy should be run, no matter what the president wants. There are even factions of "globalists" who oppose tariffs and optimizing US employment in favor of making their profits offshore.

3. There is no "normal", there is always conflict between factions. When there is a "normal" then the citizens are getting hosed by the various scams of the ruling class. Either huge tax cuts by Republicans, or pay-to-play scams by democrats.

4. One suggestion I recommend is to have a 2nd "Grace Commission" to study and update the Federal government to eliminate waste and duplication (cut spending) and to close all the various "loop-holes" in the tax code to gain up to 30% of tax revenue now being lost (gain revenue), including "fixes" for SS & Medicare. They also need to address the $23T Debt.

5. The MSM now sees that FXN has a loyal following that doesn't believe the tripe that the urban liberals foist on us daily. The internet is another valuable source of information that keeps the truth in the mix if you find good sources.

Good reply. You at least read it. Acolytes of godvernement don't want to- but, do you really believe TPTB will let Bernie do something not good for them? I don't. He is merely a distraction to help ensure (and in some cases insure) voters remain divided. Do you not find it ironic that Democrats, with all their intellectual skills can find no one better? No, they aren't stupid. They are the opposite, though controlled, just like Republicans- if either weres tupid they wouldn't be rich, and they all are. (excpet the newcomers, who will get there, IF they're smart)

How about the constant barrage of "American Democracy" as a catch all phrase? Do you (or anyone else reading this) think that isn't intentional? Look at how Liberal and Conservative have been bastardized for evidence. The founders were liberals- the conservatives sided with Britain-

Does no one see the game is tit for tat- 8 years for them, 8 years for the others? It's a pattern using incremental changes to bring us all in line to where TPTB get what they want with minimal effort and damage to the core- core: the fed reserve notes as actually worth more than paper cost.

I also wonder why it took "we are now aware of a deep state" so long to be recognized? It's been around since at least Allen Dulles being made head of the CIA. Not to mention the Bilderberg group, the CFR and the Trilateral commission and The New American Century participants. Throw in AIPAC and voila! "The Deep State". The dots only need connecting all the evidence is readily available. But, when one points it out they are ridiculed, attacked personally and looked down on in general as "conspiracy theorist"- yet, here we are now admitting it exists? Dulles was appointed CIA director in the early 50's and things went downhill from there. (there is also an Israeli element, but one has to get up to speed before all the introductions are made)

The crap in Iran (the ME in general) is a culmination stemming from 1953 because the CIA butted in to install a more favorable to the west (mainly British Petroleum) Ruler, to prevent Russia from accessing the oil they have- so, a boogey man, outside of communism (the Allen Dulles boogey man) but a "communist" (good excuse) neighbor to Iran and, the ME'rs don't forget. They plan long term. They're also an enemy of Israel- who'd a thunk it (can you say AIPAC).

We are seeing a culmination IF we choose to and living it whether we choose to see it or not.

BTW, thanks for the forum (your response) I appreciate it!
That is a long article.
My take-aways are:
1. The courts, including the supreme court, may be changed for a long time under Trump and Mitch.
However, that is not as transformative as taking the US kicking and screaming into "socialism", as Bernie wants to do.

2. The Whitehouse has been transformed over time from a small staff to about 250 folks keeping the Executive Branch functioning. Under Trump we are now aware of "deep state" operatives who know better how US policy should be run, no matter what the president wants. There are even factions of "globalists" who oppose tariffs and optimizing US employment in favor of making their profits offshore.

3. There is no "normal", there is always conflict between factions. When there is a "normal" then the citizens are getting hosed by the various scams of the ruling class. Either huge tax cuts by Republicans, or pay-to-play scams by democrats.

4. One suggestion I recommend is to have a 2nd "Grace Commission" to study and update the Federal government to eliminate waste and duplication (cut spending) and to close all the various "loop-holes" in the tax code to gain up to 30% of tax revenue now being lost (gain revenue), including "fixes" for SS & Medicare. They also need to address the $23T Debt.

5. The MSM now sees that FXN has a loyal following that doesn't believe the tripe that the urban liberals foist on us daily. The internet is another valuable source of information that keeps the truth in the mix if you find good sources.

