AOC cites holocaust as she acuses President Trump of putting life of IIhan Omar in danger over criti

And YOU are a perfect example of what I'm talking about! Donald Trump has nothing to do with the KKK...and you continue to attempt to tar him with that label.
Well, Trump certainly is not attempting to unite this nation; he is only interested in ginning up his base.

Too bad he doesn't have your perspective.
Do you really think Trump would have a chance in hell of mending fences with the psychotic haters on the left? And do you think any of the democrat candidates are interested in moderating their views so as to appeal to the right?

No need to answer. Both questions are rhetorical.

Trump was the most belligerent, caustic, abrasive, combative ass hole of the 16 GOP primary candidates.
He shit on folks in his own party as if his SOUL depended on it.

Trump has had over two years to moderate his aggressive bull shit but he never will moderate himself because he has been a fucking DEMON his entire life.
It's ALL ABOUT Trump; no one else.

I don't need your goddamn finger wagging whining.
I'm curious, Caddo...have you seen ANY "moderation" in attacks from the left over the past two years? Why should Trump "moderate" his replies to people that continually ESCALATE their attacks on him?

Who is POTUS? There is your answer.
Well, Trump certainly is not attempting to unite this nation; he is only interested in ginning up his base.

Too bad he doesn't have your perspective.
Do you really think Trump would have a chance in hell of mending fences with the psychotic haters on the left? And do you think any of the democrat candidates are interested in moderating their views so as to appeal to the right?

No need to answer. Both questions are rhetorical.

Trump was the most belligerent, caustic, abrasive, combative ass hole of the 16 GOP primary candidates.
He shit on folks in his own party as if his SOUL depended on it.

Trump has had over two years to moderate his aggressive bull shit but he never will moderate himself because he has been a fucking DEMON his entire life.
It's ALL ABOUT Trump; no one else.

I don't need your goddamn finger wagging whining.
I'm curious, Caddo...have you seen ANY "moderation" in attacks from the left over the past two years? Why should Trump "moderate" his replies to people that continually ESCALATE their attacks on him?

Who is POTUS? There is your answer.

You don't want to answer my question because you know that the left hasn't been "moderate" in any way shape or form since Trump was elected!
Would you like me to list the inflammatory things that the left has said about Trump since he was elected? Then to balance that out...YOU can list all of the complimentary things that the left has said about our current President!
Trump was the most belligerent, caustic, abrasive, combative ass hole of the 16 GOP primary candidates.
He shit on folks in his own party as if his SOUL depended on it.

Trump has had over two years to moderate his aggressive bull shit but he never will moderate himself because he has been a fucking DEMON his entire life.
It's ALL ABOUT Trump; no one else.

I don't need your goddamn finger wagging whining.
And yet you claim it's Trump's fault the country is so divided after your post demonstrates exactly why that can never ever happen. So why so dishonest? Why so childish shirking your responsibility in all this?

The left tried to take Trump out by a coup. They never accepted they lost an election and
have lost their sick rotten minds.

Hopefully by the end of Trump's second term in office the democrat party will have self immolated and go up like the Notre Dame cathedral spire that is currently burning like tons of kindling soaked in gasoline.
I saw the video that Trump posted to Twitter; all he is doing is ginning up his base & creating division in our nation.
IMO any POTUS is suppose to be a leader to unite all the people.
Trump on the other hand makes no attempt to unite AmeriKKKa but only seeks to divide, all while ginning up his base.
Any POTUS that acts as Trump has is demonstrating they lack any morality but that is no surprise to me.

One could ask, "what was G. W. Bush's response when 15 Saudi Arabian citizens of the 19 terrorist responsible for 9/11?"
Well, Bush attacked Afghanistan, and he attacked & destroyed Iraq.
Why did Saudi Arabia get a pass? Oh, that's right; the Bush family & the bin Laden family were best buds forever, for years.
Adding insult to injury, all of the bin Laden family that were in the US post 9/11 were allowed to fly out of the US to Saudi Arabia during a four day nation wide FAA shut down & grounding of ALL flights.
Well, not 'all' flights; only the bin Laden family were allowed to fly during the four days.

Funny world we live in.

No, you and Omar are the ones ginning up hatred and division with posts like this.

If I cam on here, and said your mother was a whore, and you are an illegitimate child, and you rightfully got ticked off about it... and I responded with...

Well you support Omar, and are complaining about Trump, so that justifies what I said, and you are just dividing America!

