Arabic Required By One-Worlders


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This is the story that garnered a great deal of discussion....

"An upper Manhattan public elementary school will be the first in the city to require that students study Arabic, officials said yesterday.
Beginning next semester, all 200 second- through fifth-graders at PS 368 in Hamilton Heights will be taught the language twice a week for 45 minutes — putting it on equal footing with science and music courses.
One reason Principal Nicky Kram Rosen selected Arabic — as opposed to more common offerings, such as Spanish or French — is because it will help the school obtain a prestigious International Baccalaureate standing."
Upper Manhattan public elementary school becomes the first to mandate Arabic as a foreign language -

I found the following op-ed in my local paper:

1. "The Big Apple is a proud U.S. melting pot — not a cesspool for panderers and anarchists with an international agenda.

2. A dunce’s cap should sit atop PS 368 in Manhattan, which became the first taxpayer-funded school in the city to force Arabic down the throats of its students next semester by requiring that all 200 of them study the language — twice a week — in order to earn a United Nations-affiliated International Baccalaureate ranking.

3. Politically-obtuse Principal Nicky Kram Rosen, who chose Arabic over more widely spoken languages, should know that a simple stroll through the Big Apple — the most globalized city in the world — can achieve better results than instituting a costly and unnecessary curriculum that supports issues at odds with the Free World, including disarmament under the guise of peace, and a collectivist view of social justice.

4. An International Baccalaureate education —... is nothing to brag about: its application fee is $23,000 per school, it is taught by a UN-affiliated workshop “leader” whose expenses — down to air travel, meals, and accommodation — are footed by the unwitting taxpayer, and it strives to breed a “global citizen” using an “international education” that pushes for a particular kind of intercultural understanding and respect, overseen by the United Nations.

5. An International Baccalaureate education is a cake of many layers that hoodwinks westerners into embracing an educational policy that strips students of their individualities and entrepreneurial abilities, while chipping away at our sovereignty.

6. America’s prosperity and successes have not been achieved on the back of the “global citizen,” but the American worker, whose attention to hard work and fair play has made this country the envy of the world — and certainly of the U.N.

7. [The U.N.] continues to undermine the U.S. while ignoring the travesties of corrupt international regimes whose kit and caboodle it now wants absorbed into the American classroom under the guise of multicultural education.

8. Principal Rosen is doing her students and the American taxpayer no favors by inviting a program that has no pronounced merit, and is vigorously overseen by a body that conflicts with American ideals.

9. International Baccalaureate,">by its own admission, intends for teachers, students, and parents “to draw confidently on a recognizable common educational framework, a consistent structure of aims and values, and an overarching concept of how to develop international-mindedness.”

10. ... its real intention appears to be the deconstruction of the Free World as we know it — classroom by classroom."
Teaching arabic in public schools • Brooklyn Daily

Ms. Abruzzo certainly has strong opinions.....
...and, best of all, she has the ability to see beyond the trees to the deep, dark - and often dangerous- jungle.
Name one country in the Arab speaking world where you would want to live, start a business and raise a family, just name one. Be the way after you pick it out move there I will buy the ticket but you can come back EVER.
Wow Arabic is a very hard language to learn and so many of our kids barely know English, I don't see this going over too well.
Name one country in the Arab speaking world where you would want to live, start a business and raise a family, just name one. Be the way after you pick it out move there I will buy the ticket but you can come back EVER.

Your post seems to suggest that you believe that the OP is in favor of the enforced UN-curriculum.

If that is your reading, I'd advise you to re-read.
Teachers who advocate relinquishing American sovereigny should be immediately fired. Make an example of one or two and this non-sense would stop.

Welcome to the board, GodSave....

Actually, teachers rarely create and/or assign curriculum

Note in the OP, it is the principal.

Further, while teachers are arguably Liberal-Left, it is the educrats in charge, and labor leaders who deserve most of the blame.
nothing wrong with learning Arabic, no worse than German, French or Spanish.

German, French or Spanish are more useful for kids to learn in schools in the US than Arabic. Arabic is a difficult language to learn with a whole different alphabet, they even read starting from the left instead of the right. Good luck.
I wrote this in a similar thread:

Arabic??? I wish all my students were proficient in English.
I wrote this in a similar thread:

Arabic??? I wish all my students were proficient in English.

If we happened to be next door to Arabic speaking countries and had a large Arab population here I could see the need to teach it, but we don't have any of that. Might as well teach the kids Spanish or Chinese.
I wrote this in a similar thread:

Arabic??? I wish all my students were proficient in English.

If we happened to be next door to Arabic speaking countries and had a large Arab population here I could see the need to teach it, but we don't have any of that. Might as well teach the kids Spanish or Chinese.

My system has lots of world language (can't call it foreign language anymore, don't won't offend anyone) electives to choose from to include Arabic. The operative word being elective. The kids pick which language they want to study. Making it a requirement is not cool.
I wrote this in a similar thread:

Arabic??? I wish all my students were proficient in English.

If we happened to be next door to Arabic speaking countries and had a large Arab population here I could see the need to teach it, but we don't have any of that. Might as well teach the kids Spanish or Chinese.

My system has lots of world language (can't call it foreign language anymore, don't won't offend anyone) electives to choose from to include Arabic. The operative word being elective. The kids pick which language they want to study. Making it a requirement is not cool.

Seems to me, Navy....and to use a nautical term, you are closest to tacking in the right direction....

...the actual language in question is but a small part of the objections of Ms. Abruzzo...

It's the element of force, and the emphasis on UN principles of one-worldism, vs. American values and sovereighty....