Good reply. You at least read it. Acolytes of government don't want to- but, do you really believe TPTB will let Bernie do something not good for them? I don't. He is merely a distraction to help ensure (and in some cases insure) voters remain divided. Do you not find it ironic that Democrats, with all their intellectual skills can find no one better? No, they aren't stupid. They are the opposite, though controlled, just like Republicans- if either were stupid they wouldn't be rich, and they all are. (excepet the newcomers, who will get there, IF they're smart)

How about the constant barrage of "American Democracy" as a catch all phrase? Do you (or anyone else reading this) think that isn't intentional? Look at how Liberal and Conservative have been bastardized for evidence. The founders were liberals- the conservatives sided with Britain-

Does no one see the game is tit for tat- 8 years for them, 8 years for the others? It's a pattern using incremental changes to bring us all in line to where TPTB get what they want with minimal effort and damage to the core- core: the fed reserve notes as actually worth more than paper cost.

I also wonder why it took "we are now aware of a deep state" so long to be recognized? It's been around since at least Allen Dulles being made head of the CIA. Not to mention the Bilderberg group, the CFR and the Trilateral commission and The New American Century participants. Throw in AIPAC and voila! "The Deep State". The dots only need connecting all the evidence is readily available. But, when one points it out they are ridiculed, attacked personally and looked down on in general as "conspiracy theorist"- yet, here we are now admitting it exists? Dulles was appointed CIA director in the early 50's and things went downhill from there. (there is also an Israeli element, but one has to get up to speed before all the introductions are made)

The crap in Iran (the ME in general) is a culmination stemming from 1953 because the CIA butted in to install a more favorable to the west (mainly British Petroleum) Ruler, to prevent Russia from accessing the oil they have- so, a boogey man, outside of communism (the Allen Dulles boogey man) but a "communist" (good excuse) neighbor to Iran and, the ME'rs don't forget. They plan long term. They're also an enemy of Israel- who'd a thunk it (can you say AIPAC).

We are seeing a culmination IF we choose to and living it whether we choose to see it or not.

BTW, thanks for the forum (your response) I appreciate it!
1. Agree Bernie is a side-show. If he is the dem nominee I'll be shocked. How he loses will be fun watching. He is a cheerleader for the kids, nothing more. His commie policies sound good to the "have-nots" which as you say are the young. Why are the kids so stupid coming out of college is a better question.

2. The founders were "idealists" and "pragmatists" not liberals. They objected to taxation and owned slaves, sound conservative to me.

3. I'm also surprised that the presidency and both Houses switch parties regularly. Maybe its that 9% approval rating?

4. The deep state fucked up sticking their heads up to bash Trump. They were much more effective doing things below the radar. No one knew Trump was indestructible no matter what they threw at him. Flynn was supposed to reign in the CIA, look what happened to Flynn. The deep state is a lot weaker and Trump's 2nd term should weaken them even more. Haven't heard much from AIPAC lately, maybe they have a direct line to Trump via Jarad?

5. The ME was always a puss case. I remember when the Shah was overthrown, then Saddam attacked Iran. Then we attacked Saddam, then ISIS grew, then the EU was over-run by Muslims, now Iran wants nukes. Then what? TBD.
We needed a bull to go and break a bunch of shit in the China shop and Trump has delivered. Dimms are too stupid to have gotten the message.

Their party is in shambles. They let the inmates run the asylum.

When you support MURDERING a living baby on the table after birth, you have lost your way.
We needed a bull to go and break a bunch of shit in the China shop and Trump has delivered. Dimms are too stupid to have gotten the message.

Their party is in shambles. They let the inmates run the asylum.

