Arrest Made In Attempt To Obstruct Election Certification

You don’t love the Constitution if you condone unconstitutional behavior.

Yet I don't see you condemning xiden for his refusal to faithfully enforce federal law. That's as unconstitutional as you can get and a total violation of his oath of office. Now we have an additional 4 million illegal aliens competing for resources and jobs and there's no end in sight.

Why would I be warned .....and for what?
And if I ignore your warning....well, what happens next?
Explain yourself poster bear.


Nope. Wrong on both counts.
Explain yourself.


Umm, some "they".....
said he "should"?
"Do more"?

OK. I guess.
Some might say that is a compelling and forceful command.
I wouldn't be one of 'em, though.
But you be you, Ithinker.

Yes, the jackass losers who participated were most definitely on the hook.
But we all know that that riotous insurrection would not have occurred without Don Trump angering and inciting those jackasses beforehand.

So, no Don Trump = no attack on our legislators.

You dumb ass, that's like saying if there were no legislators there wouldn't have been a riot. Or if States hadn't engaged in illegal consent decrees or violated their own laws and State constitutions to change election procedures there wouldn't have been a riot. All of it played a roll in what happened on 1/6. It's what happens when people can't have faith in elections.

I also find it funny that you idiots so easily forget the demonstrations and riots the day Trump was inaugurated and several times during his presidency. But that's different, RIGHT?

The same as "Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.". Or when your comrades say "Fight like hell.". It's called political rhetoric.

Oh? Without going into the Capitol, how were their voices going to be heard to "stop the steal?"
ok then
How often have you heard me call you a fascists' or any other dem.
i usually try and keep my remarks about the guy who showers with his daughter and dim witted son.

So? That's just you. Many on the right have been calling Democrats fascists for years.

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