Anyone know anything about the Gulf of Tonkin?

Nov 15, 2009
I have not looked into yet but heard some things.

Does anyone here have any details on the Gulf of Tonkin?
I once served with a man who was a sonarman third class on the Turner Joy the night of the attack.

Only there was no attack, no approach by any other vessel closer than several miles. They were instructed as to what their would be.
I once served with a man who was a sonarman third class on the Turner Joy the night of the attack.

Only there was no attack, no approach by any other vessel closer than several miles. They were instructed as to what their would be.

Are you saying he was instructed to lie (or not talk about the lie?) so they could frame them?
I once served with a man who was a sonarman third class on the Turner Joy the night of the attack.

Only there was no attack, no approach by any other vessel closer than several miles. They were instructed as to what their would be.

Are you saying he was instructed to lie (or not talk about the lie?) so they could frame them?

He just said that they were given their story and told to stick to it. Mostly he just shrugged it off. He was mostly pissed that their enlistments were extended, he was in his first hitch and didn't have plans to make a career of it. When I knew him he had about eighteen in.
I once served with a man who was a sonarman third class on the Turner Joy the night of the attack.

Only there was no attack, no approach by any other vessel closer than several miles. They were instructed as to what their would be.

Are you saying he was instructed to lie (or not talk about the lie?) so they could frame them?

He just said that they were given their story and told to stick to it. Mostly he just shrugged it off. He was mostly pissed that their enlistments were extended, he was in his first hitch and didn't have plans to make a career of it. When I knew him he had about eighteen in.

Did it happen before the war?

Did the Gulf of Tonkin sway support from the masses to go to war?

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