AOC: No One 'Heartbroken' About Losing Their Private Health Insurance'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said on Wednesday nobody is "heartbroken" by the prospect of losing their private health insurance if Medicare for All were to be implemented."


Oh yeah, Americans are excited about an Oppressive Far Left government making owning their own private health insurance 'Illegal'.


Americans were pissed when Barry told them if they like their plans and doctors they could keep them BEFORE Obamacare was rammed down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.

Americans were pissed when they found out Barry and Democrats were going to FINE Americans who could not afford health Insurance.

Americans were pissed when D-Harry Reid openly admitted after Democrats rammed Obamacare into law that Obamacare was DESIGNED TO FAIL, that it was a 1st step meant to 'herd' Americans into an eventual Single Payer system

DEMOCRATS were pissed when President Trump eliminated the tax / fine on Americans for not complying with their edict to buy / sign up for Obamacare, effectively gutting the oppressive law forced on Americans.... THIS time the oppressive Democrat Socialist-wanna-bes are determined not to make the same mistake as last time - still giving Americans a CHOICE! They plan to eliminate that choice (freedom) once and for all by making it illegal for Americans to have and stick with their own preferred health care insurance.

...and this ignorant / lying Socialist is claiming no American will be upset when her party not only strips them of the ability to own their own plans but also makes them criminals if they try to do so!

Ocasio-Cortez: Nobody is ‘heartbroken’ at the prospect of losing private health insurance
I would be in support of making private health insurance illegal. I would be in favor of making ALL health insurance illegal.

Health insurance eliminates the need for doctors to be competitive. Cut ALL that shit and make it service like any other service.
She needs to learn to speak only for herself-

By The Partnership for America's Health Care Future | January 26, 2019
A poll released this week by the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that Americans don’t support Medicare for All proposals once they know what’s in them, and they want Congress to focus on protecting and improving upon what works in America’s health care system:
What They Are Saying: Kaiser Poll Reveals “Americans Want Lawmakers To Focus On Other Health Care Issues” - Partnership for America’s Health Care Future
As long as every citizen has the exact same health care, no other insurance to get special treatment for the rich or Congress, I'd sign off on that. Of course we know AOC is not for that, she will want special people to get better care.

So it is either fair and equal for every citizen or just keep it the way it is.
I would be in support of making private health insurance illegal. I would be in favor of making ALL health insurance illegal.

Health insurance eliminates the need for doctors to be competitive. Cut ALL that shit and make it service like any other service.

I have been saying this for years.

Want to cut the cost of healthcare, make health insurance illegal.
As long as every citizen has the exact same health care, no other insurance to get special treatment for the rich or Congress, I'd sign off on that. Of course we know AOC is not for that, she will want special people to get better care.

So it is either fair and equal for every citizen or just keep it the way it is.

Even if she was willing it still would never work and why?

Too many ways around it...

I live in Texas, so I can head over into Mexico for my medical and the government can not do anything about it...
I would be in support of making private health insurance illegal. I would be in favor of making ALL health insurance illegal.

Health insurance eliminates the need for doctors to be competitive. Cut ALL that shit and make it service like any other service.

I have been saying this for years.

Want to cut the cost of healthcare, make health insurance illegal.
Make it illegal for the government to get involved, period. That solves all its woes.
I would be in support of making private health insurance illegal. I would be in favor of making ALL health insurance illegal.

Health insurance eliminates the need for doctors to be competitive. Cut ALL that shit and make it service like any other service.

I have been saying this for years.

Want to cut the cost of healthcare, make health insurance illegal.
That's like saying 'Wanna reduce the cost of food? Eliminate Food Stamps.'

Obamacare is the perfect example of the government CAUSING a problem then stepping back in to say, 'I have a plan to fix this'.

For years now the Democrats have been attacking the Republicans for not fixing the disaster they created with Obamacare. That's like the Captain of e Exon Valdez attempting to blame the Alaska citizens / the clean up crew for the oil spill.
I would be in support of making private health insurance illegal. I would be in favor of making ALL health insurance illegal.

Health insurance eliminates the need for doctors to be competitive. Cut ALL that shit and make it service like any other service.

Really? Does car insurance do the same for car makers? Home insurance?

It's the thumb of Big government: Medicare and Medicaid that skew the markets
I would be in support of making private health insurance illegal. I would be in favor of making ALL health insurance illegal.

Health insurance eliminates the need for doctors to be competitive. Cut ALL that shit and make it service like any other service.

And making the government your health insurer would solve that? :cuckoo:

I didn't read that in the post. Are you making an ASSumption here?
I live in Texas, so I can head over into Mexico for my medical and the government can not do anything about it...

If Texans tried to do this the Democrats running the govt would finally agree to seal the border....preventing any Texan from coming back across the border.

I would be in support of making private health insurance illegal. I would be in favor of making ALL health insurance illegal.

Health insurance eliminates the need for doctors to be competitive. Cut ALL that shit and make it service like any other service.

Really? Does car insurance do the same for car makers? Home insurance?

If we saddled it with the same dumb regulations, and had the same expectations, it surely would.
I live in Texas, so I can head over into Mexico for my medical and the government can not do anything about it...

If Texans tried to do this the Democrats running the govt would finally agree to seal the border....preventing any Texan from coming back across the border.


Then how would they get their voter base from Mexico?

They could pass a law making it illegal for those like me from seeing a doctor in another country but like most laws it would be meaningless...
I would be in support of making private health insurance illegal. I would be in favor of making ALL health insurance illegal.

Health insurance eliminates the need for doctors to be competitive. Cut ALL that shit and make it service like any other service.

I have been saying this for years.

Want to cut the cost of healthcare, make health insurance illegal.

While I agree with the sentiment, it's not really necessary. All we need to do is remove the regulation and tax policy that props up and promotes (often mandates) employer provided health insurance. With that out of the way, the market will inject sanity back into the equation.

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