Are Drone Swarms Now a Thing?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is just bizarre, why would anyone do this except to get some media air time, lol?

Yes, I did that.

Cops baffled by mystery swarms of up to 30 drones that are spreading across states | Daily Mail Online

Cops warn mystery swarms of up to 30 drones with 6ft wingspans are spreading across states and could pose a danger to planes - but tell residents NOT to shoot them down
  • Dozens of giant drones with at least six-foot wingspans have now been spotted in five counties in Colorado and one county in neighboring Nebraska
  • Law enforcement agencies in all six jurisdictions say the drones usually take to the skies between the hours of 6 and 10 pm
  • One Colorado resident claims he spotted up to 30 large drones at one time
  • The size and sheer number of the flying objects appears to rule out a hobbyist
  • But the Federal Aviation Authority say they have no information on the drones
  • The Air Force and DEA both say that the drones do not belong to them
  • Conspiracy theories are exploding online, with some positing that the drones belong to a Mexican drug cartel or to aliens from a far off planet
Of course the Air Force would deny it, but I have been speculating on an air blimp drone base that could be stealthed and fly to target then disappear..

This is the kind of area that they would test such things, and the drones are way too big for civilians, no?
Sounds like perfect territory to test drones in, particularly if wanting to try to perfect them to contract with the military.
Satellite can read your license plate but no authorities can figure who/what fed/agency owns these, is flying them or why. Waiting for one to land so they can figure it out? Bullshit.

They fly 200-300 feet off the ground?

17 to 30 in a formation? In the dark? 5 foot wingspans? It's not hobby people.
Of course the Air Force would deny it, but I have been speculating on an air blimp drone base that could be stealthed and fly to target then disappear..

This is the kind of area that they would test such things, and the drones are way too big for civilians, no?
It is cheaper to use drones.

ATLANTIC, Va. -- NASA scientists are using former military surveillance drones to help them understand more about how tropical storms intensify, which they say could ultimately save lives by improving forecast models that predict a hurricane's strength. NASA Launches Drones from Virginia to Study Storms | The Weather Channel

NASA is working on drones that can fly in space

Drones are being used for all kinds of stuff now. For security, engineering assessments, farming, and by drug runners. Hobbyists as well, and terrorists will soon too.

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