Anti Vaxxers Shut Down Georgia Vaccine site

But i thought you folks were saying "Get it if you want to"

Now you're harassing medical staff and shutting down vaccine sites?
"Do you have insurance?!"


But i thought you folks were saying "Get it if you want to"

Now you're harassing medical staff and shutting down vaccine sites?
My body is my choice,

not when it comes to abortion:

Texas law banning most abortions has gone into effect

A controversial Texas abortion law took effect at midnight local time Wednesday, but the Supreme Court has yet to act on an emergency appeal from abortion providers and abortion rights advocates to put the law on hold. The Texas law, signed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in May, bans abortions when a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can occur at six weeks – often before many women know they are pregnant. What makes the Texas law different is its unusual enforcement scheme. Rather than have officials responsible for enforcing the law, private citizens are authorized to sue abortion providers and anyone involved in facilitating abortions. Under the law, anyone who successfully sues another person would be entitled to at least $10,000.

Texas' abortion law, Louisiana's recovery, Caldor Fire's path: 5 things to know Wednesday (

by 6 weeks most women don't know if they are pg.
We are. That is some small random group acting on their own. As usual you are trying to smear all of us with the actions of a few.
No it all over the place, anti vaxxers and anti masks, in every state.

The my body my choice is only allowed for republicans.
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But i thought you folks were saying "Get it if you want to"

Now you're harassing medical staff and shutting down vaccine sites?
good for them --BURN it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and do some looting while they are at it people HONOR and love that shit
good for them --BURN it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and do some looting while they are at it people HONOR and love that shit
You'd love it, why don't you start a civil war about it. Cawthorn wants to.

But i thought you folks were saying "Get it if you want to"

Now you're harassing medical staff and shutting down vaccine sites?
I hope this action somehow makes you die.
Seems like you are trying smear all of us with the actions of a few and now you are trying to change the subject. Another standard tactic. Are you going to call me a Racist next? That's the next line in your playbook.
And yet here you turds are defending this

But i thought you folks were saying "Get it if you want to"

Now you're harassing medical staff and shutting down vaccine sites?

The Pro-Vax people at various social media sites are shutting down the voices of those who are opposed.

Further, some pro-vax businesses are demanding that their customers be pro-vax.

It isn't like the Anti-Vax people started this battle.
These are some disturbed people
The Pro-Vax people at various social media sites are shutting down the voices of those who are opposed.

Further, some pro-vax businesses are demanding that their customers be pro-vax.

It isn't like the Anti-Vax people started this battle.
So, take your business elsewhere.
Why don't you nut jobs have issues with wearing a shirt?
Why don't Trumpsters have issues with wearing shoes?
Why aren't you nut jobs going around to cars and cutting the seatbelts out of them?

Why aren't you nut jobs going to the clean forum on US message board and leaving a cuss filled rant?

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