Are You Delusional? Take the Atheists' Test on How Delusional You Are

Are You Delusional (Religious, Atheist, Agonostic, Other)?

  • No

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • Less than 50% chance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Greater than 50% chance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Meh. Don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015

  1. Do you ever feel as if people seem to drop hints about you or say things with a double meaning?
  2. Do you ever feel as if things in magazines or on TV were written especially for you?
  3. Do you ever feel as if some people are not what they seem to be?
  4. Do you ever feel as if you are being persecuted in some way?
  5. Do you ever feel as if there is a conspiracy against you?
  6. Do you ever feel as if you are, or destined to be someone very important?
  7. Do you ever feel that you are a very special or unusual person?
  8. Do you ever feel that you are especially close to God?
  9. Do you ever think people can communicate telepathically?
  10. Do you ever feel as if electrical devices such as computers can influence the way you think?
  11. Do you ever feel as if you have been chosen by God in some way?
  12. Do you believe in the power of witchcraft, voodoo or the occult?
  13. Are you often worried that your partner may be unfaithful?
  14. Do you ever feel that you have sinned more than the average person?
  15. Do you ever feel that people look at you oddly because of your appearance?
  16. Do you ever feel as if you had no thoughts in your head at all?
  17. Do you ever feel as if the world is about to end?
  18. Do your thoughts ever feel alien to you in some way?
  19. Have your thoughts ever been so vivid that you were worried other people would hear them?
  20. Do you ever feel as if your own thoughts were being echoed back to you?
  21. Do you ever feel as if you are a robot or zombie without a will of your own?



1-5 You are less prone to delusions than most. Your thinking style is probably more analytical than intuitive.

6-7 Congratulations! You are normal. The average score is 6.7, with no difference between men and women.

8-21 You are more prone to delusions than most. You are likely to think intuitively and jump to conclusions.

Credit: Schizophr Bull. 2004;30(4):1005-22.

Measuring delusional ideation: the 21-item Peters et al. Delusions Inventory (PDI).

Test how delusional you are - Atheist Alliance International

  1. Do you ever feel as if people seem to drop hints about you or say things with a double meaning?
  2. Do you ever feel as if things in magazines or on TV were written especially for you?
  3. Do you ever feel as if some people are not what they seem to be?
  4. Do you ever feel as if you are being persecuted in some way?
  5. Do you ever feel as if there is a conspiracy against you?
  6. Do you ever feel as if you are, or destined to be someone very important?
  7. Do you ever feel that you are a very special or unusual person?
  8. Do you ever feel that you are especially close to God?
  9. Do you ever think people can communicate telepathically?
  10. Do you ever feel as if electrical devices such as computers can influence the way you think?
  11. Do you ever feel as if you have been chosen by God in some way?
  12. Do you believe in the power of witchcraft, voodoo or the occult?
  13. Are you often worried that your partner may be unfaithful?
  14. Do you ever feel that you have sinned more than the average person?
  15. Do you ever feel that people look at you oddly because of your appearance?
  16. Do you ever feel as if you had no thoughts in your head at all?
  17. Do you ever feel as if the world is about to end?
  18. Do your thoughts ever feel alien to you in some way?
  19. Have your thoughts ever been so vivid that you were worried other people would hear them?
  20. Do you ever feel as if your own thoughts were being echoed back to you?
  21. Do you ever feel as if you are a robot or zombie without a will of your own?



1-5 You are less prone to delusions than most. Your thinking style is probably more analytical than intuitive.

6-7 Congratulations! You are normal. The average score is 6.7, with no difference between men and women.

8-21 You are more prone to delusions than most. You are likely to think intuitively and jump to conclusions.

Credit: Schizophr Bull. 2004;30(4):1005-22.

Measuring delusional ideation: the 21-item Peters et al. Delusions Inventory (PDI).

