Are Iran's Jews Better Off Than Gaza's Palestinians?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
The largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside of Israel lives in Iran. Some 25,000 Jews are free to practice their religion and vote in elections.

"Iranian Jews live in dignity and enjoy the benefits of citizenship."

It should go without saying Iranian elections are far from free and any benefits of citizenship in a theocracy can never rival those found in Nordic countries, for example.

However a majority of Jews in Iran voted for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the recent (and totally suspect) presidential election.

A recent BBC article contained this excerpt:

"(Ahmadinejad's) office recently donated money for Tehran's Jewish hospital. It is one of only four Jewish charity hospitals worldwide and is funded with money from the Jewish diaspora - something remarkable in Iran where even local aid organizations have difficulty receiving funds from abroad for fear of being accused of being foreign agents."

Why Iran's Jews...
I don't know. Have Iran's Jews started and lost a war against Iran?

Maybe Roger Cohen knows the answer to that question:

"Perhaps I have a bias towards facts over words, but I say the reality of Iranian civility toward Jews tells us more about Iran -- its sophistication and culture -- than all the inflammatory rhetoric.

"That may be because I'm a Jew and have seldom been treated with such consistent warmth as in Iran. Or perhaps I was impressed that the fury over Gaza, trumpeted on posters and Iranian TV, never spilled over into insults or violence against Jews.

"Or perhaps it's because I'm convinced the 'Mad Mullah' caricature of Iran and likening any compromise with it to Munich misleading and dangerous."
I don't know. Have Iran's Jews started and lost a war against Iran?

It's always nice to hear an ironic attempt to justify collective punishment from one of our Jewish friends here at USMB.
I don't know. Have Iran's Jews started and lost a war against Iran?

It's always nice to hear an ironic attempt to justify collective punishment from one of our Jewish friends here at USMB.

when do people who wage war get to assert rights and ask for a do-over?

like i said, when did iran's jews ever wage war against the government?

as for the remaining 25,000, how many are still there because they aren't allowed to emigrate as a family? How many are just afraid to stand on line at foreign embassies waiting for a visa while their government photographs them?

as for the rest of your question. palestinians aren't israelis...
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when do people who wage war get to assert rights and ask for a do-over?

like i said, when did iran's jews ever wage war against the government?

as for the remaining 25,000, how many are still there because they aren't allowed to emigrate as a family? How many are just afraid to stand on line at foreign embassies waiting for a visa while their government photographs them?

as for the rest of your question. palestinians aren't israelis...

You're missing the point, Jillian. Even if we were to ignore the fact that Israeli oppression instigated the Gaza conflict, it's irrational and immoral to hold an entire population responsible for the actions of a few.
when do people who wage war get to assert rights and ask for a do-over?

like i said, when did iran's jews ever wage war against the government?

as for the remaining 25,000, how many are still there because they aren't allowed to emigrate as a family? How many are just afraid to stand on line at foreign embassies waiting for a visa while their government photographs them?

as for the rest of your question. palestinians aren't israelis...

You're missing the point, Jillian. Even if we were to ignore the fact that Israeli oppression instigated the Gaza conflict, it's irrational and immoral to hold an entire population responsible for the actions of a few.

no. you're missing the point. when you wage war and lose, you lose.

if a bunch of rabid mexicans were firing missiles over our southern border, claiming a right of return to texas and california, they'd be flattened in about 10 seconds and no one would blink.

you need to stop blaiming israel for the problems of people who don't want a solution to their problems. if they wanted a solution, they'd have settled when they got about 90% of what they wanted. but arafat, the coward, said he couldn't sign because he'd be 'drinking tea with rabin'.

let me know when they want a real peace that doesn't include the destruction of israel.

but if you have real questions about iran, where jews are still CITIZENS (take note of that word... it doesn't apply to Palestinians) you can focus on that issue. If you want to talk about Arab CITIZENS of Israel (again, take note of the word) who have more rights in Israel than anywhere in the Arab world, we can talk about that, too. :thup:

but what you won't do is try to conflate citizens of iran with people who have no rights of citizenship.
no. you're missing the point. when you wage war and lose, you lose.
I see. So the Romans would have been justified in slaughtering the Jews wholesale in the aftermath of the Bar Kokhba revolt?

if a bunch of rabid mexicans were firing missiles over our southern border, claiming a right of return to texas and california, they'd be flattened in about 10 seconds and no one would blink.
If the United States appropriated northern Mexico, those "rabid Mexicans" would be entirely justified in fighting back. Regardless, you can bet that the United States wouldn't respond by leveling Juarez.

