Arrest Obama’s Latest Attack Dogs


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Barrack Obama has shown a proclivity to the use of villainous people and methods to get what he wants. And all of this, while he remains hidden in the shadows. Awhile president, he sent Al Sharpton and Eric Holder to cities like Sanford, FL, Ferguson, MO, and Baltimore, MD, threatening mayors with DOJ lawsuits, if they didn’t pull their police (or National Guard) back from doing their jobs.

Now, no longer president, Obama is without the services of Allegation Al and Erratic Eric, but it appears he has found new attack dogs, to wage his war against conservatives. His shadow government appears to be operating at full speed, with his appointed people still employed in various federal jobs. These Obama holdovers, many with access to classified information, have been illegally (and traitorously) leaking secret information to the media, who have been complicit in releasing it to the public.

In some cases, this has resulted in media personalities laughably making fools of themselves (ex Rachel Maddow with Trump’s taxes). In other cases, in serious ramifications ( ex Gen. Michael Flynn).

It appears Obama may also have been involved in the ruling by a Hawaiin judge, which nixed President Trump’s second immigration/travel ban. Just before the ruling, Obama traveled (without his family) to Hawaii, and it’s believed he met with and cajoled the judge, to smackdown the ban. As often is the case, Obama remained hidden, out of public scrutiny. And remote to the activity.

The Trump administration needs to do a few things here. They need to find and arrest the leakers, to limit the excessive power of lower and appeal court judges, and to get Trump’s SCOTUS picks on the SCOTUS, as soon as possible.
Give him time, even with the tools Bush and Obama gave him, the final rolling out of a police state takes a bit of work.
Arrest all dissenters!!!!!


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