Test how delusional you are - Atheist Alliance International

I got either a 3 or a 4 (lost count). I know for a fact that I can telekinetically snap a guitar string while installing one unless I force myself to think "loose" thoughts.
Last edited:

  1. Do you ever feel as if people seem to drop hints about you or say things with a double meaning?
  2. Do you ever feel as if things in magazines or on TV were written especially for you?
  3. Do you ever feel as if some people are not what they seem to be?
  4. Do you ever feel as if you are being persecuted in some way?
  5. Do you ever feel as if there is a conspiracy against you?
  6. Do you ever feel as if you are, or destined to be someone very important?
  7. Do you ever feel that you are a very special or unusual person?
  8. Do you ever feel that you are especially close to God?
  9. Do you ever think people can communicate telepathically?
  10. Do you ever feel as if electrical devices such as computers can influence the way you think?
  11. Do you ever feel as if you have been chosen by God in some way?
  12. Do you believe in the power of witchcraft, voodoo or the occult?
  13. Are you often worried that your partner may be unfaithful?
  14. Do you ever feel that you have sinned more than the average person?
  15. Do you ever feel that people look at you oddly because of your appearance?
  16. Do you ever feel as if you had no thoughts in your head at all?
  17. Do you ever feel as if the world is about to end?
  18. Do your thoughts ever feel alien to you in some way?
  19. Have your thoughts ever been so vivid that you were worried other people would hear them?
  20. Do you ever feel as if your own thoughts were being echoed back to you?
  21. Do you ever feel as if you are a robot or zombie without a will of your own?



1-5 You are less prone to delusions than most. Your thinking style is probably more analytical than intuitive.

6-7 Congratulations! You are normal. The average score is 6.7, with no difference between men and women.

8-21 You are more prone to delusions than most. You are likely to think intuitively and jump to conclusions.

Credit: Schizophr Bull. 2004;30(4):1005-22.

Measuring delusional ideation: the 21-item Peters et al. Delusions Inventory (PDI).

Test how delusional you are - Atheist Alliance International

A waste of bandwidth from a self-hating, angry religious extremist.
There is no right or wrong answer. We all have some delusions. If you scored very high delusional, then it says you jump to conclusions on inadequate evidence and more intuitive. Sometimes your intuition is good to listen to. It can protect us and help us make good decisions.

"Delusion is not an oddity—it’s the norm. Almost all of us can slip into delusional thinking and it’s easy to see why. We all have a tendency to be confounded by cognitive biases. These are thinking errors that seem to be hard-wired into us. An example is the bandwagon effect which makes us feel an opinion that is widely held is probably true. Another example is the gambler’s fallacy which makes us feel the probabilities of a future event are influenced by past events (I’ve seen six heads in a row so the next toss is more likely to be a tail.) Confirm bias is very destructive of good thinking—it makes us pay attention to evidence that seems to support our beliefs and ignore contrary evidence. Psychologists have identified well over 100 such biases, and more are being discovered.

You can think of delusional disorders as sitting on a continuum. At one end are the clinically ill (the 0.2% of people who believe they are deceased, or who believe a loved one has been replaced by an alien or a robot). In the middle are those who too readily accept unlikely things as true, and are reluctant to revise their beliefs even when shown contrary facts. At the extreme opposite end to those who are clinically ill are about 9% of the population who are free from delusional thinking and will readily change an opinion once presented with validated counter-facts.

There is no doubt that religious people will be scattered along this scale—the strongly fundamentalists closer to the 0.2% of clinically ill people and the more liberal around the middle. But atheists are not blameless here. With only 9% of people free from from delusional thinking, atheists are bound to be scattered across the continuum too.

Research has shown that intuitive people, who have a tendency to jump to conclusions on inadequate evidence, are likely to have more delusional thinking than analytical people who take their time before coming to a conclusion."

I got a 4. Sometimes, I think I am too analytical and it isn't always good for creativity and being artistic.
I scored a 1. And I am an atheist.

