April 9, 1865 Lee Surrenders to Grant

Lincoln started the war because he wanted money for the federal government. The south refused to pay the Morrill tariff that clearly was designed to harm it’s agricultural economy. It was passed by Northern politicians just days before dishonest Abe’s inauguration, for the benefit of northern industries.

Lincoln was a tyrant who destroyed the Founder’s vision of limited government. He committed treason for warring on Americans, for which he should have been hung in 1861. Thus avoiding a war that killed 850,000 Americans, destroyed half the nation, and lead to a century of injustice toward blacks.

But you know all this, since I’ve told you it over and over again.
Lincoln saved this nation and turned a bunch of States that were united into THE UNITED STATES

Easily our finest President
Lincoln saved this nation and turned a bunch of States that were united into THE UNITED STATES

Easily our finest President
It’s sad so many Americans think as you do. Further proof the power of the government/media/academia complex to misinform should not be discounted.
The war really started when they tried to make Kansas a slave state by force. After that no one in the south could claim they had peaceful intentions, they didn't even try. They counted on the European powers to back them up in their naked aggression. Lucky for everyone they decided to stay out of it.
You ignored my question: When did a Southern leader state their intention to invade and conquer the North?

If you can’t answer my question we are left with only your unhinged speculation.

There were ugly border incidents between the North and the South, but the South had neither the ability nor the intention to conquer the North.
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It is grotesque to see Lincoln proclaimed as our greatest president. He killed more Americans than all the other presidents combined.

Lincoln is somewhat like Putin. Lincoln invaded the South, caused many deaths in pursuit of national glory.
You ignored my question: When did a Southern leader state their intention to invade and conquer the North?

There were ugly border incidents between the North and the South, but the South had neither the ability nor the intention to conquer the North.
The question doesn't need an answer because it is a faux question. It posits a "south" and "north" that did not exist. The United States existed and an element within its territories sought to destroy it against clear laws. Naturally, it defended itself.
The question doesn't need an answer because it is a faux question. It posits a "south" and "north" that did not exist. The United States existed and an element within its territories sought to destroy it against clear laws. Naturally, it defended itself.
So if Quebec or Scotland decided on independence the Ottawa and London governments would be justified in waging a brutal war to stop them?
You ignored my question: When did a Southern leader state their intention to invade and conquer the North?

There were ugly border incidents between the North and the South, but the South had neither the ability nor the intention to conquer the North.
The plan to conquer the North was tied up in the hope that Europe would get involved in the war. It had to be shelved when they decided to sit it out but the intention was there. Whether it was just a bunch of big talk or a real intent is something we will never know but it really does not matter. The South had no intention of peacefully sitting down there in their slave states. They had that option already and didn't like being confined. Expansionism was their primary goal and only a fool would think that didn't include the North.
So if Quebec or Scotland decided on independence the Ottawa and London governments would be justified in waging a brutal war to stop them?
Nations often resort to violence to protect their integrity. This is not where my personal feelings about war will be expressed.
It’s sad so many Americans think as you do. Further proof the power of the government/media/academia complex to misinform should not be discounted.
Lincoln created the UNITED STATES we now know
Enabled us to become the greatest nation on earth

The formation of a strong federal Government led the way
Lincoln created the UNITED STATES we now know
Enabled us to become the greatest nation on earth

The formation of a strong federal Government led the way
The "Civil War" had many tragic consequences. One was the transformation of the soul of the Union. That was not the fault of those who preserved it. If any are to blame, it is those who formed a less than perfect Union and then those who betrayed the efforts to perfect it. There is much Lincoln did that we can criticize from our comfortable modern position. The world would not be a better place if he had failed.
The plan to conquer the North was tied up in the hope that Europe would get involved in the war. It had to be shelved when they decided to sit it out but the intention was there. Whether it was just a bunch of big talk or a real intent is something we will never know but it really does not matter. The South had no intention of peacefully sitting down there in their slave states. They had that option already and didn't like being confined. Expansionism was their primary goal and only a fool would think that didn't include the North.
You keep saying the South intended to conquer the North. Where is you evidence? Can we move beyond your fact-free speculation?

You yourself stated “we will never know” whether their intention to conquer the North was “just a bunch of big talk”.

Can you provide an example of a Southern leader who indulged in such big talk about conquering the North?
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The Statutes of Casimir the Great were issued, and that was that.
According to Samuel Augustus Mitchell, non-free people were emancipated in Poland in 1347 under the Statutes of Casimir the Great issued in Wiślica, although there are indications that some form of slavery, in practice and law, continued at least till the end of the 14th century.

Slavery in Poland - Wikipedia​

You keep saying the South intended to conquer the North. Where is you evidence? Can we move beyond your fact-free speculation?

The South was too weak to conquer the North

Their intent was to create a permanent Slave Nation

One of the most despicable nations in the history of mankind
A nation where 40 percent of its people were in bondage

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