Apple Has $264,090,000,000.00 Cash Reserves. Yet the Left Have No Protests


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It's funny how they have outrage at some rich people, but not others. It's almost as if they really don't care people are rich, it's about do they support their leftist views or not........
What the fuck would there be "protests" about?

No idea what this thread is supposed to be about but one knows one has 'won' whatever the argument is when one gets a steady stream of deflections....

"Yabbut... yabbut... what about Apple?"

"B- but ... but what about Israel?"

"B-but .. but O'bama!"


It's funny how they have outrage at some rich people, but not others. It's almost as if they really don't care people are rich, it's about do they support their leftist views or not........

Protesting against the rich 'corporations' is only acceptable when the corporation makes the vital necessities, oil, steel, cars and the like.

Apple can make all the iPhones (and money they like) on the back of Chinese slave labour just as long as they suck up to the hipsters.

The same goes for fretting about the 1%. If someone makes money by actual work, they're an evil, exploitative, money grubber cheating the people. If someone makes money making fake documentaries or telling off-colour jokes, they're a hero of the impoverished masses.
What the fuck would there be "protests" about?

No idea what this thread is supposed to be about but one knows one has 'won' whatever the argument is when one gets a steady stream of deflections....

"Yabbut... yabbut... what about Apple?"

"B- but ... but what about Israel?"

"B-but .. but O'bama!"


Trigger Warning!
Dufus hears the word "rich" and starts ranting about Israel and Obama.
What the fuck would there be "protests" about?

No idea what this thread is supposed to be about but one knows one has 'won' whatever the argument is when one gets a steady stream of deflections....

"Yabbut... yabbut... what about Apple?"

"B- but ... but what about Israel?"

"B-but .. but O'bama!"



Play a fool really is becoming to you! Keep up the good work!
BTW when did Apple become a "people"?

Apple is literally the greediest company on earth thanks to Tim Cook.

Where Steve Jobs could rake in large profits by innovating, Tim Cook does it by cutting corners and using the biggest and best bull shit marketing I've ever seen in my life.
It's funny how they have outrage at some rich people, but not others. It's almost as if they really don't care people are rich, it's about do they support their leftist views or not........
we don't have a problem with capitalism; only the right has a problem with income redistribution.

in any case, it is not about having so much in cash reserves; but that Apple was a relatively, "closed system" for business technology purposes.
BTW when did Apple become a "people"?

Apple is literally the greediest company on earth thanks to Tim Cook.

Where Steve Jobs could rake in large profits by innovating, Tim Cook does it by cutting corners and using the biggest and best bull shit marketing I've ever seen in my life.

Ever seen what we laughingly call an "SUV"?
It's funny how they have outrage at some rich people, but not others. It's almost as if they really don't care people are rich, it's about do they support their leftist views or not........

any basis on which to protest Apple's cash reserves??

-- Thomas Paine
"We still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping at the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised to furnish new pretenses for revenue and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without a tribute."

Jesus told the chief priests, “I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.”
BTW when did Apple become a "people"?

Apple is literally the greediest company on earth thanks to Tim Cook.

Where Steve Jobs could rake in large profits by innovating, Tim Cook does it by cutting corners and using the biggest and best bull shit marketing I've ever seen in my life.

Ever seen what we laughingly call an "SUV"?

And your post has absolutely no brains behind it, or logic.
BTW when did Apple become a "people"?

Apple is literally the greediest company on earth thanks to Tim Cook.

Where Steve Jobs could rake in large profits by innovating, Tim Cook does it by cutting corners and using the biggest and best bull shit marketing I've ever seen in my life.

Ever seen what we laughingly call an "SUV"?

And your post has absolutely no brains behind it, or logic.

OK then if it's some kind of super secret let's show the audience at home what the point was:

".... cutting corners and using the biggest and best bull shit marketing I've ever seen in my life".

Now add that to the above and do the math.

Remember back in the '90s when Detroit was beset by rioting drivers demanding "give us oversized inverted bathtubs that roll over and get suck-ass mileage so that you guys can dance around CAFE standards and make more money off us"?

Yeah, me neither.

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