You would say something along the lines of what the heck does that have to do with your mother being a whore, and you being illegitimate?

And you would be right to say the two things have nothing to do with each other, because they have nothing to do with each other.

Similarly.... Omar made a statement that was clearly dismissive and down played the 9/11 attack. It was insulting, and infuriating, and utterly disrespectful to the people who died, the widowed, fatherless and motherless people left behind, and the responders that went sifting through the rubble to find the body parts of those dead.

And all you can do is talk about Bush, and Trump, and Saudi Arabia?

What does any of that garbage you said above, have to do with Omar down playing 9/11 like we are just being petty about a major terrorist attack?

You want to talk about those things, fine. But don't do so as a justification for Omar being the worthless bit of human trash that she is.
Well, Trump certainly is not attempting to unite this nation; he is only interested in ginning up his base.

Too bad he doesn't have your perspective.
Do you really think Trump would have a chance in hell of mending fences with the psychotic haters on the left? And do you think any of the democrat candidates are interested in moderating their views so as to appeal to the right?

No need to answer. Both questions are rhetorical.

Trump was the most belligerent, caustic, abrasive, combative ass hole of the 16 GOP primary candidates.
He shit on folks in his own party as if his SOUL depended on it.

Trump has had over two years to moderate his aggressive bull shit but he never will moderate himself because he has been a fucking DEMON his entire life.
It's ALL ABOUT Trump; no one else.

I don't need your goddamn finger wagging whining.
I'm curious, Caddo...have you seen ANY "moderation" in attacks from the left over the past two years? Why should Trump "moderate" his replies to people that continually ESCALATE their attacks on him?

Who is POTUS? There is your answer.

You don't want to answer my question because you know that the left hasn't been "moderate" in any way shape or form since Trump was elected!

I will ask again: Who is POTUS? That is the ONE person that needs to lead, as a real leader should, and make the initiative to STOP his own bull shit rants against everyone; the press, the Democrats, members of the GOP, NATO, whoever the Hell, etc.
We all know that won't happen; Why? Because Trump has an ego more fragile than a fucking robin's egg. He is a pathetic freak of nature that acts like a fucking 5th grader.
But as I said, the BUCK stops at Trump's door; he is the leader of this nation, or at least that is the rumor.
You want moderation? It starts at the top.
Again; we all know that aint gonna happen.
Do you really think Trump would have a chance in hell of mending fences with the psychotic haters on the left? And do you think any of the democrat candidates are interested in moderating their views so as to appeal to the right?

No need to answer. Both questions are rhetorical.

Trump was the most belligerent, caustic, abrasive, combative ass hole of the 16 GOP primary candidates.
He shit on folks in his own party as if his SOUL depended on it.

Trump has had over two years to moderate his aggressive bull shit but he never will moderate himself because he has been a fucking DEMON his entire life.
It's ALL ABOUT Trump; no one else.

I don't need your goddamn finger wagging whining.
I'm curious, Caddo...have you seen ANY "moderation" in attacks from the left over the past two years? Why should Trump "moderate" his replies to people that continually ESCALATE their attacks on him?

Who is POTUS? There is your answer.

You don't want to answer my question because you know that the left hasn't been "moderate" in any way shape or form since Trump was elected!

I will ask again: Who is POTUS? That is the ONE person that needs to lead, as a real leader should, and make the initiative to STOP his own bull shit rants against everyone; the press, the Democrats, members of the GOP, NATO, whoever the Hell, etc.
We all know that won't happen; Why? Because Trump has an ego more fragile than a fucking robin's egg. He is a pathetic freak of nature that acts like a fucking 5th grader.
But as I said, the BUCK stops at Trump's door; he is the leader of this nation, or at least that is the rumor.
You want moderation? It starts at the top.
Again; we all know that aint gonna happen.
Is Trump really the "leader" of the Left? I haven't seen a single example of where that seems to be the case, Caddo! What I see is the left treating Trump like he is their arch enemy EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Once again...your post is a perfect example of what Trump has been given ever since he beat Hillary.
It's reached the point of farce at this point.

People like you call Trump every derogatory name in the book and then go ballistic when he responds to your non stop venom.
Trump was the most belligerent, caustic, abrasive, combative ass hole of the 16 GOP primary candidates.
He shit on folks in his own party as if his SOUL depended on it.