you need to stop blaiming israel for the problems of people who don't want a solution to their problems. if they wanted a solution, they'd have settled when they got about 90% of what they wanted. but arafat, the coward, said he couldn't sign because he'd be 'drinking tea with rabin'.

let me know when they want a real peace that doesn't include the destruction of israel.
The existence of Israel is what prevents peace. How can you force most of a population out of its homeland, impose foreign law on those who remain, and then complain when they refuse to accept an nonviable, diminished portion of what they once possessed? As long as Israel exists as a state that favors certain ethnoreligious groups over others, peace will be neither obtainable nor desirable.

but if you have real questions about iran, where jews are still CITIZENS (take note of that word... it doesn't apply to Palestinians) you can focus on that issue. If you want to talk about Arab CITIZENS of Israel (again, take note of the word) who have more rights in Israel than anywhere in the Arab world, we can talk about that, too. :thup:

but what you won't do is try to conflate citizens of iran with people who have no rights of citizenship.
You'll have to take that up with the OP.
Without a doubt, Iranians Jews are better off in Iran then in most countries. However, if the Iranian Jews started a terrorist campaign against the Islamic republic, then their wouldn't be any Jews left in Iran, because they would all be executed, man, women and child!

The largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside of Israel lives in Iran. Some 25,000 Jews are free to practice their religion and vote in elections.

"Iranian Jews live in dignity and enjoy the benefits of citizenship."

It should go without saying Iranian elections are far from free and any benefits of citizenship in a theocracy can never rival those found in Nordic countries, for example.

However a majority of Jews in Iran voted for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the recent (and totally suspect) presidential election.

A recent BBC article contained this excerpt:

"(Ahmadinejad's) office recently donated money for Tehran's Jewish hospital. It is one of only four Jewish charity hospitals worldwide and is funded with money from the Jewish diaspora - something remarkable in Iran where even local aid organizations have difficulty receiving funds from abroad for fear of being accused of being foreign agents."

Why Iran's Jews...
I don't know. Have Iran's Jews started and lost a war against Iran?

It's always nice to hear an ironic attempt to justify collective punishment from one of our Jewish friends here at USMB.

You do realize that if the same question was asked about the Iranian Arabs or Sunnis, the answer would be an affirmative know. Persian persecution of Arabs and Sunnis in Iran is legendarily horrendous! Jews in Iran are still Persians!
I don't know. Have Iran's Jews started and lost a war against Iran?

It's always nice to hear an ironic attempt to justify collective punishment from one of our Jewish friends here at USMB.

You do realize that if the same question was asked about the Iranian Arabs or Sunnis, the answer would be an affirmative know. Persian persecution of Arabs and Sunnis in Iran is legendarily horrendous! Jews in Iran are still Persians!

Iran can go fuck themselves. How's that?
Not all peach and cream either:

The Persian prince - Israel News, Ynetnews
I asked them, 'Why are we treated differently? Why do they want us to pray in Arabic? Why am I asked whether I plan on converting to Islam?' There were many mean children. Some of them attacked me and broke my finger. In another incident I was stabbed with a knife. When anti-Israel demonstrations were held in Iran, I could not leave the house. Even though our financial situation was good and we lacked nothing, I did not want to be there."
Not all peach and cream either:

The Persian prince - Israel News, Ynetnews
I asked them, 'Why are we treated differently? Why do they want us to pray in Arabic? Why am I asked whether I plan on converting to Islam?' There were many mean children. Some of them attacked me and broke my finger. In another incident I was stabbed with a knife. When anti-Israel demonstrations were held in Iran, I could not leave the house. Even though our financial situation was good and we lacked nothing, I did not want to be there."

Sounds a bit like being a suspected Muslim after 9/11!

Frank Silva Roque (Born July 8, 1959) is a convicted murderer from Arizona who killed gas station owner Balbir Singh Sodhi four days after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Roque incorrectly believed that the Indian Sikh was a Muslim due to his turban. Roque claimed it was retaliation for the attacks in New York.

A Boeing aircraft mechanic at a local repair facility, Roque held a criminal record for an attempted robbery in California, and had reportedly told friends and a waitress at a local Applebee's restaurant that he was "going to go out and shoot some towel-heads" the day of the September 11th attacks.

On September 15, the 42-year old Roque took his Chevy S-10 from the Wild Hare sports bar in Mesa where he had reportedly been ranting about immigrants, and drove to the Chevron gas station owned by Balbir Singh Sodhi, who had emigrated from India in 1985. Roque shot Sodhi five times from his truck with a .380 handgun, killing him as he helped landscaper Luis Ledesma plant flowers around the edge of his gas station.​

Frank Roque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
True, but I doubt Jews in Persia are treated better than Muslims in America!