It's a test from Atheist Alliance International whom I never heard of. I think they are saying that an atheist will score lower and a religious person will score higher.
the Theist test:
1. have you ever been in a cockpit before?
2. have you ever seen a grown man naked?
There is no right or wrong answer. We all have some delusions. If you scored very high delusional, then it says you jump to conclusions on inadequate evidence and more intuitive. Sometimes your intuition is good to listen to. It can protect us and help us make good decisions.

"Delusion is not an oddity—it’s the norm. Almost all of us can slip into delusional thinking and it’s easy to see why. We all have a tendency to be confounded by cognitive biases. These are thinking errors that seem to be hard-wired into us. An example is the bandwagon effect which makes us feel an opinion that is widely held is probably true. Another example is the gambler’s fallacy which makes us feel the probabilities of a future event are influenced by past events (I’ve seen six heads in a row so the next toss is more likely to be a tail.) Confirm bias is very destructive of good thinking—it makes us pay attention to evidence that seems to support our beliefs and ignore contrary evidence. Psychologists have identified well over 100 such biases, and more are being discovered.

You can think of delusional disorders as sitting on a continuum. At one end are the clinically ill (the 0.2% of people who believe they are deceased, or who believe a loved one has been replaced by an alien or a robot). In the middle are those who too readily accept unlikely things as true, and are reluctant to revise their beliefs even when shown contrary facts. At the extreme opposite end to those who are clinically ill are about 9% of the population who are free from delusional thinking and will readily change an opinion once presented with validated counter-facts.

There is no doubt that religious people will be scattered along this scale—the strongly fundamentalists closer to the 0.2% of clinically ill people and the more liberal around the middle. But atheists are not blameless here. With only 9% of people free from from delusional thinking, atheists are bound to be scattered across the continuum too.

Research has shown that intuitive people, who have a tendency to jump to conclusions on inadequate evidence, are likely to have more delusional thinking than analytical people who take their time before coming to a conclusion."

I got a 4. Sometimes, I think I am too analytical and it isn't always good for creativity and being artistic.
I got a 4.

it's delusional to think that will be the same score after a redo in 3 hours ...

suffering through the list i got a 2 ... not necessarily true being a theist is delusional though in most cases they are.
There is no right or wrong answer. We all have some delusions. If you scored very high delusional, then it says you jump to conclusions on inadequate evidence and more intuitive. Sometimes your intuition is good to listen to. It can protect us and help us make good decisions.

"Delusion is not an oddity—it’s the norm. Almost all of us can slip into delusional thinking and it’s easy to see why. We all have a tendency to be confounded by cognitive biases. These are thinking errors that seem to be hard-wired into us. An example is the bandwagon effect which makes us feel an opinion that is widely held is probably true. Another example is the gambler’s fallacy which makes us feel the probabilities of a future event are influenced by past events (I’ve seen six heads in a row so the next toss is more likely to be a tail.) Confirm bias is very destructive of good thinking—it makes us pay attention to evidence that seems to support our beliefs and ignore contrary evidence. Psychologists have identified well over 100 such biases, and more are being discovered.

You can think of delusional disorders as sitting on a continuum. At one end are the clinically ill (the 0.2% of people who believe they are deceased, or who believe a loved one has been replaced by an alien or a robot). In the middle are those who too readily accept unlikely things as true, and are reluctant to revise their beliefs even when shown contrary facts. At the extreme opposite end to those who are clinically ill are about 9% of the population who are free from delusional thinking and will readily change an opinion once presented with validated counter-facts.

There is no doubt that religious people will be scattered along this scale—the strongly fundamentalists closer to the 0.2% of clinically ill people and the more liberal around the middle. But atheists are not blameless here. With only 9% of people free from from delusional thinking, atheists are bound to be scattered across the continuum too.

Research has shown that intuitive people, who have a tendency to jump to conclusions on inadequate evidence, are likely to have more delusional thinking than analytical people who take their time before coming to a conclusion."

