Anyone else notice the propensity of mixed-race couples on television commercials?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
I've noticed this lately. But it always seems to be some geeky white liberal guy with a black wife, and a gaggle of mixed-race kids.

That's weird. It's almost like the advertising industry has written off black males because there's nothing more than a black male hates more, is to see a black woman with some white guy. That just seems to piss them off for some reason.
By the number of commercials depicting inter-racial couples you would think that was the norm and not the exception. I don't much care but I wonder what they are trying to "sell"? Do they think that helps market their product?
I've noticed this lately. But it always seems to be some geeky white liberal guy with a black wife, and a gaggle of mixed-race kids.

That's weird. It's almost like the advertising industry has written off black males because there's nothing more than a black male hates more, is to see a black woman with some white guy. That just seems to piss them off for some reason.
Since we see ads with black men and women of other races, that kinda renders your post to the racist idiocy it is. We haven't seen black men create laws that had to be overturned by the supreme court that made it illegal for black women to see white men like white men did. Your psychosis has no limits.
Was only a matter of time....:auiqs.jpg:

I want to see a commercial with a muslim man and jewish woman selling honeybaked ham.
I've noticed this lately. But it always seems to be some geeky white liberal guy with a black wife, and a gaggle of mixed-race kids.

That's weird. It's almost like the advertising industry has written off black males because there's nothing more than a black male hates more, is to see a black woman with some white guy. That just seems to piss them off for some reason.
Everybody knows white women love Black men so they are trying to brain wash you white guys into being more open about your love for Black women.
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I've noticed this lately. But it always seems to be some geeky white liberal guy with a black wife, and a gaggle of mixed-race kids.

That's weird. It's almost like the advertising industry has written off black males because there's nothing more than a black male hates more, is to see a black woman with some white guy. That just seems to piss them off for some reason.
Since we see ads with black men and women of other races, that kinda renders your post to the racist idiocy it is. We haven't seen black men create laws that had to be overturned by the supreme court that made it illegal for black women to see white men like white men did. Your psychosis has no limits.
Yeah talk about hating to see their women with another race. White men actually put legislation on the books to keep their white women in check and it still didnt work.
I've noticed this lately. But it always seems to be some geeky white liberal guy with a black wife, and a gaggle of mixed-race kids.

That's weird. It's almost like the advertising industry has written off black males because there's nothing more than a black male hates more, is to see a black woman with some white guy. That just seems to piss them off for some reason.
The actual interracial marriage rate is about 8%, but it's true, the rate in commercials seems to be much higher.
What is their purpose for doing that?
I've noticed this lately. But it always seems to be some geeky white liberal guy with a black wife, and a gaggle of mixed-race kids.

That's weird.
It's almost like the advertising industry has written off black males because there's nothing more than a black male hates more, is to see a black woman with some white guy. That just seems to piss them off for some reason.

Not just the advertising industry, but the USA as a whole ---except the GOP citizens of course.

Reflect on how much our cops gun down Black males and help to wrongly imprison Black males ---plus throw in, our society now seduces, Black women, into stop birthing Black males by procreating with White men.
I've noticed this lately. But it always seems to be some geeky white liberal guy with a black wife, and a gaggle of mixed-race kids.

That's weird. It's almost like the advertising industry has written off black males because there's nothing more than a black male hates more, is to see a black woman with some white guy. That just seems to piss them off for some reason.
Lots of gay couples snuggled up on sofas and whatnot too.
I don't see why the content of TV ads is important on any level.

Having said this, I have noticed that a lot of native-born African Americans are physically quite different from actual Africans in terms of complexion, facial characteristics, build. Given the history of punishing and sometimes murdering black men for even looking at a white woman, I suspect that white men have been attracted to black women for hundreds of years. Shoot, Sally Hemmings, romantically linked with Thomas Jefferson and perhaps the mother of his children, was the half-sister of his late wife. It's been all in the family for centuries, so why have a discussion about race in TV commercials?
It's almost like the advertising industry has written off black males because there's nothing more than a black male hates more, is to see a black woman with some white guy. That just seems to piss them off for some reason.

Hello, JGalt. I disagree, believing it is tribal thinking, PRO BLACK minded American women who become angry when witnessing men of African descent dating and marrying non-black females.

I also believe this woman intelligently explains why American men of African descent are seeking relationships with non-black females.

Click here: "Black women are destroying themselves & black men"

Respectfully, Instead of 'propensity,' I'm sure you meant to us the word 'proliferation' in your post's title.