Not all peach and cream either:

The Persian prince - Israel News, Ynetnews
I asked them, 'Why are we treated differently? Why do they want us to pray in Arabic? Why am I asked whether I plan on converting to Islam?' There were many mean children. Some of them attacked me and broke my finger. In another incident I was stabbed with a knife. When anti-Israel demonstrations were held in Iran, I could not leave the house. Even though our financial situation was good and we lacked nothing, I did not want to be there."

Sounds a bit like being a suspected Muslim after 9/11!

Frank Silva Roque (Born July 8, 1959) is a convicted murderer from Arizona who killed gas station owner Balbir Singh Sodhi four days after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Roque incorrectly believed that the Indian Sikh was a Muslim due to his turban. Roque claimed it was retaliation for the attacks in New York.

A Boeing aircraft mechanic at a local repair facility, Roque held a criminal record for an attempted robbery in California, and had reportedly told friends and a waitress at a local Applebee's restaurant that he was "going to go out and shoot some towel-heads" the day of the September 11th attacks.

On September 15, the 42-year old Roque took his Chevy S-10 from the Wild Hare sports bar in Mesa where he had reportedly been ranting about immigrants, and drove to the Chevron gas station owned by Balbir Singh Sodhi, who had emigrated from India in 1985. Roque shot Sodhi five times from his truck with a .380 handgun, killing him as he helped landscaper Luis Ledesma plant flowers around the edge of his gas station.​

Frank Roque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't know. Have Iran's Jews started and lost a war against Iran?

It's always nice to hear an ironic attempt to justify collective punishment from one of our Jewish friends here at USMB.

when do people who wage war get to assert rights and ask for a do-over?

like i said, when did iran's jews ever wage war against the government?

as for the remaining 25,000, how many are still there because they aren't allowed to emigrate as a family? How many are just afraid to stand on line at foreign embassies waiting for a visa while their government photographs them?

as for the rest of your question. palestinians aren't israelis...

Mike Whitney includes this from Wikipedia in his article:

"The U.S. State Department has made claims of discrimination in Iran against Jews. According to its study, Jews may not occupy senior positions in government and are prevented from serving in the judiciary and security services and from becoming public school heads. The study says that Jewish citizens are permitted to obtain passports and to travel outside the country, but they often are denied the multiple-exit permits normally issued to other citizens. Allegations made by the U.S. State Department have been condemned by Iranian Jews. The Association of Tehrani Jews said in a statement, "We Iranian Jews condemn claims of the US State Department on Iranian religious minorities, announced that we are fully free to perform our religious duties and we feel no restriction on performing our religious rituals."

Speaking as one who doesn't have a birth certificate much less a passport, I'm not clear on what "multiple-exit permits" pertain to, but I strongly suspect rich Persian$ be they Jew or Muslim have options denied to other citizens.

Finally, I'm perplexed by someone capable of connecting the dots between lunatics like Coulter and Al-Zarqawi yet seems indifferent to the fortune$ that rich Jew$, Gentile$, and Arab$ make by Formalizing Israel's Land Grab.

Is it a "Princess" thing?
It's always nice to hear an ironic attempt to justify collective punishment from one of our Jewish friends here at USMB.

when do people who wage war get to assert rights and ask for a do-over?

like i said, when did iran's jews ever wage war against the government?

as for the remaining 25,000, how many are still there because they aren't allowed to emigrate as a family? How many are just afraid to stand on line at foreign embassies waiting for a visa while their government photographs them?

as for the rest of your question. palestinians aren't israelis...

Mike Whitney includes this from Wikipedia in his article:

"The U.S. State Department has made claims of discrimination in Iran against Jews. According to its study, Jews may not occupy senior positions in government and are prevented from serving in the judiciary and security services and from becoming public school heads. The study says that Jewish citizens are permitted to obtain passports and to travel outside the country, but they often are denied the multiple-exit permits normally issued to other citizens. Allegations made by the U.S. State Department have been condemned by Iranian Jews. The Association of Tehrani Jews said in a statement, "We Iranian Jews condemn claims of the US State Department on Iranian religious minorities, announced that we are fully free to perform our religious duties and we feel no restriction on performing our religious rituals."

Speaking as one who doesn't have a birth certificate much less a passport, I'm not clear on what "multiple-exit permits" pertain to, but I strongly suspect rich Persian$ be they Jew or Muslim have options denied to other citizens.

Finally, I'm perplexed by someone capable of connecting the dots between lunatics like Coulter and Al-Zarqawi yet seems indifferent to the fortune$ that rich Jew$, Gentile$, and Arab$ make by Formalizing Israel's Land Grab.

Is it a "Princess" thing?
Wow your a real retard!

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