This is but one example of the cultural brain-washing by the Left. Imagine if a religious Right organization designed a curriculum openly doctrinaire, and taught by a minister of the sect.

The debate surely wouldn't be about the Latin or Hebrew....
The UN should be evicted and the US money feed halted STAT. They can play their one world order games somewhere else and leave us the eff alone.
This is the story that garnered a great deal of discussion....

"An upper Manhattan public elementary school will be the first in the city to require that students study Arabic, officials said yesterday.
Beginning next semester, all 200 second- through fifth-graders at PS 368 in Hamilton Heights will be taught the language twice a week for 45 minutes — putting it on equal footing with science and music courses.
One reason Principal Nicky Kram Rosen selected Arabic — as opposed to more common offerings, such as Spanish or French — is because it will help the school obtain a prestigious International Baccalaureate standing."
Upper Manhattan public elementary school becomes the first to mandate Arabic as a foreign language -

I found the following op-ed in my local paper:

1. "The Big Apple is a proud U.S. melting pot — not a cesspool for panderers and anarchists with an international agenda.

2. A dunce’s cap should sit atop PS 368 in Manhattan, which became the first taxpayer-funded school in the city to force Arabic down the throats of its students next semester by requiring that all 200 of them study the language — twice a week — in order to earn a United Nations-affiliated International Baccalaureate ranking.

3. Politically-obtuse Principal Nicky Kram Rosen, who chose Arabic over more widely spoken languages, should know that a simple stroll through the Big Apple — the most globalized city in the world — can achieve better results than instituting a costly and unnecessary curriculum that supports issues at odds with the Free World, including disarmament under the guise of peace, and a collectivist view of social justice.

4. An International Baccalaureate education —... is nothing to brag about: its application fee is $23,000 per school, it is taught by a UN-affiliated workshop “leader” whose expenses — down to air travel, meals, and accommodation — are footed by the unwitting taxpayer, and it strives to breed a “global citizen” using an “international education” that pushes for a particular kind of intercultural understanding and respect, overseen by the United Nations.

5. An International Baccalaureate education is a cake of many layers that hoodwinks westerners into embracing an educational policy that strips students of their individualities and entrepreneurial abilities, while chipping away at our sovereignty.

6. America’s prosperity and successes have not been achieved on the back of the “global citizen,” but the American worker, whose attention to hard work and fair play has made this country the envy of the world — and certainly of the U.N.

7. [The U.N.] continues to undermine the U.S. while ignoring the travesties of corrupt international regimes whose kit and caboodle it now wants absorbed into the American classroom under the guise of multicultural education.

8. Principal Rosen is doing her students and the American taxpayer no favors by inviting a program that has no pronounced merit, and is vigorously overseen by a body that conflicts with American ideals.

9. International Baccalaureate,">by its own admission, intends for teachers, students, and parents “to draw confidently on a recognizable common educational framework, a consistent structure of aims and values, and an overarching concept of how to develop international-mindedness.”

10. ... its real intention appears to be the deconstruction of the Free World as we know it — classroom by classroom."
Teaching arabic in public schools • Brooklyn Daily

Ms. Abruzzo certainly has strong opinions.....
...and, best of all, she has the ability to see beyond the trees to the deep, dark - and often dangerous- jungle.

Nancy can Kram it up her Rosen!
Teachers who advocate relinquishing American sovereigny should be immediately fired. Make an example of one or two and this non-sense would stop.

The system was built broken. Private citizens need to have 100 percent controls of their children's education. Then if people want to send their children to an anti American school then so be it. But those schools will be broken struggling exceptions that go bankrupt and not the norm.
I wrote this in a similar thread:

Arabic??? I wish all my students were proficient in English.

If we happened to be next door to Arabic speaking countries and had a large Arab population here I could see the need to teach it, but we don't have any of that. Might as well teach the kids Spanish or Chinese.

My system has lots of world language (can't call it foreign language anymore, don't won't offend anyone) electives to choose from to include Arabic. The operative word being elective. The kids pick which language they want to study. Making it a requirement is not cool.

Like many have said alot of our kids struggle with the English language itself. Arabic is a more difficult language with a whole different alphabet and writing style, plus you read from left to right, I don't see many American kids being interested in this or being able to pass it.
If we happened to be next door to Arabic speaking countries and had a large Arab population here I could see the need to teach it, but we don't have any of that. Might as well teach the kids Spanish or Chinese.

My system has lots of world language (can't call it foreign language anymore, don't won't offend anyone) electives to choose from to include Arabic. The operative word being elective. The kids pick which language they want to study. Making it a requirement is not cool.

Like many have said alot of our kids struggle with the English language itself. Arabic is a more difficult language with a whole different alphabet and writing style, plus you read from left to right, I don't see many American kids being interested in this or being able to pass it.

The only kids in my school that take Arabic are Middle Eastern. They even have trouble, as many of them have been in the US for years and English is their primary language.
nothing wrong with learning Arabic, no worse than German, French or Spanish.

German, French or Spanish are more useful for kids to learn in schools in the US than Arabic. Arabic is a difficult language to learn with a whole different alphabet, they even read starting from the left instead of the right. Good luck.

It's more useful than German or French. IMO, it's one of only four languages worth knowing in the future, along with English, Spanish and Chinese.
Like many have said alot of our kids struggle with the English language itself. Arabic is a more difficult language with a whole different alphabet and writing style, plus you read from left to right, I don't see many American kids being interested in this or being able to pass it.

English is written left to right, Arabic and Hebrew are written right to left

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