Anyone here from Russia?



Hey everyone,

I'm writing a research paper on Russia and need as much info as I can get. :D If anyone is a former Russian citizen and could tell me about what the Soviet Union was like, that would be cool too...Thanks!
Wish I could be of some help, Enemy. I was privileged to enjoy an all-too-brief friendship with a Ukranian blues guitarist named Alexander (last name was just about indecipherable). He married a Russian-speaking American attorney and moved here to Cincinnati, where they had a baby boy, who is about 5 now, I guess. I jammed with Alexander many times; he was a hell of a musician.

Unfortunately, he took some terrible advice, and moved to New Orleans, alone, to try to crack the blues scene down there. He was a babe in the woods. He was ritualistically murdered in his apartment in Algeirs in 1999.

I don't know much about his life in the Soviet Union, but he sure got the shitty end of American life.
musicman said:
Unfortunately, he took some terrible advice, and moved to New Orleans, alone, to try to crack the blues scene down there. He was a babe in the woods. He was ritualistically murdered in his apartment in Algeirs in 1999.

That's terrible, really sad.
The problem with that exists in the large variety of cultures within what was the Soviet Union.

My step-mom grew up in Russia. I can saw Communism produced people with Character, Wisdom, Faith, and moral-courage.
No, I'm not from Russia, and have yet to visit. Though I plan to within the next couple years.

I studied Russian/Soviet history in school. Probably took enough credit hours to have a minor in it, but I just took them because it interested me and a minor probably would have required taking extraneous classes that would not have appealed to me.

I also learned Russian in school, so I've read several pieces of Russian/Soviet literature. The only good Soviet literature is the stuff that was hidden/censored until the collapse, and it is uniformly depressed. Go figure.
My husband is an aircraft mechanic and an aeroflot plane was at the airport where he worked and they were using some of the airlines facilities.....there is a tool that is used to wrap safety wire (used to keep nuts from coming loose and the procedure is time comsuming and difficult if it is done with regular pliers) the russian mech was working on the plane and my husband showed him the tool .....the guy had never seen one and was just amazed. My husband gave him the isnt cheap but the good will something like this establishes comes without a price tag....the russian mechanic was so grateful but had nothing to offer except a couple of cheap (but priceless) areoflot pins. Keep in mind these two guys didnt even speak the same language. Later another mechanic was going over to russia and he was talking to my husband about ideas for some husband suggested food. Turns out the guy did pack some canned meats and other food and the family he stayed with treated him with great hospitality.....he ate with them and shared their meager offerings which were generously given, he gave them the food he brought on the last day of his stay.....they were shocked and couldnt believe it and told him he should have shared it at first and they could have eaten better.....he told them that was why he withheld they could have it for themsleves. This would have been in about 1991 or 92 so not so long ago but much has changed since.
I also learned Russian in school, so I've read several pieces of Russian/Soviet literature.
There's american guy on YouTube who watches Soviet and Russian movies with subtitles, you can watch them too, it helps to learn the language.

I myself spent half my life in the USSR, Russia and Ukraine.
I study Russia and the Russians (not only them, of course) and even visited Russia few times.
Nice place and nice people. Really underestimated by nowaday "experts" and politicians.
Old thread, those people don't seem to be around anymore.
Litwin is a Russian troll. His allegedly pro-Ukrainian propaganda is so bad it makes Ukraine look bad.
keep sucking muslims off, you dirty mongol 🇷🇺 🐖

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Litwin is a Russian troll. His allegedly pro-Ukrainian propaganda is so bad it makes Ukraine look bad.
Litwin is not Russian. He's near Russia, but he's not Russian. He's hated Putler since at least 2011.

Shillian, Baron, and my mind just went blank.

Several others are. Possibly FrancoHFW.

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