I got a 4. Sometimes, I think I am too analytical and it isn't always good for creativity and being artistic.
I got a 4.

it's delusional to think that will be the same score after a redo in 3 hours ...

suffering through the list i got a 2 ... not necessarily true being a theist is delusional though in most cases they are.

I'm not going to say you're not telling us your REAL score because it was higher than what people reported, BreezeWood. Maybe it was suppose to be crazy questions in order to find who IS delusional. Most people score low and they just tell you it's normal to be in the middle. To not think the questions were crazy may mean you are.
I don't know about "delusional" but any thinking person could easily lose brain cells entertaining that drivel so no thanks
I don't know about "delusional" but any thinking person could easily lose brain cells entertaining that drivel so no thanks

Thanks for reading. Delusional means believing in something that is false. It could be someone having delusions of grandeur like Napoleon. It could mean a student who thinks they can write a decent term paper the night before it is due or ace an exam the next day by cramming. Very few people can do this.

It could also mean that you were tricked into believing someone or something. Harold was told from John it had changed to daylight savings time when it hadn't.

The more serious one is when one has a difficult time separating reality or something that there is indisputable and verifiable evidence for and instead cannot get past their own thoughts and beliefs. This would make one have psychotic beliefs. It could lead to mental illness.

From the atheists viewpoint, ti would mean someone who believes in God. From the theist viewpoint, it would be someone who doesn't believe in God. Since this so called "test" is from the AAI (whom I've never heard of until now), it is biased. They would not admit atheism is a religion, too. I think people would admit this fits under the first definition or could even fit under the second. Very few would take it to the psychotic level.

I only took psych 101, from which I notice most are "feel" questions, so it makes people analyze their feelings and that's what they are responding to.

  1. Do you ever feel as if people seem to drop hints about you or say things with a double meaning?
  2. Do you ever feel as if things in magazines or on TV were written especially for you?
  3. Do you ever feel as if some people are not what they seem to be?
  4. Do you ever feel as if you are being persecuted in some way?
  5. Do you ever feel as if there is a conspiracy against you?
  6. Do you ever feel as if you are, or destined to be someone very important?
  7. Do you ever feel that you are a very special or unusual person?
  8. Do you ever feel that you are especially close to God?
  9. Do you ever think people can communicate telepathically?
  10. Do you ever feel as if electrical devices such as computers can influence the way you think?
  11. Do you ever feel as if you have been chosen by God in some way?
  12. Do you believe in the power of witchcraft, voodoo or the occult?
  13. Are you often worried that your partner may be unfaithful?
  14. Do you ever feel that you have sinned more than the average person?
  15. Do you ever feel that people look at you oddly because of your appearance?
  16. Do you ever feel as if you had no thoughts in your head at all?
  17. Do you ever feel as if the world is about to end?
  18. Do your thoughts ever feel alien to you in some way?
  19. Have your thoughts ever been so vivid that you were worried other people would hear them?
  20. Do you ever feel as if your own thoughts were being echoed back to you?
  21. Do you ever feel as if you are a robot or zombie without a will of your own?



1-5 You are less prone to delusions than most. Your thinking style is probably more analytical than intuitive.

6-7 Congratulations! You are normal. The average score is 6.7, with no difference between men and women.

8-21 You are more prone to delusions than most. You are likely to think intuitively and jump to conclusions.

Credit: Schizophr Bull. 2004;30(4):1005-22.

Measuring delusional ideation: the 21-item Peters et al. Delusions Inventory (PDI).

Test how delusional you are - Atheist Alliance International
I scored 0. I must be the least deluded person alive.
7. 99% of happy go lucky people are too scared to study the world and see reality.
I got a 0.

I scored 0. I must be the least deluded person alive.

I wasn't sure what a zero score would mean, but this is what they said...


Mwahahahahahahaha. Wow, that's mean.


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