Trump has had over two years to moderate his aggressive bull shit but he never will moderate himself because he has been a fucking DEMON his entire life.
It's ALL ABOUT Trump; no one else.

I don't need your goddamn finger wagging whining.
I'm curious, Caddo...have you seen ANY "moderation" in attacks from the left over the past two years? Why should Trump "moderate" his replies to people that continually ESCALATE their attacks on him?

Who is POTUS? There is your answer.

You don't want to answer my question because you know that the left hasn't been "moderate" in any way shape or form since Trump was elected!

I will ask again: Who is POTUS? That is the ONE person that needs to lead, as a real leader should, and make the initiative to STOP his own bull shit rants against everyone; the press, the Democrats, members of the GOP, NATO, whoever the Hell, etc.
We all know that won't happen; Why? Because Trump has an ego more fragile than a fucking robin's egg. He is a pathetic freak of nature that acts like a fucking 5th grader.
But as I said, the BUCK stops at Trump's door; he is the leader of this nation, or at least that is the rumor.
You want moderation? It starts at the top.
Again; we all know that aint gonna happen.
Is Trump really the "leader" of the Left? I haven't seen a single example of where that seems to be the case, Caddo! What I see is the left treating Trump like he is their arch enemy EVERY SINGLE DAY!

If Trump is getting treated like a snowflake chump then he needs to rise above it & tone down his shit.

Again; we know that aint gonna happen because Trump's ego is more delicate than anything known to humanity.
I'm curious, Caddo...have you seen ANY "moderation" in attacks from the left over the past two years? Why should Trump "moderate" his replies to people that continually ESCALATE their attacks on him?

Who is POTUS? There is your answer.

You don't want to answer my question because you know that the left hasn't been "moderate" in any way shape or form since Trump was elected!

I will ask again: Who is POTUS? That is the ONE person that needs to lead, as a real leader should, and make the initiative to STOP his own bull shit rants against everyone; the press, the Democrats, members of the GOP, NATO, whoever the Hell, etc.
We all know that won't happen; Why? Because Trump has an ego more fragile than a fucking robin's egg. He is a pathetic freak of nature that acts like a fucking 5th grader.
But as I said, the BUCK stops at Trump's door; he is the leader of this nation, or at least that is the rumor.
You want moderation? It starts at the top.
Again; we all know that aint gonna happen.
Is Trump really the "leader" of the Left? I haven't seen a single example of where that seems to be the case, Caddo! What I see is the left treating Trump like he is their arch enemy EVERY SINGLE DAY!

If Trump is getting treated like a snowflake chump then he needs to rise above it & tone down his shit.

Again; we know that aint gonna happen because Trump's ego is more delicate than anything known to humanity.
By rising above you mean doing the job that he was elected to do? You may not have noticed...but he's DONE the job remarkably well! You on the left won't give him any credit for what he's done...yet one by one he's been checking off campaign promises that he made.
Who is POTUS? There is your answer.

You don't want to answer my question because you know that the left hasn't been "moderate" in any way shape or form since Trump was elected!

I will ask again: Who is POTUS? That is the ONE person that needs to lead, as a real leader should, and make the initiative to STOP his own bull shit rants against everyone; the press, the Democrats, members of the GOP, NATO, whoever the Hell, etc.
We all know that won't happen; Why? Because Trump has an ego more fragile than a fucking robin's egg. He is a pathetic freak of nature that acts like a fucking 5th grader.
But as I said, the BUCK stops at Trump's door; he is the leader of this nation, or at least that is the rumor.
You want moderation? It starts at the top.
Again; we all know that aint gonna happen.
Is Trump really the "leader" of the Left? I haven't seen a single example of where that seems to be the case, Caddo! What I see is the left treating Trump like he is their arch enemy EVERY SINGLE DAY!

If Trump is getting treated like a snowflake chump then he needs to rise above it & tone down his shit.

Again; we know that aint gonna happen because Trump's ego is more delicate than anything known to humanity.
By rising above you mean doing the job that he was elected to do? You may not have noticed...but he's DONE the job remarkably well! You on the left won't give him any credit for what he's done...yet one by one he's been checking off campaign promises that he made.

Oh I agree.

If Trump were a Dem instead of a Rep they would be singing his praises. They would call him the best POTUS the country has ever had.

Since he IS a Rep. He's a mistake, a man who colluded with the Russians, a racist, a bigot, a pussy grabber.

They sure are a whiny bunch of little shits.

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