As Chinese push into Latin America, Nicaraguans try to hold the line


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
MANAGUA, Nicaragua — Doña Albalina Espinoza’s cellphone rattled with the incoming warning call at 2:30 p.m: “The Chinese are coming!” the voice hissed.

Espinoza quickly hung up, then dialed the next number on the list: “The Chinese are coming!” she repeated.

Within minutes, all 150 families in the lakeside village of Obrajuelo had been alerted to the interlopers’ presence. The Chinese surveyors had returned to take more measurements of the land they’ve flagged for expropriation to make way for their $50 billion Nicaragua canal project, which is scheduled to break ground on Dec. 23.

Fuera Chinos!” Espinoza shouted, as she joined her neighbors outside. Then someone threw a rock. Then another. Within minutes, the police-chauffeured Hilux was kicking up a dust cloud as it whisked the Chinese surveyors out of town, chased by a tropical hail of rocks and sticks.
“We are prepared to do anything and everything to defend our land and protect our lake,” Espinoza told Fusion. “They want to run us off our properties — to scatter us like birds without a nest. My family has lived here for more than 100 years, and we would rather die here fighting than get forced off our land.”

As Chinese push into Latin America Nicaraguans try to hold the line -- Fusion

It's ok.

The World Bank signed a twenty-five million dollar loan to Nicaragua to help spread democracy "which will be allocated to the modernization of the financial administrative procedure. "

Prensa Latina News Agency - Nicaragua World Bank Sign Loan Agreement

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