Are liberal intellectuals embarrassed by AOC


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

There aren't any liberal intellectuals anymore.
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

She really gets under the collective conservative skin, and that makes her ok in my book.
Seems she has been given a job, to be the shiny object that keeps everyone's attention fixed on her.

She is on the same level intellectually as Michele Bachmann, but gets a lot more press.
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

It is a freshman rep we have not given her much thought. I just do not understand why the right has. WTF?
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

She really gets under the collective conservative skin, and that makes her ok in my book.

Its not that. Someone this retarded and stupid rarely comes along. This is something to behold.
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

It is a freshman rep we have not given her much thought. I just do not understand why the right has. WTF?

Its the liberal media that continually drools over this stupidity.
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?


Moments like this make me relieved to be a non-Republican conservative. I’m sure the adults in the Democratic Party are at least as embarrassed by AOC as the old guard Republicans are embarrassed by Trump. Maybe the 2 can have a Twitter Off.
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

It is a freshman rep we have not given her much thought. I just do not understand why the right has. WTF?

Its the liberal media that continually drools over this stupidity.
I see her talked about on here more than in the news. I do not get the rights fasination, I think ya all just wanna fuck her and do not want to admit it. How about we see how she votes on some stuff before giving her so much attnetion. I have never seen a freshman rep get so much attention. What ever I guess ya all do not have anything better to do.
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

She really gets under the collective conservative skin, and that makes her ok in my book.

You’re wrong dude. Speaking as a conservative, I love her. I wish all the freshman Dems were just like her. I guarantee if the Dems could anonymously pick one of their own to replace, it would be her. On the other hand, the GOP would pick Pelosi and replace her with AOC. Conservatives want AOC to be the liberal voice. She’s an easy target.
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?


The thing to take a look at MIGHT be China's Cultural Revolution of the 1960's where young violent stupid radical mobs supporting Chairman Mao took over the country by sheer force of numbers and their willingness to use violence to assert their will.

They killed and imprisoned millions of intellectuals, iinm.

And knowledge and intelligence became so devalued and resented by the masses of Red Guard asses carrying the little red book of Mao's sayings, that they killed people for wearing eyeglasses. Thought they might be intellectuals.

This is what AOC mania is headed toward.

The dumbest and most violent will rule over the intellectuals.

In my humble opinion.
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

She really gets under the collective conservative skin, and that makes her ok in my book.
no she's a bartender who doesn't know jack about my country.
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

It is a freshman rep we have not given her much thought. I just do not understand why the right has. WTF?
because a rock knows more about the world than that bartender. And, she doesn't represent me or my fellow conservatives outside her fking loser district where they must love drinking.

wonder how many jack and cokes she poured to get in.
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?


Moments like this make me relieved to be a non-Republican conservative. I’m sure the adults in the Democratic Party are at least as embarrassed by AOC as the old guard Republicans are embarrassed by Trump. Maybe the 2 can have a Twitter Off.
trump was voted in by the country, AOC dumbass was only a district. so, her piss pool is minuscule to the rule.
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

It is a freshman rep we have not given her much thought. I just do not understand why the right has. WTF?

Its the liberal media that continually drools over this stupidity.
I see her talked about on here more than in the news. I do not get the rights fasination, I think ya all just wanna fuck her and do not want to admit it. How about we see how she votes on some stuff before giving her so much attnetion. I have never seen a freshman rep get so much attention. What ever I guess ya all do not have anything better to do.
Progressive Socialists control the media and control a lot of our threads. She gets the attention because she is promoted by them. People try to warn on extremism. But cultures never learn. You saw another example of that with those Catholic School kids. They just have to be guilty just by breathing. Because the propaganda is against white males and Christians.
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

It is a freshman rep we have not given her much thought. I just do not understand why the right has. WTF?

Its the liberal media that continually drools over this stupidity.
I see her talked about on here more than in the news. I do not get the rights fasination, I think ya all just wanna fuck her and do not want to admit it. How about we see how she votes on some stuff before giving her so much attnetion. I have never seen a freshman rep get so much attention. What ever I guess ya all do not have anything better to do.
Progressive Socialists control the media and control a lot of our threads. She gets the attention because she is promoted by them. People try to warn on extremism. But cultures never learn. You saw another example of that with those Catholic School kids. They just have to be guilty just by breathing. Because the propaganda is against white males and Christians.
and the story was a complete and total lie. TOTAL LIE. the left are fking evil fks, facts mean absolutely nothing to them. Their was a full story to report and they completely ignored the facts. IGNORED the FACTS. They fking ruined a kids life for a story that was fake
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First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

She really gets under the collective conservative skin, and that makes her ok in my book.

Its not that. Someone this retarded and stupid rarely comes along. This is something to behold.
Hilarious to hear a bloody tRumpkin say things like that!

Tell us another one!
First, she's a fucking moron who ran for - and won- a position about which she is literally clueless. She has no idea what Congress is or does, yet she is clearly the democrat Party's dynamo of "new" Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideas.

She thinks billionaires are "immoral"

She's doubled down on the almost infinite list of failed "Weeze all gunna die from global climate warming change" predictions.

Aren't you embarrassed at having a legitimate Moron as your Party leader and guru?

I thought you guys were "intellectuals"?

It is a freshman rep we have not given her much thought. I just do not understand why the right has. WTF?

Its the liberal media that continually drools over this stupidity.
I see her talked about on here more than in the news. I do not get the rights fasination, I think ya all just wanna fuck her and do not want to admit it. How about we see how she votes on some stuff before giving her so much attnetion. I have never seen a freshman rep get so much attention. What ever I guess ya all do not have anything better to do.

She is a human Rorschach Inkblot Test who represents whatever we read into her.

You see her as a sexual object.

I see her as a young dumb woman who discovered the world's inexplicable fascination with her
and wants to make the most of it somehow but she is being pushed and pulled in so many directions she is just a mess I wouldn't want to be anywhere near.

She is a sad indication of who and what and where we are as a society.

The people who voted her into office are like the kibbles and bits in and around our anus region which we don't often bother to look at and would rather not try.

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