Anybody Still Think Obama Writes His Own Speeches?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Are there still folks here that think Obama writes his speeches?

Do you think he has the time to do this between all of the fundraisers, appearances on "The View", and golf outings?

The other day at the White House correspondent dinner he told a joke using a popular teen icon [Snookie] as part of the punchline.

On The View one of the ladies asked him yesterday if he was a Snookie fan and Obama said he didn't know who snookie was. Everyone on the couch seemed to know who Jersey Shore Snookie was except the President who had used her name in the joke not long ago.

Going back and watching the video of him telling the joke gives one the impression he was just reading it even more in retrospect.


Now this may be a silly point that I have to make but I get a little tired of the fawning adoration this guy gets and it was especially evident on The View. If Joy Behar could give Obama a BJ on that couch it appeared she would if given half a chance.

Many times I've seen people here say Obama writes his own speeches. To be honest there are serious questions about whether or not he even wrote his own books much less his speeches.
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I've never thought Obama wrote his own speeches, nor do I think he wrote all or most of his books.

Going on The View (looking to boost his approval rating and of course looking for votes for his party) and blowing off the 100 Anniversary for The Boy Scouts of America left me with yet another sour taste in my mouth.

His attempt at looking cool and funny, all the while insulting, is really growing old.
I've never thought Obama wrote his own speeches, nor do I think he wrote all or most of his books.

Going on The View (looking to boost his approval rating and of course looking for votes for his party) and blowing off the 100 Anniversary for The Boy Scouts of America left me with yet another sour taste in my mouth.

His attempt at looking cool and funny, all the while insulting, is really growing old.

I figure that's all it is.

He gets in a group of suckups and he feels right at home.

I feel uncomfortable in those types of situations.
Getting "really sick" of the adoration he receives sounds an awful lot like jealousy, to me.
That's true, Mudwhistle, but unlike you......................I'm here for the shear entertainment value of Left Vs. Right hatorade......................................NOT to make my Political grandstands. ; )
The other day at the White House correspondent dinner he told a joke using a popular teen icon [Snookie] as part of the punchline.

It's not obvious you to you that presidents don't write the jokes for the correspondents dinner?

Many times I've seen people here say Obama writes his own speeches. To be honest there are serious questions about whether or not he even wrote his own books much less his speeches.

Of course he doesn't write all of his speeches in their entirety today, there are probably a dozen profiles of his working relationship with Jon Favreau (head speechwriter) that you can look up. He tends to write the bulk of his significant speeches but certainly not the dozen he gives every week on any number of topics.

And who has raised serious questions that he didn't write his own books? "Serious" people no doubt.
It's a rare President that spends the time and has the conviction of his own ideas that he will write them himself: Lincoln and Reagan come to mind
It's a rare President that spends the time and has the conviction of his own ideas that he will write them himself: Lincoln and Reagan come to mind

Reagan grew Government. Talk about convictions and adoration :lol:
I've never thought Obama wrote his own speeches, nor do I think he wrote all or most of his books.

Going on The View (looking to boost his approval rating and of course looking for votes for his party) and blowing off the 100 Anniversary for The Boy Scouts of America left me with yet another sour taste in my mouth.

His attempt at looking cool and funny, all the while insulting, is really growing old.
Obama is a popularist President like a celebrity as was said during the election,and usually the popularist Presidents are the worst ones for the country with a few rare exceptions like Lincoln. Obama's administration are there for the power and can't be stuffed about the people unless they need to in order to stay in power. They are too weak to make the tough and unpopular decisions even if those decisions benefit the country, and they are out of touch with reality. So of course speeches are written for him, its a great big Hollywood movie except now people think its getting old and disturbing.
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It's a rare President that spends the time and has the conviction of his own ideas that he will write them himself: Lincoln and Reagan come to mind

Reagan grew Government. Talk about convictions and adoration :lol:

Reagan was not a dictator, he was a President and did not have control of Congress.

So the extent of his leadership, in-terms of effectiveness, is that he preached Conservatism and oversaw the opposite.

And so...Conservatives judge him based on.....................talking the talk, not walking the walk? Tight!~
I've never thought Obama wrote his own speeches, nor do I think he wrote all or most of his books.

Going on The View (looking to boost his approval rating and of course looking for votes for his party) and blowing off the 100 Anniversary for The Boy Scouts of America left me with yet another sour taste in my mouth.

His attempt at looking cool and funny, all the while insulting, is really growing old.
Obama is a popularist President like a celebrity as was said during the election,and usually the popularist Presidents are the worst ones for the country with a few rare exceptions like Lincoln. Obama's administration are there for the power and can't be stuffed about the people unless they need to in order to stay in power. They are too weak to make the tough and unpopular decisions even if those decisions benefit the country, and they are out of touch with reality. So of course speeches are written for him, its a great big Hollywood movie except now people think its getting old and disturbing.

Wait a second, I thought that he signed a Healthcare bill that was unpopular based on the poles? I guess you like to have it both ways. Bisexual?
Reagan grew Government. Talk about convictions and adoration :lol:

Reagan was not a dictator, he was a President and did not have control of Congress.

So the extent of his leadership, in-terms of effectiveness, is that he preached Conservatism and oversaw the opposite.

And so...Conservatives judge him based on.....................talking the talk, not walking the walk? Tight!~

What does any of this have to do with speech writing? It's this Short Attention Span Theater? In any event, he proposed eliminating the Dept of Education, remember?
Reagan was not a dictator, he was a President and did not have control of Congress.

So the extent of his leadership, in-terms of effectiveness, is that he preached Conservatism and oversaw the opposite.

And so...Conservatives judge him based on.....................talking the talk, not walking the walk? Tight!~

What does any of this have to do with speech writing? It's this Short Attention Span Theater? In any event, he proposed eliminating the Dept of Education, remember?

Ahh, well! All Hail Reagan then!!:eusa_eh:

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