When you support MURDERING a living baby on the table after birth, you have lost your way.
What he said.
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2. The founders were "idealists" and "pragmatists" not liberals. They objected to taxation and owned slaves, sound conservative to me.
The founders were classical liberals- those who opposed them, conservative, sided with Britain- the root of conservative is to conserve = to keep (side with Britain) = in today's vernacular, status quo- the founders were students of History and current events- the age of enlightenment spawned many a classical liberal, the more intellectual founders among them- what you're referring to the founders were against is 'today's standard', not original so not comparing apples to apples which is my point- bastardized, like I said, the words have been bastardized to make conservative sound like something it ain't and liberal to sound like something it ain't, just like American Democracy. Liberals of today subscribe to the same policy as neocons whose policy's are, in fact, neoliberal, from the early 60's- they both just want their tweaking and stamp R or D- the same destination with a different rate of descent is still descending- the policy's are to inflict world wide hegemony and colonization by the US imperial Army financed by the fed reserve, which is not a conservative, or liberal institution, but a bank that controls our economy with a lending policy to exacerbate the borrow to spend (enSLAVING for generations to come) exercised by BOTH sides in a Keynesian styled top down spending designed for the Monarchy of Britain- who a war was fought to get out from under, yet here we are ignoring the past and allying with (ignoring the founders warnings) to bolster trading with as long as fed reserve notes remain king and the boogey man de jour (Muslims, Communist, Mexicans, Pot, China) can be blamed for all our ills- when it's our very own, supported by "conservatives" and liberal education system which is not a constitutionally enumerated power that ignores the truth and preaches godvernment is good and benevolent when the acts orchestrated and carried out by it don't support the lies- which is yet another entire thread- education.
2. The founders were "idealists" and "pragmatists" not liberals. They objected to taxation and owned slaves, sound conservative to me.
The founders were classical liberals- those who opposed them, conservative, sided with Britain- the root of conservative is to conserve = to keep (side with Britain) = in today's vernacular, status quo- the founders were students of History and current events- the age of enlightenment spawned many a classical liberal, the more intellectual founders among them- what you're referring to the founders were against is 'today's standard', not original so not comparing apples to apples which is my point- bastardized, like I said, the words have been bastardized to make conservative sound like something it ain't and liberal to sound like something it ain't, just like American Democracy. Liberals of today subscribe to the same policy as neocons whose policy's are, in fact, neoliberal, from the early 60's- they both just want their tweaking and stamp R or D- the same destination with a different rate of descent is still descending- the policy's are to inflict world wide hegemony and colonization by the US imperial Army financed by the fed reserve, which is not a conservative, or liberal institution, but a bank that controls our economy with a lending policy to exacerbate the borrow to spend (enSLAVING for generations to come) exercised by BOTH sides in a Keynesian styled top down spending designed for the Monarchy of Britain- who a war was fought to get out from under, yet here we are ignoring the past and allying with (ignoring the founders warnings) to bolster trading with as long as fed reserve notes remain king and the boogey man de jour (Muslims, Communist, Mexicans, Pot, China) can be blamed for all our ills- when it's our very own, supported by "conservatives" and liberal education system which is not a constitutionally enumerated power that ignores the truth and preaches government is good and benevolent when the acts orchestrated and carried out by it don't support the lies- which is yet another entire thread- education.

OK, I agree with that explanation. The meaning of terms varies over time. I also agree that our "liberal education system" is a major problem.
As "politicalchic" always says, what they are teaching in schools today will be law in a generation.
As "politicalchic" always says, what they are teaching in schools today will be law in a generation.
Politicalchic says a lot- mostly on the right side of the equation calling herself always right- there is a difference between right and correct- right is another bastardized word- in times past the right was a militant enforcement of law at the behest of the military led gov't (think Mussolini and Hitler) though Hitler did have a, IMO, a legitimate point (which is not condoning his methods)- which today is seen as Republican by many due to the never ending wars, although, not that long ago Democrats were the war Party (Hawks) and Republicans were the "Doves" party and today they BOTH support the military enforced hegemony- the left was originally anti big gov't involvement in every day lives (think coomunist 'threat' as a tool only, think Mussolini as an implementer/tool user)- that involvement could easily be attributed to long ago when the catholic religion ran roughshod over people, (militarily), who didn't conform to their dogma- dogma is a political tool. Period. It's used in 30 second sound bites and incorrect analyzing of situations to conform to an idealogical D or R), convoluted, flux meant to keep people (voters) in the dark- same destination different rate of descent- pick your poison- you'll still wind up poisoned.

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