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By the number of commercials depicting inter-racial couples you would think that was the norm and not the exception. I don't much care but I wonder what they are trying to "sell"? Do they think that helps market their product?

Regarding the question in the last sentence, the answer is YES.

When people see themselves in a commercial, that means that "We welcome your business."

If I were a Martian and saw other Martians enjoying a meal at Restaurant X, I would take that as a personal invitation.

Commercials represent the ideal society that so many people are expecting in the coming decades.
Everybody knows white women love Black men so they are trying to brain wash you white guys into being more open about your love for Black women.
Not true man.

White women (generally speaking) strongly prefer white men to the exclusion of all other races of men

So if a black man wishes to consider his options outside of the black community ? He'll face many challenges. Black men are not as popular sexually as the myths claim us to be. That's why you get black incels all over the net bitching about how they can't get laid.

If you watch porn and then yeah, you can easily be fooled into thinking that most white women have a secret fetish for black men.

Don't get it twisted - This isn’t completely untrue.

But the truth is the typical black male walking down the street.

I'm not talking about Drake or famous rappers or Steph Curry or top NFL player or NBA players or Idris Elba or The Rock...yeah they can fk bad bitches

No. I'm talking about the typical black male walking down the street is not that hot of a ticket as far as white or non black women are concerned and getting back to porn even there many female porn stars don't do blk guys, now that could be because their white managers tell them to. I mean Jenna Jameson made a career out of not fking blk guys. But it is, what it is.

But you try being black or non white female porn star and insist you won't do white guys ? They won't last a second.

And remember interracial porn only happens because white guys allow it to happen.

Black guys don't come in and say "I'm gonna fk all your white bitches on screen and there ain't nothing you white guys can do about it"

No !

In fact sometimes not only do they allow it to happen, there is an actual movement where it happens. It's called "Cuckold" that's a big thing on the net where white men invite and often film a black man fking their wife or g-friend and they get off on it.

It's just a gutter sex thing, them seeing their wives or girlfriends "slumming" it and debasing themselves by fking a black guy.

But that's white supremacy. Sexual domination is part of it too. White men are at the top of the food chain in terms of sexual selection among females the world over. That's why white men can go to Africa and sleep with women with ease and we all know how much Asian women love white guys.

The reasons for this lust are vast but the fact of the matter is that white dudes are a lot of woman’s type. You only need to look who get's most replies on dating apps. They have a broader range of women to pick from than other races of men.

The Race Pill Is Real.

White men will have positive stereotypes associated with them, making it easier to "cross over" and their positive stereotypes makes it such that most white women prefer them along side the shaming that comes with white women wanting to date outside their race.

The same thing occurs when white men apply for jobs, housing in certain neighbourhoods, loans etc. Favouritism is pretty consistent across all avenues when you make the comparison.

I’m reminded of the film "The Last King of Scotland" wherein James McAvoy's character (the 'good guy' of course) bangs the fk out the Ugandan dictator wife, played by the stunning Kerry Washington.

Monster's Ball is another good example. A scruffy Billy Bob can have hot, no-holds barred steamy sex scene with Halle Berry.

The very same scene with the races reversed, outside of pornography, would be unheard of. It'd be the like Lil Wayne or Rick Ross getting it on with Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox on screen.

Happen. Not. Gonna.

So the parents of non-white women generally find it at minimum acceptable for their daughters to bring a white guy home. If it were a black guy ? Doubters and haters would make their opinions known immediately
before they even met the guy.

I have rarely if ever have witnessed a woman of another race threatened to be cut off entirely just for being with a white guy.

Put yourself in a white fathers or mothers shoes for a second. There friends are white. The area where they live is white and there is his son or daughter dating and maybe even having kids to a black person ?

Let's be real here. A white father or mother wants their kids to look like them. His son or daughter having kids to a black man or woman puts a block on that.

If a white women with a black man and this results in kids ? She is vastly reducing her options for a future partner. White guys won't let her back in.

So here you have a WW with bi-racial kids. Those kids don't go away. They have to carry their bi-racial kids around white society. So that means their parents have to suffer. The kids suffer. The women suffers. I'm not saying this to hate or comes across like I'm lusting for white women. I'm not. Just telling you as it is.

Many white men and non black men instinctively recoil when they see a non-black girl with a black man.

Girls understand and feel this, and so many, who may be attracted, shy away from dating black dude. Or else try to keep any former black boyfriends from being known about by later.

Many white, Asian and on non black men that I’ve known have been repulsed by an otherwise attractive or even not so attractive girl of their race, if they find out she has dated black men.



Don't believe the hype
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