Arizona atf say; eric holder or obama knows nothing.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
ATF Death Watch 150: Attorney General Eric Holder Knows Nothing. WaPo and NYT Also
Posted on June 9, 2012 by Robert Farago
ATF Death Watch 150: Attorney General Eric Holder Knows Nothing. WaPo and NYT Also | | The Truth About GunsThe Truth About Guns

Why isn’t Fast and Furious, Guns Walking, Operation Wide Receiver not investigated from the top Bush administration, Arizona ATF, down. Instead of the bottom up. This is an attack on Obama personally through Holder. A witch hunt to hang Obama.
ATF say Holder know nothing. Question ATF? Who actually walked the guns?
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you're right, lets stop, because holders employees said he didnt know. Maybe that could have saved Nixon.
The ATF in AZ wants this shut down now, they know they are in deep shit, and if holder and Obama can toss em to the wolves they will
Pretty obvious that neither knows much about anything, even where they were born (or hatched?). It's wrong to expect them to know anything at all.

But we can hope that might change.

Provided reincarnation is not just a myth.
If witches had enabled the murders of Agents Terry and Zapata and over 500 can bet your ASS we'd be having a witch hunt!!!

As it is...we'll just have to settle for Holder and the jackwagons that we KNOW did it!
Yeah the "ATF" in AZ just decided to ship guns to drug cartels without getting people in DC involved.......uh, bullshit.

This would be like the General in charge of US Forces in Korea deciding to invade North Korea tonight on his own......
ATF Death Watch 150: Attorney General Eric Holder Knows Nothing. WaPo and NYT Also
Posted on June 9, 2012 by Robert Farago
ATF Death Watch 150: Attorney General Eric Holder Knows Nothing. WaPo and NYT Also | | The Truth About GunsThe Truth About Guns

Why isn’t Fast and Furious, Guns Walking, Operation Wide Receiver not investigated from the top Bush administration, Arizona ATF, down. Instead of the bottom up. This is an attack on Obama personally through Holder. A witch hunt to hang Obama.
ATF say Holder know nothing. Question ATF? Who actually walked the guns?

I think you should read the article at your link. :razz:

The author of the piece is pissed at Holder and his crew.

" So it’s down to Representative Issa and Senator Grassley to expose the truth about the Obama administration’s Mexican gun, grenade and cash-walking ops.

The Democrats insist that they’re on a witch hunt. Who cares? If not for these two men, even the possibility of justice would have died with Agent Terry on that lonely desert floor."

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Oh and I do like the way he puts this (thanks for this link btw)

" If it wasn’t clear before, it is now: the only way the ATF, DHS, FBI, DEA, CIA, ICE, CPB, Justice Department and State Department will be held accountable for their “Guns And Grenades and Laundered Cash for Goons” programs and policies will be if Congress forces their illegal activities in the open".
Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst says ballistics tests have confirmed border agent was killed by Fast and Furious weapon

Dewhurst's campaign did not respond to our requests for information supporting his campaign's claim that ballistics information confirmed Terry's killing by a Fast and Furious weapon.

We reviewed news reports, congressional reports and public testimony, which indicated that two Fast and Furious guns were recovered from the scene of Terry's shooting. However, we found no federal ballistics information confirming that the bullet that killed Terry was fired from one of the guns.

By all accounts, Fast and Furious weapons were found at the scene of a U.S. agent's death. Dewhurst's campaign was emphatic, though, that ballistics tests confirmed that the weapons killed the agent. We found no information indicating that's so. Dewhurst's statement rates False.


More: PolitiFact Texas | Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst says ballistics tests have confirmed border agent was killed by Fast and Furious weapon
Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst says ballistics tests have confirmed border agent was killed by Fast and Furious weapon

Dewhurst's campaign did not respond to our requests for information supporting his campaign's claim that ballistics information confirmed Terry's killing by a Fast and Furious weapon.

We reviewed news reports, congressional reports and public testimony, which indicated that two Fast and Furious guns were recovered from the scene of Terry's shooting. However, we found no federal ballistics information confirming that the bullet that killed Terry was fired from one of the guns.

By all accounts, Fast and Furious weapons were found at the scene of a U.S. agent's death. Dewhurst's campaign was emphatic, though, that ballistics tests confirmed that the weapons killed the agent. We found no information indicating that's so. Dewhurst's statement rates False.


More: PolitiFact Texas | Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst says ballistics tests have confirmed border agent was killed by Fast and Furious weapon

The trial has been rescheduled conveniently to November 6th. And the documents are sealed.

But this gem is out there that has the ATF trying to "misrepresent the facts" again. And this is not Politifact. This is based on FBI documents.

FBI report at odds with ATF claim on weapons

A copy of the FBI document shows ballistics tests did not rule out the Fast and Furious guns in the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry.
July 27, 2011|By Richard A. Serrano, Washington Bureau

Reporting from Washington — The claim by senior ATF officials that none of the weapons lost in the botched Fast and Furious sting operation were used in the shooting of a Border Patrol agent is not supported by FBI ballistics tests, according to a copy of the FBI report on the shooting.

And this was the reaction from the Terry family lawyer.

Paul Charlton, a former U.S. attorney in Phoenix now representing the Terry family, was outraged that the ATF statement distorted the FBI findings. "For them to say that is a lie," Charlton said in an interview. "It's a gross inaccuracy. It's yet another example of the ATF misleading the nation and the family on what actually happened to Agent Terry."

Fast and Furious: FBI report at odds with ATF claim on weapons - Los Angeles Times
You guys know who is the boss of ALL those agencies don't ya. The Homeland Security Secretary and Obama cabinet member...Janet Napalitano. Since SHE said she didn't know anything about it either and communications between Obama and her WOULD be a lagit reason to invoke executive privilege...I'm guessing her name is going to come up sooner or later.

AND there is a Supreme Court justice...Kagan that was the Obama Administration general council during the period of these documents Issa wants. I'm guessing there's PLENTY for Obama to be protecting with this move!
ATF Death Watch 150: Attorney General Eric Holder Knows Nothing. WaPo and NYT Also
Posted on June 9, 2012 by Robert Farago
ATF Death Watch 150: Attorney General Eric Holder Knows Nothing. WaPo and NYT Also | | The Truth About GunsThe Truth About Guns

Why isn’t Fast and Furious, Guns Walking, Operation Wide Receiver not investigated from the top Bush administration, Arizona ATF, down. Instead of the bottom up. This is an attack on Obama personally through Holder. A witch hunt to hang Obama.
ATF say Holder know nothing. Question ATF? Who actually walked the guns?

Issa knows this. That's why he didn't subpoena any records/documents from that time or from those people. If he does, it blows his whole case against Holder.



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