Any Angle


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Any angle the Democrats, MSM and far left in this country can use they will try to undermine Trump. They are truly deranged. First it was RUSSIA! Then it was 'OBSTRUCTION!" Now it's "TAXES!" Aside from that the constant attacks on his Attorney General for daring to question Obama's FBI, the constant abuse his family has endured both by the FBI and the MSM.

AND.....It's getting worse....Why? Because NOW Barr is going after THEM!!! Fake dossier, conspiracy by FBI agents, wiretapping, etc. I hope Trump can endure because surely they (the guilty Democrats) will turn up the pressure in order to save themselves from jail time.
Dear Leo123 What's sad is
all the Conservatives need to do to pull the rug out from under Democrats
is just unite in declaring the Democratic Party and Platform to be a Political Religion
(including beliefs in Socialism, same sex marriage, and health care and abortion as rights)
and demand this be kept separate from Govt which can neither establish nor prohibit beliefs.

Thus recognizing Democrats as their own Political Religious denomination and organization
with full and equal rights to fund, follow, and exercise their beliefs and programs OUTSIDE GOVT.

That's all they'd have to do.
But if they can't even unite, then they remain divided and conquered.
When all they need to do is enforce the laws on religious freedom
and prohibiting Discrimination by Creed. And Party members would have to
keep their beliefs to themselves, as a free choice to follow and fund voluntarily,
instead of abusing Govt to impose those beliefs on the public by force of law.
Any angle the Democrats, MSM and far left in this country can use they will try to undermine Trump. They are truly deranged. First it was RUSSIA! Then it was 'OBSTRUCTION!" Now it's "TAXES!" Aside from that the constant attacks on his Attorney General for daring to question Obama's FBI, the constant abuse his family has endured both by the FBI and the MSM.

Um, everyone else who ever ran for President since 1970 has made his tax returns public, and Trump promised to as soon as a non-existent audit from the IRS is over. (This has to be the most inefficient audit ever!)

So the question becomes, what is he hiding?

AND.....It's getting worse....Why? Because NOW Barr is going after THEM!!! Fake dossier, conspiracy by FBI agents, wiretapping, etc. I hope Trump can endure because surely they (the guilty Democrats) will turn up the pressure in order to save themselves from jail time.

Yeah, good luck getting an indictment through a DC Jury for the FBI actually doing it's job.
Someone woke up grumpy. It's not like Mr Trump's propensity for shady deals and system rigging was unknown before the election. You willingly and with eyes wide open voted for a man that was an impeachment waiting to happen. Next time find a big fat stupid loudmouth that is not a criminal.

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